Party Unity Continues to Elude Barry

| July 7, 2008


I don’t think the Messiah has managed this whole party unity thing just yet.

Here’s another “Under the bus” list; only this one is from a group of hardcore Democrats and they are clearly not very happy.
Who’s next under the bus?
1. Rep. Alice Palmer, 12/18/95
2. Bill Clinton, 6/15/07
3. New Hampshire Voters, 1/10/08
4. Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1/12/08
5. Black superdelegates, 2/15/08
6. Louis Farrakhan, 2/26/08
7. Austan Goolsbee, 3/3/08
8. Samantha Power, 3/8/08
9. Geraldine Ferraro, 3/11/08
10. His grandmother, 3/18/08
11. Michigan voters, 3/19/08
12. Typical white persons, 3/20/08
13. Asian supporters, 4/7/08
14. Clingy, bitter smalltowners, 4/11/08
15. Rev. Wright, 4/29/08
16. West Virginia voters, 5/9/08
17. Kentucky voters, 5/16/08
18. Father Pfleger, 5/29/08
19. Democracy, 5/31/08
20. His church, 6/1/08
21. Roy LaVerne Brooks, 6/3/08
22. Tony Rezko, 6/3/08
23. Bill Ayers, 6/9/2008
24. Jim Johnson, 6/11/08
25. Black fathers, 6/13/08
26. Muslim women, 6/18/08
27. Campaign-finance reform, 6/19/08
28. Liberal blogosphere, 6/25/08
19. Michael Klonsky, 6/26/08
30. Gun control, 6/28/08
31. Gen. Wes Clark, 6/30/08
32., 6/30/08
33. Welfare recipients, 7/1/08
33. Ending the Iraq war, 7/2/08

I know that a lot of folks on the right are not real happy with John McCain (me included) but I haven’t seen anything like this from Republican groups.
This fight is far from over sports fans; just wait for the freak show that will happen in Denver.

Category: Politics

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Don’t ya just love buses?


The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round while Barry knocks ’em down.
The people under the bus say WTF, WTF, WTF
The people under the bus say WTF, WTF, WTF

Um, yep. I think I LOVE buses!!

Frankly Opinionated

Aaaaahhhhhhh Denver:
I will so enjoy sitting on the periphery and enjoying the show that is the Dumbocrap party.
nuf sed


Yep, start popping the corn and chilling your favorite adult bev.

That freak show is not to be missed.

Anyway, in looking at number 33, you might as well include 3/4 of the nutroots gang. This war flip-flop will kill his hard-care America-haters.

richard wheeler

Denver will be a lovefest compared to Minneapolis where “W” will be allowed to crawl out from under the”Straight Talk Express”,speak for around 15 minutes on day one, then disappear into oblivion for the remainder of the campaign.