Execute Manning?

| August 4, 2010

Last night, a lot of people thought Ace had lost his mind when he wrote that Wikileaker and DADT advocate Bradley Manning should be hanged;

Kill him. Make it a cause celebre, and make him an example to the next leaker.

String him up and choke him until he is dead, dead, dead.

This morning a Michigan Republican Congressman is advocating for his execution, too;

“I argue the death penalty clearly should be considered here,” [Republican Rep. Mike Rogers] said. “He clearly aided the enemy to what may result in the death of U.S. soldiers . . . If that is not a capital offense, I don’t know what is.”

Now, I really don’t believe in the death penalty, not for the reasons you might think. In my opinion, I don’t trust the government to take anyone’s life. I mean, would you put your life in the hands of Charlie Rangel or Maxine Waters? Anyway, I’m opposed to Manning’s execution regardless of how his trial turns out.

But you see while I’m lifting my chin and feeling morally superior to the rest of you, I come across nimroddery like this from Michael “are you going to finish those fries” Moore;

Moore thought that Manning “is exactly who we want in our armed forces,” and deserves the Profile in Courage award for helping to make the WikiLeaks public knowledge. “You can’t just line up and be a good German and do what you’re told to do,” Moore said in defense of Manning’s audacity.

At that point, I realize that the only way to make sure Manning serves out his sentence without some pompous and arrogant windbag like Moore advocating for his undeserved early release from his 90,000 life sentences is to kill Manning.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Military issues

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Michael Moore says he doesn’t want his films to be shown in Arizona anymore.

I’ve been on the fence about SB 1070, but if this is one of the outcomes, count me in.


I no longer live in Arizona, but if I did, I’d highly appreciate it if his movies were not shown there as well. I wonder if he could extend his offer to include Utah?


Oh, and Manning? Yeah. Hang him.


My only complaint about Manning being executed is that WE WOULD NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT. It would be worse than the pre- and post-game analysis of a Super Bowl, or the O. J. Simpson trial. The last thing we want to do with this worm is give him that kind of exposure.


Moore is such a tool. I wish HE’D get executed for crimes against humanity. ok, I’m not against the death penalty, but I understand not trusting them to get it right.

One does not have to LIKE the death penalty to understand it is a necessary tool in a bag full of tools. Like war.

BUT if the military executes Manning there will be intense backlash. AND my support of the death penalty usually included only violent crime and crimes against children.
SO, maybe he should just spend his 90,000 in military prison.


I’m willing to endure that, PN. It isn’t as if the “news” now is worth watching anyway.

I want him dead, and I want it televised, with free champagne, pork rinds, and sparklers for everyone.


Boo, I submit that Manning has committed violent crimes as well as crimes against children. Some criminals use guns, some knives, some clubs; Manning used the Taliban. That’s the only difference.


I have no problem with executing Manning, none at all.
Michael Moore wants all his product pulled from here in Arizona? Good riddence.


🙂 nice point, PN.

Junior AG

“Michael Moore says he doesn’t want his films to be shown in Arizona anymore.”

’cause deep down inside, tub-o-guts knows his propaganda is pure horse shit and the common sense residents of Arizona aren’t going to plunk down enough $$$ for his trash to turn a profit…

In a perfect world, Mikey Master Card Marxist Moore would have to take a hike throught the stretch of Arizona desert the U.S. Gov has ceeded to Los Zetas…. It would be pure poetry to hear Michigan fats squeal for some rednecks with AR-15s come to his rescue…


PN, why not? Annoyance aside, that particular sort of exposure seems like a pretty good idea to me. It would make sure the next *I can’t decide on the right expletive, so pick one you like* considering treason takes a good, hard look at his reasons for it.

Just in case it’s not clear, yes, I think he should be executed… by firing squad, preferably. He dumped tens of thousands of classified documents out into the open, potentially put other servicemen in jeopardy, certainly ensured the deaths of numerous Afghanis who cooperated with us, and single-handedly destroyed the foundation of our entire mission (the trust of at least some of the locals) in Afghanistan.

Robert Chiroux

Stripped of his citizenship, banned from U.S. territory and interred at Gitmo until someone else wants to give him asylum. (Gitmo is leased Cuban territory?)


I forget that you folks don’t know me very well, and in looking back at my first post, I realized I was unclear as to my stance as far as executing Manning goes.
I very much support the death penalty. If anything, I would say we use methods that are too humane for a crime of this magnitude. I think locking him on a game farm and allowing him to be hunted like a trophy elk would be more appropriate.


I was thinking Gitmo– the videos of it make it look way too nice. lol

Old Trooper

I agree with Robert; strip him of US citizenship and ban him from all US territories. However, that would take place after a 30 year romp at the Kansas Gravel Academy.


This is one of those cases where if it can be shown that his release of the tapes either directly or indirectly cause the death of one soldier, covert operative, etc., hang his ass. Otherwise, 23 hours and 55 minutes a day of solitary confinement in a little 8X8 cell in Florence, CO ought to do just fine until he goes absolutely batshit crazy.

Cedo Alteram

We really could only execute him for treason, because his motive would be important. His counsel would argue he wanted the exposure or he thought he was somehow helping expose the truth of the war or such. How many other people have leaked information over the years and been executed?

Maj. Hasan and the Sgt. from the 101st in 03′, who threw the grenade in a tent full of officers, they should be shot. We have more then two witness for both(requirement for treason conviction in the constitution), and the fact they took up arms against fellow Americans should be dealt with as harshly as possible.

Frankly, I think he should do 10-20 years at Leavenworth.

I bring all this up not to excuse Manning but to point out that far worse dregs have gotten away with far less.


