The Surge has Failed

| July 8, 2008

Only a truly brain dead buffoon can keep chanting the “Surge has failed”; even the Messiah and that mouth-breathing, traitorous old fool Murtha can see it.

But apparently not Arianna Huffington:

John McCain, aided and abetted by his loving protectors in the media, is running a victory lap on Iraq. To hear them tell it, the surge has “worked” — indeed, it has been a huge success — and this, like a last second Hail Mary pass, has vindicated the entire disastrous Iraq misadventure.

But here we are, 18 months later, and McCain and the GOP are being allowed to change the goal. And, surprise, surprise, the retroactive goal they’ve chosen is remarkably similar to the current situation in Iraq: violence is down while the “progress in other critical areas” is sorely lagging.

No surprise then that, according to the Times, experts think real reconciliation in Iraq could take decades.
And this is the good news out of Iraq.
Of course, the “imminent threat” turned out to be non-existent, and our presence in Iraq has strengthened the hand of every bad actor in the region: al Qaeda is safe and adding recruits, Hamas has come to power in Palestine, Hezbollah has reasserted itself in Lebanon, and Iran has become the strongest player in Iraq. Meanwhile, the reduction in casualties in Iraq is starting to be offset by increased casualties in Afghanistan .. So, tell me again: how is the surge working?

I know it’s difficult to understand Ms. Huffington’s position so let me shine a bit of light on it for you. After all we are all about helping our readers understand some the radically idiotic statements from the left.

Often times it is nothing more complicated than a grand lie and other times it is the overt omission of facts (See Jonn’s earlier post today about timelines). This one gets a bit trickier in that we have to invoke the time-space continuum to explain it.

Not too long ago American Progress (an uber-leftist website) reported:

Total Benchmarks: 3 of 18 Accomplished

On the one year anniversary of President Bush’s State of the Union address justifying his “New Way Forward” in Iraq, it is clear that the surge has failed to meet its objectives. One year ago, the president pledged that “America will hold the Iraqi government to the benchmarks it has announced.” Despite the fact that the Iraqi government has only met three of the 18 benchmarks laid out last year, an end to U.S. military and financial commitment is nowhere in sight.

Okay, now for the time warp problem. That was written on January 24, 2008. Our crack staff of researchers at This Ain’t Hell have determined that this is probably the exact date that Ms. Huffington forced her head up her ass. It is also fairly clear that it is still there.

MSNBC (hardly a staunch mouthpiece of the Bush administration) this week reported:

The White House sees the progress in a particularly positive light, declaring in a new assessment to Congress that Iraq’s efforts on 15 of 18 benchmarks are “satisfactory” — almost twice what it determined to be the case a year ago.

As for the rest of her totally empty platitudes, let’s look a little deeper. The only source she cites in the entire article is the New York Times which is either lazy, incompetent blogging or simply regurgitating the leftist spin of the NYT.

Al Qaeda is not safe; in fact they are being killed on a scale that they can not sustain.

Al Qaeda’s recruiting is in the tank. They are forced to use women and the mentally impaired.

Hamas and Hezbollah would be non-existent were it not for the leftists at the UN and in the US congress. Why doesn’t some Arab country welcome the Palestinians? Because they do not want them and have expelled them repeatedly for years.

The military death toll is in fact higher in Afghanistan. It’s closely reaching levels of New Orleans or Detroit to a level that reached 46 which includes all coalition forces, not just Americans (a little distinction that the NYT does not mention). While 46 is a tragedy, there is no mention of the hundreds of terrorists killed in the same period.

Note to Democrats; next time you decide to send me links from a mouthpiece make sure her head has been extracted from her ass.

Category: Politics

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LT Nixon

All good points, but…

You, sir, have pre-empted my post on my blog about the egregious Huffington Post article! True my post was up after yours, but the polite and gentleman thing to do would have been to email me and ask “Hey, ElTee, are you going to write about the HuffPo article later in the evening?”. I was mulling the topic over while microwaving a Hungry Man and clearly you did not bother to ask me during the supper hour. Imagine my heart being shattered to find that this post was in my google reader after I was halfway done with my own. I will never return to this blog, evah!

Jonn wrote:
Your supper hour is our bedtime, although COB6 is in the Central Time Zone…still. Forgive me for not clearing my other posts with you today, while you were sleeping, but, in the words of Bill the Cat; thpppt!


[Al Qaeda’s recruiting is in the tank. They are forced to use women and the mentally impaired.]

Well Arianna is doing her part. Does she get double credit?


Raoul…I just spewed!! Hahaha


Yeah, the open-minded folks over at the Puff Host have recently banned me for asking direct questions. Anyway, while we can go down the checklist of her asinine assumptions, one of them really stodd out: Iran is now the strongest player in Iraq.

