Phony SEAL Mickey Lloyd resigns

| July 30, 2010

You may remember the Cobb County, GA, Public Safety Director, Mickey Lloyd we wrote about earlier this month on a tip from Just A Grunt. Well, he had until Wednesday to unfuck his record and come up with an honest DD214.

Wednesday, he was still managing the goat fuck.

Lloyd and his attorney, William McKenney, were adamant Wednesday that the public safety director has in fact received several awards, including a Bronze Star and a Silver Star, that were not included in his military record. When he was discharged from the military in 1970, the initial form listed the awards, Lloyd said. But when a certified copy of the form was requested later in his career, it came back without the medals, he said. Lloyd and McKenney are attempting to get the records corrected.

But Friday is a new day and Just A Grunt sends this link;

Lloyd released a statement Friday afternoon.

I have spent almost 40 years in law enforcement devoting all my energy as well as my official and personal time to protecting and serving the residents of our state including the last seven years as the Public Safety Director for Cobb County.

In my various law enforcement capacities I have always enjoyed a reputation for honesty, truthfulness and integrity. Recently, I have been the subject of attacks by the news media and various officials concerning my mlitary service which has distracted me from providing my full time and efforts to serving the residents of Cobb County as Director of Public Safety.

I certainly could continue to take time away from my position to fight these accusations but the individuals who will ultimately suffer are the members of our Public Safety Department and our residents.

Therefore, at this time I am retiring and have tendered my resignation to the County. It has been an honor and a privilege serving the residents of Cobb County.

Yeah, it’s your fault – if you didn’t expect him to be so forthright and honest, he wouldn’t have to keep presenting false DD214s. He’s enjoyed a reputation of being truthful – until you ratfucks started asking him questions. I mean he mentioned John Kerry, right? That should prove his stories, right there. What do you people want?


Category: Phony soldiers

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There’s a difference between a “fish story” and an outright lie. It’s a damn shame a man in law enforcement for 40 years never got that one through his head.


All of the cases he was a part of should under go retrial. A liar of the worst sort….builing his financial empire on the blood and honor of service members.


If “various officials” have taken an interest in his military record, then you can watch for his law enforcement career to come under scrutiny, also. Every case he ever took the stand in, every arrest he ever made, every time he put his hands on someone, every report he ever filed, will come under the microscope. Stay tuned, folks! This one could get interesting!

Indictments, anyone?


Unless something else happens THIS yahoo ain’t paying any price of consequence.

And… this case doesn’t even need the Stolen Valor law to prosecute. Fraud is fraud.

As PintoNag noted: This one could get interesting!


You ignorant fucks dont know what you are talking about. You only hear one side of the story and begin to judge. When in fact he has the documents and medals to prove it but chose dignity insread of kissibg ass. .


Instead of kissing ass


Yeah…if he’d produce those Documents and Medals…

are you saying having a medal means you’ve been awarded a medal?

Come on…really?


selene posited: You ignorant fucks dont (sic) know what you are talking about.

Hmmm, I do appreciate being ignorant myself. That just means I have something yet to learn. Knowing everything must be boring?

In this case the issue is simple. Did he present a falsified DD-214? Did he use that DD-214 to further his career?


All this proves is that when you dedicate your life to something you get shit on. jealous people toakeget in the way and will make up anything to make a successful person go down.


[…] This post prompted by a post at TAH. […]


Selene offered some gibberish.

If I’ve figured out what you meant to say? All I can offer is this: If someone’s success is based on fraud that has to be a benchmark. Ignore it at YOUR peril.


Sounds like he knew he was caught and figured he could (quietly) slither away. Sorry, Mickey–you ain’t getting away that easy. And selene? Up the dosage on the meds. Whatever they’re giving you isn’t cutting it, or you’re in total denial of the facts. Fact one is, most of the folks posting here ARE veterans, and most of us can smell his line of bullshit from a mile away, even farther when his DD-214 has “mistakes” on it.


