AlterNet Kills Two Birds With One Stone: Bashes Christians AND Marines In The Same Article

| August 17, 2010

Found this article on Alternet last week. Basically, they argue that a couple of dozen reserve Marines (with 3/25) getting baptized in the Pacific Ocean will somehow inhibit the war effort in Afghanistan. I don’t smoke crack so it didn’t make any sense to me.

Category: Liberals suck, Military issues

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No worries, the bridge to healing at ground zero will fix all this.


Naw, you just need to smoke a lot of pot… details like sense, stuff having to connect together, etc. just float off, which explains how most left/libtards come up with their ideas.

Old Tanker

The comments were even more diluded…did you know about the “Christofascists”??? What the hell is a Christofascist? and does that mean there are Naztians? or would they be Christonazi’s?


Real fact-packed article, that one. The posted comments were enlightening, also. As far as I can tell, the article did exactly what it was meant to do: bash Christians and Marines.

Did YOU know that Hitler was Catholic? I missed that one in history class! *eyeroll*


Don’t tell them about the Baptisms at graduation for Ranger School.


One thing I learned in 2005 is that 3/25 should not be fucked with. Leave those poor bastards alone.