To write this, then publish it could very well be one of the dumbest things she’s ever done; and that’s saying something.
So Iran, not the U.S., not the Iraqis, not al qaeda in Iraq, not the Kurds………nope, it’s Iran. I think Huffington is trying to top Pelosi for being the dumbest female, Angry Leftist of our time.


Surge is working. The War as a whole is a complete bust.

In the American Revolution, if the British had sent more Redcoats in a surge they would have had some temporary success too. But they still would have never successfully occupied a country with a militia of determined patriots utilizing unconventional guerrilla tactics.

Jonn wrote: Neither would we be successful at an occupation. But then, that’s not our strategy, is it?


Do you mean strategy or goal?

If our goal is to eradicate all insurgents then a surge is a strategic step in the right direction. But to think we can kill every single one of them without indefinite occupation is not possible… at least not in any humanely acceptable way.

If the goal is to set up a safe, just, and prosperous society then again our strategy of democratic elections also comes up short. Democracy is simply a method of choosing your rulers and is not a guarantee of liberty… just look at how democracy has worked out for us.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, our history is such a dismal failure. :eyeroll:


Raoul – I love you! That was the line of the day!


Yes, well actually it is. Although it is somewhat off topic I will indulge you with a litany of examples if you wish.

Jonn wrote: No, thanks, I already know what you think is so terrible about this country. And you’ll only get angry when I give you a one line response.


Would that be
A. Don’t let the door hit you
B. I’ll buy a plane ticket or
C. If it’s so bad here, let me get the ticket, you STFU and get the hell out!!
I vote C.

Shocked and Awed

I think I can see where Rooney is going with this. While there was certainly a lack of liberty under Sadam’s regime there are plenty of examples of similar lack of liberties on our own country. Replacing one form of government with an equally oppressive one is pointless. Any form of state control is inherently doomed.

Let’s not be so arrogant to think that our Government’s past is not full of it’s own atrocities against humanity. From the enslavement of African Americans to the near extermination of Native Americans. From the Japanese American internment camps of WWII to mankind’s first and only use of nuclear weapons against innocent Japanese non-combatant civilians. From legislating what rights a woman has with respect to her womb, to the rights a same sex couple has to union and other religious/moral issues. Not to mention the greatest threat to our personal liberties the Patriot Act has brought or the reckless spending our Government has burdened us with as seen by their outrageous taxes and hidden inflation. Our great Democracy has invaded every aspect of our lives in the most harsh and negative way possible.


Our very own new troll, can we keep him Jonn?

Fee, Fi, Fo, Fut, methinks I smell the blood of a Ron Paul nut!

Frankly Opinionated

Shocked and Awed probably believes that the two sides to Abortion are “Right to Life” and Freedom of Choice”. He seems to thick to see the truth: That the principle has no choice, for him/her, it is sure death in the latter. And not a pretty one at that. The true two sides are “Right to Life” or Freedom to Murder”, not a bit of gray, just black and white.
And, on use of Nuclear power- You end war by killing civilians, lots of civilians. Ask Genghis Khan, and anyone else victorious in war. And, what exactly has the Patriot Act done to the liberties of a legally living citizen? I have been searching for this revelation since the wackos first mentioned it.
Shocked and Awed is certified.
nuf sed

Shocked and Awed

What exactly is our goal in Iraq anyways? What is our strategy? What outcome are we looking for?

Lets say that somehow Iraq makes a full economic recovery and returns to being a regional power… They’re still going to hate Israel and we’re going to be obligated to side against them, just like we are doing against Iran.


Who are these tools Andy or Mickey Rooney and Shock and Awe?

Hey Shock, when Japan attacked and declared war on us, their whole citizenry lost its innocence. Is it really different if you’re dead from a nuke or a fire bomb or regular bomb? Were all the folks in Berlin and elsewhere in Germany poor innocents? Or did they just get up and put on Band-Aids after Allied bombing raids? Those evil British women and children and the elderly in Liverpool and London during the Blitz got what was coming to them under the Blitz, right? Nanking women deserved rape, I suppose. Only the U.S. killed innocent people in WWII–I get it now.

Such simple minds like yours should be in a museum.


What exactly is our goal in Iraq anyways? What is our strategy? What outcome are we looking for?

**A reasonable form of republic with commerce and a sense of decency instead of a stupid backward Islamic Hate Pit run by twisted fux. The idea is perhaps a seed can be planted in the region that begins to change the dynamic. Will it last? Will it work? We don’t know. But making an effort for the better is preferable to letting it fester and explode. Japan is one of America’s best friends now. A lot of us with our heads NOT up our asses hope the same for Iraq in the future and maybe more of the Middle East to follow because of it. Either we do something post 9-11 with the shit hole or we sit around and bitch like you. I prefer the former.

