Veterans Today maligning US troops with most absurd claims eveh
First, here is the preface from our intrepid lunatic at VT:
– “We don’t torture,” squawked George W. Bush time and again; he was lying. Murat Kurnaz in Five Years of My Life: An Innocent Man in Guantanamo decribes the horror that we, America, became. –
Oh shit! What did we get caught doing? Water boarding? Littering? Peeing in water bottles? No, executing via crucifixion.
Although U.S. officials have attributed the torture of Muslim prisoners in their custody to a handful of maverick guards, in fact such criminal acts were widely perpetrated and systemic, likely involving large numbers of military personnel, a book by a survivor suggests. Additionally, guards were responsible for countless acts of murder, including death by crucifixion, lynching, poisoning, snakebite, withholding of medicines, starvation, and bludgeoning of innocent victims. And the murders committed by U.S. troops numbered at least in the hundreds, according to reliable sources.
Yeah, you know, I knew this would get out, and I can’t hide it anymore. Once Sniper and I took our troops out on patrol, and we got a bit bored. So we rounded up all the villagers we could find, and made a sort of Appian Way of crucifixes, just to relive a moment in Spartacus. Not proud of what we did, but, there it is. We also napalmed a village, raped Miss Piggy and boogie boarded down a pile of corpses.
Oh no, wait, we did none of those things.
VT is completely nucking futs, and anyone that reads it truly needs to have their heads examined.
Category: Politics
what the hell? I mean, people believe this crap?
“…according to reliable sources.”
Let’s see, that would be the same source that, once released, goes back and works for al-Qaeda or the Taliban?
Yeah, I’m really going to worry how badly they were treated.
It must be nice to live in a world where you hear one person make a claim without any other evidence to support it. Since it supports your cause it becomes a fact to proclaim and publish throughout the world for anybody to hear.
I’m tired of always having to document and source my thesis and papers in class. I think I’ll just switch over to one of these organizations and my paper will be a lot easier to write (I’ll probably get a better grade too).
No, it’s totally true. TSO and I were always committing some kind of atrocity or another. Like the one time we put 100 locals on a rickety raft and made a giant iceberg and rammed into the side of their vessel so we could recreate the Titanic disaster or the time when we put M-80’s in their butts and blew them up or the time that we made them watch Steele Magnolias for days on end.
As for the crucifixions? Utter nonsense. They did that themselves. The hardest part is getting that last nail in all by yourself but everyone knows that Taliban fighters have prehensile penises.
First off, VT’s gonna have to come up with some irrefutable evidence if they want the rest of us to jump on that bandwagon.
Second…Of course cutting off of hands and feet, stoning, beheading and lashes which are all currently accepted and practiced in Mulsim countries are above reproach?
Im not saying that America should be following the ‘whats good for the goose… ‘ mentality but I sure feel like anything more than ‘ask nicely for intel’ is vilified. I like the thought that America as a civilized nation holds itself to some lofty standards but Im also realistic enough to know that sometimes in this world you need to do distasteful things that the general public (sheeple) would rather not know about in order to protect them.
At Camp Fallujah we used to torture Iraqis by having western style porta-potties. Of course we had to wipe the boot prints off the toilet seats so we could use them. Then they complained and we had to get them some porta-potties you squat in. Thank God, the UN never found out.
They left out beating puppies in front of the prisoners and skinning cats alive. Good times, good times.
For someone whose PR Firm (which is probably a one man show) states on their website “We take pride in applying professional journalism standards to our work” Sherwood Ross has a nasty habit of only showing one side of a story, and in this case, from a single source who clearly has an agenda. We learned that was a journalism no-no the first day in J-school, Woody. What’s your excuse?
He also seems fond of citing faculty from Massachusetts School of Law at Andover as “legal authority” despite the fact that that place is an unaccredited shitbox, whose alumni seem to almost unequivocally regret attending:
(Shining reviews at bottom of the page).
And he apparently has a big conspiratorial boner about the CIA, invoking Godwin’s law in his most recent article on the subject. This is the best Vets Today can do? Pathetic.
Crucifixation? W-T-F!
Who has the time and/or patience, when a double-tap is SOOOO much quicker, cheaper and easier to hide.
/snark off.
Lawfare at its finest.
Is VT a bunch of Muj propaganda parrots or what?
A left/libtard f*ckhead playing to other left/libtard f*ckheads… why didn’t he come up with realistic sh*t, like pelting ’em with Spam, yelling “Mohammad was a child-molester!” at ’em or refusing the genuflect to the Koran in front of ’em– just saying stuff like that would get muslims riotin’, American flag-burnin’ angry on CNN.
Can’t leave this unmentioned: anyone that reads it truly needs to have their heads examined.
TSO, Did YOU read it?
You and Jonn DO read this crap so that we don’t have to, but I can’t pass up the apparent irony.
Jesushtapdancinchrist!!! I leave for ONE DAY and ya’ll start doing shit like THIS?
This is why we can’t have nice things, people. Oh, and for the record, we play Justin Beiber records nonstop. Hell, it works on me…
Kurnaz is full of shit!
I was a company commander at Camp Delta from June 2004 to April 2005. No one was tortured there and no detainees were killed.
Not one of my soldiers ever came to me to report any abuse during interrogation. Not one!
Fuck this guy and the media trying to sell his load of crap!
Trent; don’t get too whipped up. We all know the leftists over at VT are pretty much full of bullshit 24/7/365. No thinking person would believe any of the crap that falls out of that website.