WRAMC CSM busted for stolen valor *Bumped*

| July 26, 2010

According to CNN, a Sergeant Major has been busted at Walter Reed. CNN calls Stoney Crump THE Command Sergeant Major of WRAMC, but that’s not true – he’s one of the CSMs.

Among the courses he is alleged to have attended were Reconnaissance School, Sniper School,; Drill Sergeant Course,; U.S. Army Ranger School and several Special Forces schools and courses, the Army charge sheet says.

Crump is also charged with falsely stating in a biography he was a registered nurse. Other charges say he knowingly wore up to fifteen service ribbons and awards he was not entitled to wear, including a Marine Corps Combat Action ribbon and a Presidential Unit Citation, which is awarded for a extremely meritorious or heroic act, usually in the face of an armed enemy.

CNN got the Presidential Unit Citation wrong, too – it’s awarded to an entire unit that performs in an operation at a level that would warrant a Distinguished Service Cross for everyone in the whole unit, not a single act.

Will you tell me why a Sergeant Major would feel a need to make shit up?

I found an interview he did last year in which he said “Never forget that you’re a member of a time-honored corps and a legacy. I tell Soldiers when they look in a mirror they should see a whole line of faces behind them.” That quote may prove prophetic for former Sergeant Major Crump.

When he looks in the mirror at Leavenworth, I’m pretty sure he’ll clearly see a whole line of faces behind him.

What? Too soon?

Thanks to stingerwooten for dropping off the link in another post.

*Bumped* There’s more about this peckerhead so I bumped the article up. Updates below the jump;

Army Times writes some more. It seems he not only lied about his Marine Career, he lied about his college experience as well;

Crump says he attended Marine boot camp in 1982 while pursuing a business degree with a pre-law concentration while on academic and athletic scholarships at Duke University in Durham, N.C. Crump says he was selected all-conference and that he had dreamed of playing football professionally.

Crump also claimed to have walked away from the athletic scholarship to advance in the Marines.

A Duke registrar’s office clerk said there was no record of anyone by Crump’s name attending classes during that period, nor did the university offer undergraduate degrees in business or pre-law. According to Ben Blevins, a sports information official, Crump’s name is not on any Blue Devils football roster for that period.

The registrar at East Carolina University, in Greenville, N.C., said its records show Crump attended classes there for four semesters

He probably lied about attending Duke because it’s easier to spell that East Carolina University.

In his essay, Crump says he was a recruit at Parris Island in 1982 then advanced to Infantry and Advanced Infantry School, where he said he graduated in the top 10 percent of his class, which in turn funneled him into the coveted Marine Corps Reconnaissance and Army Ranger Schools. From there, Crump says he advanced from trainee to rifleman to force reconnaissance team leader.

A summary of Crump’s military record released by Marine’s Manpower and Reserve Affairs in Quantico, Va., contradicts many of these assertions.

According to the record, Crump entered at Parris Island in October 1983 – a year later than he states in the essay — and exited the Marines in May 1986. He achieved the rank of lance corporal and held military occupational specialty 3051, the code for warehouse clerks.

Crump attended Marine courses at the Army Transportation and Aviation Logistics Schools, Fort Eustis, Va., from January to March 1984, and worked in a supply company of the 4th Supply Battalion, 4th Force Service Support Group, in Raleigh, N.C., until he left the Marines for the Army in May 1986.

Instead of Ranger School and Marine Reconnaissance School he went to the Army’s Transportation School. Well they’re almost exactly the same, right? I mean, when the Ranger Battalions can’t get slots at Ranger School, they send folks to transportation School, don’t they?

According to Army records, Crump enlisted as a medic. He participated in Operation Just Cause, the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989, with the 142nd Medical Battalion. His only other overseas deployment was to Germany, with an armored unit, and later with medical units in Landstuhl and Heidelberg.

Among other awards in his Army record, Crump received four Meritorious Service Medals, five Army Commendation Medals and six Army Good Conduct Medals.

Now why did he have to embellish a career like that? Four MSMs and five ArComs – maybe for a pogue that might not be much, but for an infantryman, it seems like a lot to be prooud of, instead of making shit up.

Category: Phony soldiers, Walter Reed

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I just find it a little ironic that he works for and his picture is next to Colonel Gordon R. Roberts who is a MOH recipient and true hero.