Shocked and Awed

Frankly Opinionated- You have to be one of the most disturbed and moronic people on this board so I’ll let you off the hook.

Brad- In your rush to label me simple you completely missed the entire point. Other than proving the thickness of your own skull, you also proved my point even further. True- the US is not a unique example of State power run amuck. History is rich with examples of the the atrocities committed by the State. Hence my point- the State is inherently evil.

You make a perfect slave Brad.

Jonn wrote:
Is that you, ken meiux?


And yet natural man, in a stateless society is phenomenal! Not at all solitary, poor, nasty brutish and short, rather it is WONDERFUL!

Anarchy, learn it, live it, love it. Also, Ron Paul has a blimp.


Rooney Says:
July 9th, 2008 at 11:21 am
Yes, well actually it is. Although it is somewhat off topic I will indulge you with a litany of examples if you wish.

Hey roon,

If our history has been such a ‘failure’ feel free to do what liberals do best and revise it.


Oh yeah, and as for this:
“What exactly is our goal in Iraq anyways? What is our strategy? What outcome are we looking for?”

Al Qaeda not only operated in Afghanistan but throughout the Middle East.

Let me make this simple:
The invasion of Afghanistan was prompted by its use as the major operating base for al Qaeda.

The invasion of Iraq was instigated by 12 years of nose thumbing on the part of a WMD-wielding terrorist-supporting megalomaniac. U.N. Resolution 1441 gave Hussein an ultimatum and us the specific authority to force compliance, by any necessary means. That included military force. In case you didn’t know, we found a substantial amount of hidden WMD along with documents and recordings in which Saddam Hussein emphatically stated his intention to continue WMD development and deception.

Had I been in power, I would have made William Tecumseh Sherman look like a Boy Scout. Four countries would have been carpet-bombed into asphalt parking lots: Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Syria. That is how you fight a war. But I was a Soldier, not a diplomat.

This is what the GWOT in Iraq and Afghanistan has accomplished:
Elimination of at least two of the ME terrorist operating bases and establishing influence and the spread of freedom right smack dab in the middle of an Islamofascist region. Iraq and Afghanistan are making great progress. For the first time in their history, representative governments are being formed, public and business infrastructures are being built, and the people are practicing new found freedoms that we take for granted. They vote, run for office, and speak through a free press. They are being prepared for the day when our mission is complete and theirs begins. They now have representative Parliaments and are being trained to provide for the defense of their countries.

In short, we put a big fucking monkey wrench in the Islamofascist plan for a world Caliphate.

richard wheeler

Truly unbelievable macho bullshit.Bomb Iraq and Afghanistan into asphalt parking lots in order to “build new found freedoms and representative govts”.That’s rich.What rank are you to conceive such a brilliant plan.U.S Army?

Raoul Deming


“Also, Ron Paul has a blimp”

Sorry, but that’s not a blimp, it’s Elvis Kokesh’s ego…


Wow… where to start? First I’d like to take exception to Shock and Odd’s condemnation of the use of the atom bomb in WWII to kill “innocent Japanese” civilians,( an act that completely ended a war with a nation who had sworn to resist an Allied invasion of Japan to the last person which would have resulted in enormously higher numbers of casualties for both Japanese citizens and an invading force), and in the same breath praising women’s right to slaughter millions of innocent unborn babies. That’s some twisted logic. And don’t try and give me the excuse that a fetus isn’t a baby. Anyone who thinks that an 18 week gestation fetus isn’t a baby has never seen a mother’s pain as she held her premature baby in her hands as it struggled to breathe, or heard her anguished cry as the tiny lungs gave up. Calling abortion a “woman’s right to choose” is like calling the Holocaust the “Nazi’s right to choose”. Murder is murder. I agree with a woman’s right to control her womb, but it needs to be exercised prior to her getting herself pregnant. You don’t want kids? Fine. Have yourself sterilized or use the 100% effective birth control option of keeping your legs crossed. Cases of unwanted pregnancies from rape and incest make up a tiny percentage of abortions, the vast majority are done for convenience. As far as The United States being so “flawed”, well…we may not do everything right, but we’re a hell of a lot closer to getting it right than anywhere else is. I don’t see a lot of people from New Jersey throwing themselves on anything that floats, desperate to reach Haiti or Cuba. The mere fact that you Moonbats can spew this vacuous bullshit is a testament of the lies you promulgate. Try writing some of this excrement against the governments in Iran, or Cuba, or any of the other shitholes of the world as a citizen of those countries, then let me know how that works out for you (if you ever get out of the gulag).… Read more »


That’d be the far loony left, Ray….I loved GI Janes reply to the asshat! Shoulda carpet bombed ’em into a parking lot in the first place! My kinda gal! woohoo!