Basil Marceaux’ run at the TN Governor’s mansion

| August 7, 2010

Over the past few weeks, I’ve ptobably had twenty of you wrote to ask us if we can track him down. Who’s Basil Marceaux? Well, until Thursday, he was a candidate for Tennessee’s governorship. He actually makes Alvin Greene look brilliant by comparison. Here’s his appearance on a local TV news show;

And an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel;

On his website claims that he is a “Force Recon” Marine. That’s what brought him to the attention of our readers. POW Net has requested a FOIA on him to satisfy our curiosity. Reading his website, I don’t think he has the capacity to be much more than a self-propelled sand bag.

So anyway, Washington Post wrote an article about Marceaux this morning, lamenting the end of his campaign;

Marceaux’s savviness or sobriety may have been under debate, but his knowledge of the science of Web hits is spot-on.

Meanwhile, about Greene they write that he is “a plain-spoken man no one had heard of, who went on to win South Carolina’s Democratic nomination for Senate? ”

Plain-spoken? Only in college libraries in conversations with co-eds. Otherwise, he’s borderline retarded and the perfect Democrat Senate candidate – but he’s a Republican plant. I don’t know how the Republicans planted all of those votes to get him nominated,

Why wasn’t Basil Marceaux a Democrat plant?

Category: General Whackos

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Old Trooper

Um…..yeah. I really don’t know what to say to this. Maybe he should first try his hand at local politics or maybe a state house seat, before trying to move up to the big chair?

Future Marine

I don’t know many democrats who know what a Recon Marine is, let alone know enough to try and impersonate them.

Bubblehead Ray

Poor Basil. I’m thinking that public speaking is not his forte’. As far as the impression the videos make…. The best thing I can come up with is the line Gene Hackman says about Ned Beatty in the first Superman movie “It’s amazing his brain generates enough electricity to make his legs move.”


Well, at least he read the Constitution.


I bet he’s a real force when he’s reconning the bottom of a bag of chips.

Sure this wasn’t just an SNL skit?


And remember folks, just dial telephone number BR-549…


Umm… Basil is a complete invalid who doubtfully knows who he really is or what he’s doing. This looks like a horrible horrible joke making fun of the mentally ill.

Here’s his main site:

Read it and look at his picture. That badge he wears is because he claims to be a Freedmen’s Bureau agent. Let that one sink in a little, then look at his uniform. Once you’re done with that, read what he wrote on his site and watch his videos again.



3520 votes, or 0.5 percent. I’m thinking we’re safe for another four years. But like I said, Alvin Greene WON his party’s primary. Speaks volumes, doesn’t it?


[…] weekend, in response to several requests, I wrote a bit about Basil Marceaux, a candidate for governor in Tennessee who claimed he had been a Force Recon Marine. I doubted it […]