On those new Wikileaks documents
Sporkmaster scooped me yesterday on the reporting of the new Wikileaks documents. But I think I have a few things to say about it. If you look on the reporting of the documents, anyone who has spent a minute in the military will recognize that it’s all overreaction to absolutely nothing. People die in war normally, don’t they? And that’s what all the reporting boils down to – war is against the good nature of men. Who didn’t know that? Raise your hands…one…two…Two!
And you know what? We really don’t know what is in the documents because we’re just reading about what the hyper-sensitive media thinks about them. Have the rest of us had the time read through the 91,000 documents yet? Remember the last time we heard from Wikileaks, they said a Hummer was a tank, who knows what the hell they’ll try to get away with this time.
And, *surprise!*, John Kerry believes the hype without looking at the documents in question;
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, D-Mass., though, suggested the release could lead to a change in policy. He said in a written statement that “however illegally” the documents were released, they raise “serious questions” about U.S. policy toward the region.
“Those policies are at a critical stage and these documents may very well underscore the stakes and make the calibrations needed to get the policy right more urgent,” he said.
I remind you that this douchebag would still be President if he’d been elected in 2004.
So there’s really nothing we didn’t know, minus the hyperventilating media’s description of the contents of the leaked documents. They’ve been waiting for this since April, so I’m sure most of their articles were written long befre they got to glance at the documents.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Media
Yo, Lurch–STFU and pay your Goddamned taxes!
Wouldn’t Jawn effing Kerry have already had access to those documents? Oh, he doesn’t go to the meetings…never mind.
The change in policy that’s needed is we need to start prosecuting people who release sensitive material or spy against the United States. We need to stand some of them up and shoot them. Instead, we find 10 Russian spies and send them home with no repercussions, to go to their daschas to write books and make millions. No wonder there’s a flood of classified documents floating around the web. Some disgruntled clerk in Afghanistan has delusions of grandeur and sees himself as the next celebrated Rebel Without Cause on Keith Olberman or The View. There is no deterrent. INFOSEC has become a now nice-to-have, not a must-have.
I think we should tow Kerry’s new yacht to MA so he will have to pay taxes on it.
Towing the yacht would be too much work. Why not just release Kerry’s tax info to Wikileaks and let them run with it?