Jim Webb Bails, Richard Wails

| July 7, 2008


Sorry Richard, that was too easy and totally of your own making. Don’t make me post the man-crush comments that you have sent on Jim “Damn my head is enormous” Webb. Hey, he got fired as a Republican so the only recourse was the “feeling” party.

Apparently Webb is not entirely down with Barry.

Sen. Jim Webb said Monday he will not be Barack Obama ’s running mate.
“Under no circumstances will I be a candidate for vice president,” the Virginia Democrat said in a statement released to reporters.

Webb’s appeal to rural conservatives and his background as a combat veteran and former Navy secretary in a Republican presidential administration have been cited as reasons Obama might consider him for the second spot on the Democratic ticket.

But a national campaign is not in Webb’s plans.

This is bad news for a couple of folks.

Number one is Barry. He already tossed Wesley Clark who he never really considered anyway and now Webb has hung up on him. Unless Colin Powell decides to commit political suicide, he is in real trouble on the military and foreign relations issues. Actually, other than being a socialist manipulator, he’s amazingly weak on all issues.

Number two is me. I think I wanted Webb on the ticket as much as Richard did; for totally different reasons of course. I was so looking forward to lampooning this totally empty opportunist.

Oh yeah, and I liked making graphics of shit being caught up in the gravitational pull of his enormous head.

Category: Politics

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richard wheeler

Cob6 Not a problem.Webb did his job when he came from 20 points back to beat conservative heartthrob and Pres. hopeful Sen. George “macaca” Allen(R.VA.)to secure Dem.majority in Senate in 2006.He’ll campaign hard for Obama in Virginia along with Dems Mark Allen and Tim Kaine.Wins in swing states like Va.,Colo.,New Mexico,Iowa will ensure Obama victory.Note In recent post I predicted Gebhardt for V.P. pick but suggested Obama could win with anyone, whereas Mac must pick Romney just to keep it close.Thanks for the shout-out.R.W.

richard wheeler

correction Mark Warner not Allen


Frankly, I don’t really care who wins at this time. GOP, then slightly more conservative, Obama and we have 2010 to look forward to.

Either way, glad Richard isn’t a GOP consultant, since he clearly knows jack shite about the election.

richard wheeler

TSO GOP would never hire me.But I got 100 bucks on Obama straight up.Any takers?


No, but you said “keep it close” and I predict a win with under 300 electoral votes. Also, I don’t think Romney is the ideal GOP VP choice, but whatever. Matter of fact, I can think of about 7 people right off who bring more to the table than Romney and with less baggage.

richard wheeler

TSO After 2000 and 04 Dems happy with 270-268.Who’s your Repub.V.P.choice?


Mine personally, or who do I think it will be. Over Romney I have (in no particular order)

Pawlenty, Coburn, Thune, Palin, Fiorna, Sanford, Ridge, Pence.

richard wheeler

TSO I know them all except Sanford?.Fiorina leads V.P. search committee.Cheney led “W’s” in 2000.She may pick herself.


She wouldn’t really be my top pick, but lord knows a woman wouldn’t hurt. Palin may actually be too cute.

Sanford is the Gov of SC.

I’m personally hoping for Pawlenty, although his politics are left of mine, he’s just a really really good guy, charismatic and I have a few connections with friends of his. So, Pawlenty is my selfish pick.

As a conservative, Coburn would make me happy, but he may be a bit too outspoken on things. Maybe I would add in DeMint since my vote doesn’t matter anyway.

richard wheeler

Wow I thought Romney was right wing till I studied your list.Other than Fiorina I see very little in common with McCain.Understand lukewarm feelings of Conservatives towards Mac.He is in big trouble as Obama moves towards center knowing left won’t leave him because they are so anti-Bush.


I wouldn’t really classify them as right wing. Some clearly are, but Ridge and Pawlenty I don’t think are. McCain has problems on the right though, and not many people vote AGAINST a VP candidate, so it would be a sop to the right.

Pawlenty is more a populist conservative type.