Video: Response to F*ck Tea

| August 13, 2010

Our buddy, Carol at No Sheeples Here sends us this video response she put together this morning to the video TSO posted earlier;

Category: Liberals suck

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No Sheeples Here


I appreciate the link and the posting of my newest video. Have a great day.

B Woodman

The juxtaposition of the video and the music makes for a very awesome and jarring presentation. And I love the song — very 50’s with an up-to-date theme and lyrics.

Thank you.

B Woodman

I forgot to ask.
Where can I find the lyrics?
I couldn’t dig them out of the video for various reasons (laughter, anger, hearing, age, whatever)

Michael in MI

Great video. Song sucks, since it seems to be written to President Bush by a ditzy UK chick, but oh well.

Side note… I’ve tried (twice) to share this on Facebook through the YouTube “share” option and it won’t work. I then copied the URL and posted it to my profile. It showed up intially when I pressed “share”, but now I go back to my page and it’s gone. I wonder if Facebook is suppressing this video (or maybe my Facebook is just effing up). Anyone else having these issues sharing this video on Facebook?

Michael in MI

(Meh, nevermind on the side note. Just a technical error that I have now fixed.)

AW1 Tim

Excellent video. Damned from their own mouths.


Great job! Thank you very much!