Here in Texas, we have and use the death penalty. It works.


When he goes to Courts-martial, the death penalty should be included as one of the possible penalties if he is found guilty.

Of course, every group under the coalition of rainbow causes will defend this piece o’ work as they will make it appear that his ‘gayness’ caused him to ‘rebel’.

If he is guilty, hanging is too good for him. Let him go the way of William Wallace.


Minuteman26 said, “Here in Texas, we have and use the death penalty. It works.”

And to paraphrase Ron White, you’ve put in an express lane!


I’d submit he’s already batshit crazy. And I really don’t feel like supporting his sorry ass for the rest of his natural life.

Sad thing is, this country has become so soft in this regard that I have no doubt he will avoid the death penalty. And I’ll be amazed if he serves more than a handfull of time for what he’s done.

USMC Steve

I was told when I got my Top Secret clearance and again when I was granted SCI access that improper safeguarding of classified material would cost me 10 years and $10,000.00 per count. Each document would constitute a separate count by the way. That is for improper handling and safeguarding with no intent to give it to someone not having need to know and a proper clearance for the material. Those are separate felonies. He knowingly transmitted classified documents to someone not properly cleared, not having the need to know, and through unsecure and improper channels and methods. When they try him they should START with the death penalty as minimum sentence if he is convicted.


More than 90,000 documents…but even then his crimes against Americans and allies would never be “paid” for…

Sorry…I said it once, but burning him in hell while we watch would not be enough.

AW1 Tim

Hang him, and hang Julian Assange alongside him. Both of them are complicit in transfer of classified information to our enemies, and that information has already resulted in the death of at least one Afghan tribal leader. The Taliban have already stated they will attempt to locate and kill everyone named on those documents as supporting US Interests.

That makes both of them complicit in any and all deaths resulting from this document dump. It also makes them co-conspirators.

let them both hang, and show it on pay-per-view, live, and let the money go to the families of those killed or injured by their crimes.

Future Marine

I say we go at him like the fat guy in law abiding citizen.

Also, am I the only one who finds it ironic that, in order to see moores anti-capitalist movies you have to pay him?


Sorry, but isn’t treason punishable by death?

trea·son [ tr?z’n ] (plural trea·sons)


1. betrayal of country: a violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country, e.g. by aiding an enemy.

I think this definition applies……What’s the punishment?


Future Marine–that’s not the worst of the hypocrisy of that fat fucker. There’s a book that’s been out for a few years called, “Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy”, written by Peter Schweizer. There’s a second on Fatboy in it. Jaw-dropping shit.

And yes, hang Assange alongside his butt-buddy. Does anyone else here find it the least bit infuriating that Assange was warned by “sources in the White House” not to return to the US, or risk arrest, according to the London Telegraph?


Steve–to add to that, on the boats, whenever we did certain ops, every member of the crew went through a briefing and debriefing; “This is where we’re not going, this is what we’re not doing, this is what happens if the shit hits the fan.” Same routine on the way back–“This is where you didn’t go, this is what you didn’t do, never speak of this to anyone ever again, even among your own crew. Sign this paper.” The paper was basically an acknowledgement that if we ever DID discuss operations, we’d be going to federal pound-me-in-the-ass-prison for a very, very, very long time.


“Future Marine–that’s not the worst of the hypocrisy of that fat fucker. There’s a book that’s been out for a few years called, “Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy”, written by Peter Schweizer. There’s a second on Fatboy in it. Jaw-dropping shit.”

There are also 2 good documentaries (both on Netflix instant queue if you have the means) called “Manufacturing Dissent” and “Michael Moore Hates America” that do a thorough job of displaying Moore’s hypocrisy and propagandist ways, as well as how he is regarded by true documentary filmmakers.

Future Marine

Sparky, scott, thanks, I’ll check them out sometime.


Don’t hang him, just give him a nice 50 year sentence and everyone will forget about him in a few months.

How many times does John Walker Lindh come up in the media anymore?

All these groups will make a lot of noice for a little while and like a cat they will fixate on the next string that dangles near them.


90,000 documents, 10 years each. Eligible to get out about the time the sun explodes.

Screw it, just let him do the twist.


Treason and crimes against humanity. Death penalty.

Unfortunately America has lost her spine to being PC. I wouldn’t be surprised it these two don’t get off scot free due to our current president’s beliefs and attitudes.


I can foresee a pardon or commutation of sentence in either of these assholes’ future, about 2012. If they’re ever convicted of anything.
Personally, I’d pull the switch, pull the trigger, push the plungers on the needles, or open the bomb bay and drop their asses over Tora-Bora, from about 40k feet, and I’d do it for nothing.

B Woodman

Hang them both, Manning and Assange, by their dick-and-nuts. And televise it. Be an object lesson to all future up-and-coming wannabe traitors.

(As a side thought, sick and twisted, while they’re both hanging up there by their groins, play them like pinatas. Whack the hell out of them.)

Old Tanker


A slight flaw in your logic….you’re assuming they have something to string them up by…


I like UpNorth’s idea…. Wrap a big red bow around Manning AND Michael Moore (if you can find that much ribbon) and drop them from 40,000 feet right over Tora-Bora. Might as well give them each a camera so that they can capture the full experience.


Cattle prod to the balls, plus tweny years hard time.


You have to look at the situation from the point of who’s side Moore is on. He ain’t on our side, so Manning is a hero to him. Unfortunately, all of this legal stuff doesn’t matter. Our King-in-Chief will pardon Manning anyway, and probably give him a medal. Our only hope is that the trial lasts 2 1/2 years so the next president won’t let him off.


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I agree with Old Trooper.