Bubblehead Ray

Just fucking sad.


“no one is more professional than me….”

well, maybe not. i retired as an E-4 with 19YIG, and off hand i’d say i have this sack of shit beaten all hollow in the “professional” category.

what a scum bag. the big question is how did this not get caught sooner?




This is beyond sad. WTF??? He’s a CSM for pete’s sake!

How in the HELL did the Army not catch this sooner? He’s active duty, and has obviously appeared before promotion boards who should have examined his record. I don’t understand that at all.


I agree with AF Sister’s question…….. how could someone in his command NOT discover his lies?? Admiral Borda committed suicide over ONE unauthorized ribbon, which was an insignificant one, if I recall. This moron deserves everything he gets and much more!!

D. Occhi. Infantry SGM ret

This despicable clown should have been found out sooner. He is surrounded by our honorable wounded who were not drafted!! Then this piece of s**t comes along impersonating a real soldier.
A real solder, whether he is a cook, clerk, whatever is proud of the fact that they served this nation with honor. It isn’t about medals.
I guess that I could lie about my medals and accomplishments but why? I would never try to steal the medals or deeds of men and women have earned on the battlefield or in the military school system. That is so damned reprehensible.
How could he get away with wearing a Marine Combat Action Ribbon?? How many wonderful Marines have earned this award in the last nine years but never got the chance to wear it because it was given to their next of kin along with a folded flag?
He will probably get away with it, if Black Panthers are not prosecuted for voter intimidation what are a few pretty ribbons to this administration?
I hope that this bastard piece of shit goes to prison for a long time and ends up in Hell.


What D. Occhi. said.

I don’t understand these people at all. To steal another’s honor, that they paid for with their lives, or parts of their bodies, or parts of their souls … and an active duty soldier to boot. How did he look himself in the mirror every day and not be ASHAMED!!!!????

This kind of crap seriously grieves me and is getting REALLY old.


First Letuli, now this? Or is this guy gonna have the CSM mafia cover for him until he can quietly retire? Yeah, the Navy had their fair share of the E-7 to E-9 CYA Society, and I’m sure the other services are no different.

AW1 Tim


Absolutely agree. I’ve seen the CPO Mafia in action, and it wasn’t pretty.

This is just incredibly frustrating AND sad. How does this guy NOT get found out by any of the promotion boards he would have had to go through?

Marine 83

Sparky, you can bet that the Sergeants Major Mafia is already circling the wagons, preparing excuses, and calling in favor chits to get this guy a nice quiet retirement ceremony.

Virtual Insanity

We caught one that faked the funk when he was an E-4 (added Ranger, Airborne, HALO, and some college transcripts), but we didn’t catch him until he submitted his records for review prior to the E-6 board.

He made E-5 with the faked documents, and it wasn’t until our personnel NCOIC (Infantry NCO, injured in Grenada and forced to reclass, who actually WAS a Ranger/Sniper/etc.) started looking at the packet for the E-6 board that it all came apart.

Sometimes it depends on how good the fakes are, when they are done, and who’s looking at the records before the BS flag flies. Everything unravels very quickly after that, though, because of the Army’s (and universities’) generally meticulous recordkeeping.

My point is, it depends on how long Crump had the fake docs in his file, and how good the forgeries were. The average PAC clerk wouldn’t know that there are only x number of Ranger classes a year and the class numbers on the Academic Eval doesn’t jibe, etc.

Old Trooper

How the hell these people do not figure they will eventually get caught is beyond me. Why they keep this is an exercise in insanity. In this age of instant, or nearly instant, information, you would think these chuckleheads would know better, especially with a growing number of people looking.

Virtual Insanity

OT, I think, in general, these folks are NOT rocket scientists…and that’s why they do this. The guy I mentioned above had gone to Airborne school, but washed out on Day 0. Maybe he had an inferiority complex, maybe he wanted to be more and never got the chance. Maybe he was just a criminal. He definitely was a dick, and put his wife and two kids in a horrible situation when he was kicked out of the Army.

I have found, in general, most criminals are not terribly bright.


Hey, my SGM in Iraq this last year showed up wearing CSM rank. He was only ever a SGM, just “filling into the position” so he felt entitled to wear the rank of a CSM. That rank tab disappeared as soon as he went to his first CSM meeting in Baghdad. I hate how the higher ranks seem like they feel they have to inflate their credentials.