Haha fuck all of you veterans. Guess you wasted half of your life serving for a country that could care less about you. How many people did you kill? You are a real hero. Killing kids is something to be proud of. Guesd yoy didnt di much good being that 911 happened.
And to the one telling me to up my meds……hiw old are you…..12?? Come on my dog can come up with a slam better than that!!!


Oh my bad my little bro got on here again. He likes to stoke you guys up………


Guess you missed this little gem from today’s story, dearest:

“He also admitted that he was never a Navy SEAL and was never awarded two Purple Hearts for wounds, despite them being listed on his official county resume.”

Whoops–there’s an, “aw, fuck” moment if ever there was one. Now run along, little troll, the adults are trying to talk here, m’kay?

Future Marine

Selene-All I can do is laugh at your posts.

Also, I highly doubt many of his cases will be re-triad. 40 years of cases for the DA to work on would be horrid.


I retired in 1995. The paperwork for my award for service was submitted prior to my departure from my last duty station. As with all (or most) admin actions, the processing of the award took more time than it took to clear post CIF. I received the award in the mail 2 months after my retirement became official. needless to say that award was not reflected on my DD214.5 years ago I wanted to replace all of my authorized awards, so I applied to the appropriate office. Needless to say that last award was not on the list of awards (to my surprise).

There is a process to correct ones official record. Those who know, know.


Selene, I rarely say this, but seriously, go die in a fire.

Thank you in advance.


Eric–I had the same deal with my second NAM before I got out–my command at the time had just submitted it, and I didn’t get it until well into my terminal leave. But seriously, it’s not at all difficult to get a BCNR and 215 issued, if you’re patient.



The issue with the documents that he produced are clearly apparent. Misspellings, and the same authorizing signature on both the original and corrected copy are key indicators that the DD 214 is fraudulent.

Likewise, if he really did recieve these awards and they aren’t on the DD 214 then all he would have to do is produce a DA 638, award certificate with order number, or even a picture of the awards ceremony and he would be able to acceptably prove recieving the award.

If you had any experience with Veterans or the military you would know that almost everyone keeps their own book containing all orders, awards, evaluations and other official documents because they can sometimes be lost and it is safe to keep a personal copy. This is why the excuse that the records are lost or wrong doesn’t hold water with this crowd, because this crowd is primarily military and know better.


Sparky, ya, It required me to provide copies of the certificate, award recommendation and the permanent order issued by the command.

Requires record keeping and diligence.

Never, Never, Never; did I say never? Never toss any documents relating to military service. Never.

The one time you will need that one piece of paper will be 5 mikes after the trash truck empties the can.


Amen, Eric–I’m still digging stuff out from time to time, including my Nuke School GPA and standing, if you can believe that.


Here’s one running for governor in TN:


Scott go back to war and get your dick sucked. Remember as long as they are sucking your dick you’re not a faggot.


Ah, the 4chan idiots are out in force this morning.


Selene and all of her ignorance gave me a great laugh this beautiful morning. It would sure be nice to be able to put on the RCG’s all the time and the world wouldn’t seem half bad, hey? No liars, ignorant fucks, or soldiers who give up sensitive information, etc…Yeah, that would be soo nice to live in that world…la-la-la-la-la(DUSA skipping away)


Cut this guy some slack, he’s just a John Kerry wannabe.


Forty years ago, people spit on military veterans, now everyone wants to be one…..


Oh, I dunno about that, Master Chief–seems to me they’re more in love with the attention and adulation rather than making the actual sacrifices required for such recognition.


Wow, seems like Selene and her homie, Roxy, couldn’t hook up at the bar, so they decided to troll the interwebs? Oh, and Roxy, you messed the quote up, if she’s sucking someone’s dick, it’s not sex. Remember?


