The answer, of course, is “no, we didn’t”

| August 20, 2010

Um, Larry, why wasn’t your follow up question “WTF are you talking about, Russell?”

Category: Liberals suck

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“Did we blame Christians for the first WTC attack”?

WTF? that was Muslims then Russell.

It’s a Animal House Moment. “Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor”?


Genius. Larry King is actually giving this idiot air time? That’s pathetic.


If you’ll go back and look at the blog about the voter intimidation by the Black Panther Party where they walked all over the flag, etc., you’ll notice Mr. Simmons sitting on the sidewalk in attendance.


Wow, douchebag. Way to make me sorry I ever paid for your music. WHY oh WHY do famous people talk about politics? You really show how disconnected and plain f&#king DUMB you really are.