Today’s lecture from the Left

| August 24, 2010

So I got this email this morning from someone I’ve never heard of before now. Apparently she thinks I used one of her articles in discussing serial terrorist Bradley Manning. I can’t find where I ever used her tripe. A quick Google search turned up her masters thesis on saving some bids somewhere, but nothing on her Brad Manning article.

In any event, here’s her vacuous lecture;

name = Charlotte Sheasby-Coleman
email =
comments = Hi “thisainthell”.

Re your comments on Bradley Manning and the article “Please Don`t Shoot the Messenger“, I wrote the article and so I am happy to respond, although I do not, of course, speak for Bradley Manning. We don’t know if he is the source of the leaks but, if he is, I support him and hope that the sharing of real information about the wars will help to end them and usher in a better future. As for the message from Bradley, or whoever is responsible for the leaks, how’s this — rather than bringing democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan, and security to the United States, the invasions have further destabilized the fragile Middle East, have created a breeding ground for terrorists and have ensured that thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of hitherto peaceful Iraqi and Afghan citizens now hate the U.S. and may embrace radical Islamic sentiments that they never would have before. The fact that thousands upon thousands of those people have died and suffered because of American/coalition action and that thousands of young coaltion soldiers have died needlessly is abominable. The message being delivered is that arrogant American foreign policy as well, as the apathy of the people who vote for the people who deliver it, is responsible for death and destruction and hatred that completely overwhelms the horrors of what happened in New York and elsewhere on 9-11. The ultimate message being delivered is that acknowledgement of our shared humanity, respect and the desire to work towards a peaceful co-existence on our planet, is the only thing that will ensure that our children and grandchildren and this earth we live on will survive. How’s that for a message?

In peace, Charlotte

I’m pretty sure that dear Charlotte would never see a legitimate reason for the US to apply force of arms to any situation. And I’m not sure who she thought she was talking to, that’s why I shared this with you – because her message is wasted on me. So you can respond to her.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Liberals suck

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Just A Grunt

the desire to work towards a peaceful co-existence on our planet,

Sort of like bi-partisan politics? You see honey there is one side who glorifies suicide bombers, advocates the treatment of women as disposable property, and can’t even make nice among themselves, you know that whole Sunni/Shiite thing and then another side that builds schools, hospitals, bring agricultural knowledge and many other things designed to improve the station of the people they come into contact with.

Peaceful co-existence does not mean bowing down to the brutal psychopaths in the mistaken hope that you are the last to be killed.


I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately. Thanks to Jonn and the rest of the crew at TAH for publishing this non-pharmaceutical cure to my insomnia.


bullshit. You know damn straight that these co-existance freaks don’t really live that way in their own lives. When confronted, they retaliate, when angered they react. They yell and scream and stomp their feet but when a bunch of radicals declare war on the US and kill innocent people they start crying about the big bad US. like one of your friends said on here this week, the US gave them th right to act stupid, run their stupid little mouths and annoy the people who’ve fought to protect that right.

Stupid Carolyn. In radical Islam, she’d be executed for speaking to Jonn in that tone. Fuck her and all the stupid women like her that don’t realize OUR RIGHTS came on the backs of MEN WHO FIGHT AND WAGE WAR. (and more recently, women, obviously. Thank you America, AGAIN.) and I’d bet a million to your one that they sure as hell didn’t want to HAVE to wage war– but life is like that. I’d say it’s like having to spank your kids but she’s probably one of the idiots that don’t have the fortitude to teach her kids right either.

Stupid women make the rest of us look bad. UGH


What an idiot.

If she had spent some time handing out coloring books, markers and other things to little girls who were finally allowed to go to school she might feel a little differently. All those little girls wanted was a chance at an education, and dumb twits like Charlotte want to take that away from them.

So let me ask this, is it ok with Charlotte that Women be subjudgated? If not, at what point does their emancipation become “too expensive” in terms of actual dollars and lives. This is an important question that I have never heard one of these numbnuts answer.


Down deep, left/liberals yearn to be defiled like prison bitches on Man-Love Thursday by strong, manly jihadists (even the girls).