Lloyd has been introduced on more than one occasion as a SEAL and Silver Star awardee, and has had ample opportunity to correct the “errors” . . . btw, the contents of the Introduction are usuall furnished by the person speaking or beig so introduced. Exemplary law enforcement record aside, and I DO respect his law enforcement achievements, in the company of veterans, he’s just another wannabe . . .

james tidwell

Why do you all even care?


All those slamming the people giving Mr. Lloyd the benefit of the doubt need to remember this. Failure to provide evidence of an event doesnt mean that event didn’t occur. If you all are the true patriots you purport to be you should remember that our legal system is based on a person being presumed innocent till proven guilty. What happened in this situation was that a witch hunt was started (as it does quite often in the dirty politics game). An accusation was made, then a person was forced to prove innocense. Had everyone read all the information, they would have also read that the medal information could not be confirmed or denied, according to the Naval officials as well as the investigators. Mr. Lloyd, being in government for as long as he has saw it for what it was. A witch hunt. He had the rope around his neck, but was smart and bailed out before the floor could be dropped out from under him. I was not in Vietnam as Mr. Lloyd was, as I am sure most of the critics on here were not. I have served my community for over 15 years in the law enforcement setting and I can tell you that the politics of the job are the dirtiest. I have seen people fired for the most minor things and others get by with negligent deaths of individuals. Please do not use logic to try and figure out a corrupt government who lacks logic. Just ponder this, how corrupt would our society be if people were accused of crimes and ethics violations, then forced to prove innocense to avoid prosecution? What if you were accused of sexual misconduct or a crime against an individual who was lying and it was YOUR responsibility to prove that you were innocent, instead of the accusers to prove your guilt? Even if you were able to eventually prove that you were innocent, how much time, money and reputation would you lose. Also remember that the original accuser in this situation was a fake person on a website… Read more »

Just A Grunt

Some people wish to defend those who exaggerate or falsify military service but the issue is all about integrity. It is having the moral courage to do the right thing in spite of it being unpopular or putting you you at odds with peers. Our elected officials should possess both.

It works this way. When I was in my last year of service congress approved a new award called the Cold War Service Medal or something like that. Since I was still on active duty and eligible our command simply made blanket requests for all that were eligible. The orders for that award never came back prior to me outprocessing so it is not reflected on any of my paperwork. I was told to apply for it once I was out, which I did however in typical Army SNAFU fashion I received a reply saying I had already been awarded the medal. When I contacted my last command they couldn’t find any orders or paperwork with my name on it so in my mind that was that. I don’t claim the award because in my mind whether I think I deserved it or not I do not have the paperwork. It isn’t even an award of the caliber of a Silver Star or Bronze Star which most phonies, or those resume enhancing knuckleheads use.

So yes, lying, misrepresenting, exaggerating, or whatever euphemism you wish to use, military service is a big deal and points to other character weaknesses.


Isn’t it wonderful when people only quote the portion of a story that supports their argument. To be an objective investigator, I always looked at the opposing argument as well as my own to prevent knee-jerk statements. I would suggest everyone here learn to do the same.


Screw–do you know what integrity is, what it means? This douchenozzle already admitted he was NEVER a SEAL nor did he earn any Purple Hearts, which calls the rest of his claims into question. For someone to be awarded even so much as a Navy Achievement Medal, there needs to be DOCUMENTED, VERIFIABLE action at many different levels of the chain-of-command. For a Silver Star? Nobody knows nothing about nothing except our boy Mickey? GETDAFUCKOUTTAHEAH!!!


For the slow learners(sparky, lilyea)…If….yoooou….goooo….toooooo….theeeeee…..NPRC…(thats the National Personnel Records Center) you will see that the estimated wait for service records is 6 months. He was given one week to produce them. Thats less than the time required(just a little help if you are slow at math also)
The resignation is smart because if he later gets the records that prove the claim, he is golden in the form of a lawsuit.
Sometimes I wonder how you dumbasses actually make it out of the house on your own.
Now go back to your Maury Povich show, this conversation is over for me. I actually have things to do today.
In the future try not to be jealous of people just because they have more success. We realize that some people like you dont have the mental capacity for success. You are only able to regurgitate integrity quotes that I’ve heard hundreds of times. Often these quotes were given by those who lack integrity to divert attention from their dishonest acts. You know, people like yourself.
Feel free to continue this conversation without me. I have a meeting with someone who has an opinion that matters to me.

