In case you’ve missed Gordon Duff this past week…

| August 3, 2010

I give you the highlights of Gordon’s insanity…..

Mossad and CIA planning Nuclear attack on US Citizens:

A powerful group within the United States, one with influence over the press and the ability to derail an investigation as was done with 9/11, has been “tasked” with laying the groundwork for a terrorist attack on America, one using nuclear material. This report, unneeded, and highly inaccurate was printed in the New York Times to provide “cover.” It isn’t just this report, the pieces are falling together around the world. The Wiki-Leaks story, pre staging Pakistan’s ISI as a terrorist organization, a story built out of almost no information but fleshed out with massive speculation by “operatives” in the press is part of the process.

Israelis planned 9/11, now mastering wikipedia:

You won’t need to ask about nano-thermite, mysterious WTC7 or the dancing Israelis. You won’t have to recheck those long supposedly “debunked” stories about how many Israeli passport holders missed work that day. Check the edits on Wikipedia last week. When Wikipedia showed no Israeli passport holders among the 9/11 dead, why was it altered? If you aren’t aware, a staggering number of Israeli passport holders worked in the WTC. Conspiracy theory or statistical anomaly? I don’t know anything of people being warned of 9/11, I only know that those who claimed there was no warning lied about the numbers. We caught them. As for the truth, we may never know the truth. And so it goes.


When you read Mr. Assange’s output, you are looking at one of the Mossad games, nothing more. They send some stories to Fox News, some to CNN, some to the Washington Post or London Times. They have their pick as their friends and co-workers own those outlets and so many more. The game today is using Wikileaks, given its 15 minutes of fame for trashing the US in Iraq with the helicopter video, to spread imaginary stories about Pakistan, the only nuclear power in the Middle East capable of standing up to Israel and the enemy of India.

He really ought to stop listening to the voices in his head.

Category: Politics

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It appears this gentleman is taking too much medication…or perhaps not enough.
Somebody fetch the butterfly net…


gOOD lORD! What a loony tune!!


Gordo is batshit crazy anmd so is that lickspittle fascist he comment on the article , Volz


Again, there’s a whole lot of teh batchit crazee right there.


Bill Cosby is dead, according to wikipedia, although even that was “altered.” Those Jews are really moving into the next phase of their masterplan.


I forget, Jonn, is it 11 o’s in jooooooooooos, or 13? Duff is flat out bat-shit nuts, and he’s not even entertaining anymore.
Psssst, hey Duff, if more than two people are in on a conspiracy, it’s a sure bet that everyone who wants to know, will know.



Toothless Dawg

No really, this is true … I’ve seen them myself. They wore black suits, black ties, black shoes, black hat with black hatbands, and black glasses … they also carried black briefcases and had a short green tail hanging out the back of their black suit … it was scary man!!!


+10 cool points for getting Rancid into a TAH thread! Almost makes up for the pain I’ve endured trying to read Duff’s ramblings. No way in hell I’ll ever try to understand them.


Just amazing. Is it true then, if you tell a story over and over, it becomes reality? Only if you’re batshit crazy!!

AW1 Tim

This what happens when you paint your office and don’t open any windows to air it out.

Probably just trying to pad his writing resume in hopes of getting hired by MSNBC. He’s just the type they’re using nowadays.

Old Trooper

It seems Duff grabbed the can of brake fluid instead of the kool aide, again.


Then that means I just filled my brake lines with Kool-Aid? GODDAMMIT!


Man, that is black helicopter, tin-foil hat, turn the TV to wall bat-s$#t crazy.


Wow, moonbat doesn’t even begin to describe that loony toon. Someone must have forgotten to give him his lithium.

And I wish I was half as powerful as these moonbats make me out to be.


Duff is a booger eating idiot.

Anyone, and I mean anyone who reads his crap (like all the fan boyz and gurlz making comments there) and believes it needs some serious treatment and meds.

Classic “put on your tin foil hats…the black helos are a-comin for us, Ma” shit.


I think reading the replies to Gordon Duff’s articles will become my new morning humor supplement to Joos, HAARP, evil government plots, mossad, 9/11 conspiracy, interruption of cable, an increase in EBS testing, and that’s just the first article. Gordo sure has a loyal following of foil-clad mongoloids clamoring to schlob his knob for revealing da troof.

It’s comforting to know that people this stupid live in a constant state of irrational fear.