Adirondack Patriot

Another kool-aid drinker from the “Democracy Now” cult who has probably never been to Iraq or Afghanistan proclaiming how we have created breeding ground for new terrorists there.


According to her its our fault that people who want to rule the world in a most barbaric and primitive way and impose themselves on us have become our enemy. And just how does a shared humanity come into this without total surrender from one side. Her typical low left opinion of US troops identifies her as a malcontent detached from reality.


I support him and hope that the sharing of real information about the wars will help to end them and usher in a better future.

Tell that to the family of the tribal chief whose name was on the documents that were released. I’m sure they will understand your desire for tolerance at his expense.


how’s this — rather than bringing democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan, and security to the United States, the invasions have further destabilized the fragile Middle East, have created a breeding ground for terrorists and have ensured that thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of hitherto peaceful Iraqi and Afghan citizens now hate the U.S. and may embrace radical Islamic sentiments that they never would have before.
–This may be a false dichotomy. It’s possible that the American-lead Coalition efforts helped produce not only a “safer” US and two democratic(-ish) new political orders but also destabilized the Middle East (loosely defined), created “breeding grounds” for terrorists and contributed to local disenchantment re: US/Western/foreign involvement in those countries.

Whether any of the above scenarios are an accurate reflection of political cause and effect, generally speaking, is another matter.

The message being delivered is that arrogant American foreign policy as well, as the apathy of the people who vote for the people who deliver it, is responsible for death and destruction and hatred that completely overwhelms the horrors of what happened in New York and elsewhere on 9-11.
–If informed policy analysis are so important – and perhaps the thought of vengeance, too – why not apply the same standards to the Balkans? Serbs never bombed New York or London; but anywhere from a few hundred to a couple of thousand of Serbian citizens died in prolonged NATO operations against that state. Kosovo is a deeply emotional subject for many Serbs and remains a NATO police effort.

Curiously this US foreign policy “arrogance” has not dangerously destabilized the region, or apparently alienated Yugoslav heads of state, or translated into waves of Serbian suicide bombers in Kosovo or elsewhere. Why is that?


Damned if we do, and damned if we don’t, I guess.

Can’t we just stuff people like her in a large crate and mail her somewhere?

Maybe if we mailed her to Iran, they’d shut down the nuclear power plant in exchange for us taking her back…

Old Tanker

The ultimate message being delivered is that acknowledgement of our shared humanity, respect and the desire to work towards a peaceful co-existence on our planet, is the only thing that will ensure that our children and grandchildren and this earth we live on will survive. How’s that for a message?

To whom? People that would pimp slap you and cut your tongue out for saying such things to a man?


One can’t “co-exist” with someone who desires to slowly cut your head off, Charlotte. But, by all means, please go to Waziristan or Helmand and try. Then get back to us, mmm-kay?


One unbiased observer tried to figure out, by analyzing a number of independent (or somewhat independent) surveys of the number of deaths of Iraqi citizens since the invasion. He concluded that the most conservative estimate that would be accurate is that “hundreds of thousands” of Iraqi citiznes have died as a result of the invasion. That is the lowest number that makes any sense. Indeed, it could be significantly higher. I’ve never heard anyone posting on this site shed a single tear for a single one of the hundreds of thousands (? millions?) of dead Iraqi’s. As Tommy Lee Jones said in “No Country For Old Men”, you’ve got some hard bark on you.

Old Tanker

Again Joe has problems with numbers…”hundrends of thousands” has probably been debunked hundreds of thousands of times by “One unbiased observer whom I shall not name for the sake of ambiguity”


fuck you, joe. there. I said it. I will be damned if you stand there and say one of us– if not ALL OF US have shed tears for ONE SINGLE LOST LIFE– in iraq and other places. You callling it hundreds of thousands doesn’t make it true, but one lost life is sad, heart breaking and brings BETTR MEN THAN YOU to their knees…. THAT IS WHY IT TAKES STRENGTH– AND HARD BARK– TO BE THE ONE YOUR NATION SENDS TO FIGHT.
so fuck you. bitch.