Bubblehead Ray

Hey screwby, yooooo donnnnn’t claaiiiiimmm awarrrrrrrds yooooooo cannnnnn’t proooooove.

Slow enough for you?


“He also admitted that he was never a Navy SEAL and was never awarded two Purple Hearts for wounds, despite them being listed on his official county resume. Lloyd claimed someone else put them on his resume and he never approved it.”

Not only is this excuse highly dubious (why the fuck would you let someone else make your resume?) but even if it’s true, that means it’s Lloyd’s own negligence that led to these charges. It’s his responsibility to ensure his official resume is correct, and people have been legitimately fired for “mistakes” about much more trivial matters, that’s for sure.



“this conversation is over for me. I actually have things to do today.”


“Feel free to continue this conversation without me. I have a meeting with someone who has an opinion that matters to me.”

Lol, two time honored methods for disengaging from a conversation or confrontation where you realize you’re losing the moral high ground, or suddenly realize you never actually possessed it. They also show a marked lack of personal commitment to your own position. After all, what’s the point in responding to a blog at all if not to try and alter opinions? Oh ya, because you’re in love with the sound of your own opinions, making you no better than that which you’re supposedly railing against. Too funny.


“I was not in Vietnam as Mr. Lloyd was, as I am sure most of the critics on here were not.”

You yourself may wish to do a bit of research before sounding off in the future, the majority of the posters here are veterans, many with combat experience, go peddle your lame attempts at credibility elsewhere. Cheers. 🙂

Future Marine

“This conversation is over for me. I actually have things to do today”

Things other than insulting the opinions of people on a private internet blog? Your life must be eventful.


Screw found out he stuck his dick in the fan and there are people here who actually KNOW what the fuck they’re talking about. Dear screw–you DO realize that an FOIA request can be done in what, a few days, Jonn? A week, tops?

Oh, and I asked for another “certified” copy to reflect my second NAM when I got out. Six weeks, start to finish, not six months. Sorry Charlie, no go. Add to that the fact he claimed he was a SEAL with Purple Hearts alone is enough to get any potential lawsuit laughed out of court.


As far as Navy awards goes, this site might help:


When we request a DD-214 or other service records it takes between a couple weeks and a few months. The Marines sent me a disc with the entire service record of one person who didn’t make it through Parris Island; it came two weeks after I requested it on a convenient DVD.

As for awards, anyone who doesn’t keep documentation is naive at best. Nowadays we have electronic records (one area I am slacking in is sending my documents to HRC to be added to my official Military Personnel File) and can pull any award or school certificate from online. At the very least a service member needs to keep their records brief updated while they are in.

We were awarded the Presidential Unit Citation in 2003. I didn’t wear it until I finally got the citation and orders from 3d ID G1 18 months later. Which reminds me, need to forward it to my old squad leader. Later…

Future Marine

50 comments, grats John.

Fomer co-worker

I read every post and none of you personally know Mickey Lloyd. I worked with him at the Atlanta Police Department. One day he was wearing a pin on his suit and told me it was a Navy Cross. He is the one who leaked to the press that they thought Richard Jewell, the security guard, was the 1996 Olympic Bomber, when in fact it was Eric Robert Rudolph.
Richard Jewell went through hell because of being falsely accused. Mickey was allowed to “retire”, which means he will collect a pension from that position, the position before that, and the Atlanta Police Dept.

My Dad served in Vietnam and NEVER brags about awards he received. I don’t think Mickey should have been allowed to retire – he should have been FIRED! I hope the FBI arrests him and throws the book at him! After 40 years in law enforcement, he should know better! He dishonors every veteran in America!