Who’s killing Afghans?

| August 7, 2010

We’ve all heard the Karzai Administration complain about Americans not using enough caution and as a result, innocent Afghans die in military engagements. But has anyone heard him complain about the number of civilians that the Taliban kill intentionally?

There have been 1,859 civilian deaths from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) this year across Afghanistan. That compares with 1,057 in the same period last year.

In the Taliban stronghold of southern Afghanistan, where thousands of U.S. forces have been brought in to protect Afghans, civilian deaths from roadside bombs have soared 132% since last year, the reports show.

Associated Press reports that 10 members of a medical team in Afghanistan were ambushed by Taliban and murdered while they were making their way back to Kabul after a two-week mission in the Badakhshan province. Six of the 10 were Americans.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in Pakistan that they killed the foreigners because they were “spying for the Americans” and “preaching Christianity.”

Frans said the International Assistance Mission is registered as a nonprofit Christian organization but it does not proselytize.

“This tragedy negatively impacts our ability to continue serving the Afghan people as IAM has been doing since 1966,” according to a statement released by the charity. “We hope it will not stop our work that benefits over a quarter of a million Afghans each year.”

I guess it’s just more profitable to complain about Americans.

Category: Terror War

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This is one of those occasions when I agree with what Ann Coulter said right after 9/11, “Kill their leaders, take their stuff.” As long as we pussy-foot around with the Pakistanis who aren’t doing shit about the Taliban in their country (and hell, are probably STILL helping them), and try to play patty-cake with people who would rather saw our heads off than say boo to us, this is going to be the result.


Would you mind fixing your typos in that first sentence? (“ajj” and “caustion”) They’re really bothering me. Thanks.


Complain about the Dirty Americans and nothing happens, complain about the Taliban and they’ll kill you and your family, not surprising that the local government takes the easy route.


Pure evil.

B Woodman

Time to leave.
If Karzai doesn’t like what we’re doing, and how we’re doing it, then let HIM handle it. Totally.
I could see if we were allowed off our leash to do what we do best, wage war against an enemy. But with all the PC ROI’s, we’re hamstrung and muzzled. And suffering for it, with no discernible positive results.
Time to leave.