Just A Grunt

When talking about the number of Iraqis killed it is important to remember who was doing the killing. Of course according to the moderate Muslim defenders of the Ground Zero Victory Tower I guess none of those were ‘innocent’ Muslims anyway so the terrorists were justified in killing them and then blaming the Americans.

But hey, don’t let facts get in the way of good liberal faux concern for the citizens of Iraq. Just like we see all that liberal concern for the women of Afghanistan.


Thanks for your impeccable citations Joe.

And there is no such thing as an unbiased observer.


Hard Bark? You don’t know the half of it. If your bark doesn’t harden in a shithole like Iraq, you’ll go home in a long, plain, aluminum box. So, no, I don’t much care.


The person who is not willing to fight for peace is not serious about wanting peace.


Joe…don’t take the side of an ignorant woman — or anyone else — who accuses our troops of mass murder and atrocities. You know better. Or should.

Old Tanker

You know better. Or should

Cutting him alot of slack aren’t you?

Southern Class

Charlotte, Joe, and others of the liberal progressive persuasion are a joke! Just as in their arguments supporting Illegal Immigration- They want the USA to open itself up to them, but won’t allow them to sleep in their living room, eat their groceries, or use their health care cards. They only support them in superficial words, but not in practical application. They are so shallow as to believe that Israel attacks others without provocation, when in fact, most of us Israel supporters see Israel as bending so far over backward that we expect here to fall.
Muslims, whether they be in a bomb building shop in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Gaza or downtown Manhattan, have no intention of having their religion, (that is a major stretch of a word), stand alongside other religions. To them it is all or nothing.
They intend to conquer the world, they let everyone know, but yet, there is that element of goofballs that think that they can be reasoned with, and that they would share this country.
As Col Potter would say: Horsehockey!
Dunces, the lot of them.


Not really, OT. I don’t believe Joe is ignorant or uninformed; I think he occasionally likes to roll an emotional grenade into the room just to watch the reaction.


He concluded that the most conservative estimate that would be accurate is that “hundreds of thousands” of Iraqi citiznes have died as a result of the invasion.
–It’s possible; but there is good reason to doubt the provenance of so many “scientific” casualty and mortality statistics since the execrable Lancet study a ways back.

I suspect some of the “deaths” tabulated following the invasion are actually displaced persons in Iraq or now living outside the country. While it is true that the nature of the conflict is such that many deaths will go unreported, and likely that mortuary numbers in some cities are on the low end of the scale, on the other hand postwar violence afflicted certain parts of the country – usually Sunni Arab residencies like Anbar and particular parts of Baghdad, but also Mosul, Nineveh, and the odd spat in Basra – worse than the rest of the country and past studies have failed to adjust for these “hot zones.” Another troubling facet of the current body count is that mass graves from the Saddam era may be tabulated along with contemporary victims…

… From a personal perspective it is hard to believe that a low-intensity conflict like today’s Iraq approaches the sort of carnage we saw in, say, the Iran-Iraq War – an industrial battle that leaves less room for doubt about the scale and human cost.


Hey Charlotte, pick your own response from the following two choices;


“There’s no such thing as life without bloodshed. I think the notion that the species can be improved in some way, that everyone could live in harmony, is a really dangerous idea. Those who are afflicted with this notion are the first ones to give up their souls, their freedom. Your desire that it be that way will enslave you and make your life vacuous.” – Cormac McCarthy


Pound sand.


Are you seriously quoting Tommy Lee fucking Jones, you stupid twit?? One of THE most liberal mouthpieces in Hollyweird and you want to quote a character he plays??

Christ, you need to spend the rest of your life just beating the shit out of yourself for being so damned stupid.


Here’s my response to Charlotte:

Thanks so much for taking time away from your busy schedule with Code Pink just to lecture some war veterans and impart your “expertise” on the terrorist-laden Middle East, and your theories on “arrogant American foreign policy”

The next time you comment, would it be too much trouble to ask that you first extract your head from your ass?

A former Soldier “responsible for death and destruction” of some very bad Islamic terrorists.

How’s that for a message, sweetpea?

B Woodman