Hey John I recall a similar incident back in the mid 80’s of a CSM from Graf I think it was . He was one of the CSM’s considered for SMA and they busted him for wearing his brothers ribbons that were earned in Vietnam. They allowed that CSM to retire. It should not surprise anyone that a senior enlisted military member would do something as stupid as this.


Fortunately, under the UCMJ, this sort of thing is not regarded as “free speech.”

Old Trooper

At a time in his life that he should be looking back at a career to be proud of, if he hadn’t embellished his bona fides, he is, instead, looking at an end rife with dishonor, shame, and indignant behavior. Here is someone that didn’t learn the meaning of the words honor and integrity in either branch of service he was in. What a waste.

Gary Walters

He should be charged for fraud for every rank he achieved using his doctored past. Federal Pound Me here he comes.


I can’t tell from the tiny picture, but he is a LEG isn’t he?? If so, that would explain it.


What a shame. I worked for that scumbag in Germany at HMEDDAC, I thought he was the s…, but of course he was just a scumbag…should have known better, especially when he had a SF combat patch and couldnt tell you which unit he deployed with…hmmmm….I hope he burns good for that one..he kept yelling at soldiers on how important honor and integrity is and here we go….WHAT A DISGRACE FOR THE UNITED STATES MILITARY….


[…] Times last week, but the article didn’t say what the CSM did to get brought up on charges.  Via This Ain’t Hell here is a CNN link that explains what he […]


To be honest, there is really not much more that can be said for the despicable actions that this NCO felt he needed to do, to pad his military service records jacket. I’m not sure what’s worse; someone who is blatantly faking military service who never even served, or someone who is still serving, who fakes their valor just so they can get ahead of their peers for another stripe? Either way I find it morally reprehensible!

Also, I wanted to drop another excellent link for everyone to check out. It seems the Military Times is finally getting into the act. I’m sure many of my fellow veterans on this blog are familiar with the outstanding Military Times website-Halls of Valor.

Taken their queue from websites such as POW Network and Stolen Valor.com, they’ve recently put up their own website; Military Times-Hall of Stolen Valor at


According to this website’s ‘About Us’ section; “This page is an aggregation of stories about those who have lied about serving in the military or earning valor awards. Each of these incidents have been verified by the media as legitimate cases of deceit. If you know of other published stories, please feel free to send us a link.”

I highly encourage everyone to go over and check it out! It definitely makes for some interesting reading!

What a click

I question why was he even considered for such a senior position bypassing more experienced and qualified CSMs. I get it, his lies grew stronger in 2007 when he started to get mentored and sponsored by the top NCO leadership in his chain. Yes, his tour was cut short in Germany to assume responsibility at Walter Reed…then again with only one year as Brigade CSM he is jumping to a nominative position. Lets don’t forget the fact that he was frock while serving in Heidelberg he would have maybe 2 years as a CSM. What a load of crap and favoritism. Senior enlisted leadership were part of this mockery? I say yes, they are just as fake as this guy, all statements made to the press lead to the believe this guy acted all alone (no godfathers, yea, right).

Rich C

We’ve done it to ourselves

Every year at the Dec Drill they have Dress Greens /soon to be blues inspections. And all everybody does is check out each others bling.

Between the constant uniform changes for “style” and the awards process being skewed, it’s become one big fashion show.

It’s whats in the uniform, not whats on it.


He was my classmate at the Sergeant Major’s Academy. I read all the talk about the SGM mafia. What about the Officers mafia. i beleve a Marine 3 star just got investigated for improper conduct with one of his Aides. She came in his room was drunk and passed out on the foot of his bed and stayed there all night. They gave the 3 star a pat on the back and said good job, since you didnt let her walk to her room and maybe pass out in her own room. I think I know what really happened in that room. Not to mention GEN Stan McCrystal who was allowed to retire as a four star when he did not meet the time in grade required for that positon. six months in jail reduced to SSG and kicked out after over 25 years good luck trying to get a job.

Doc Bailey

I think this jerk off never read the NCO Creed. It was utterly pointless to try to play himself up. MEDDAC kinda hates Grunty types because they tend to tell Nerdy Doc types just where they can stick that IV.

Look he was a FOBbit. No shame in that. I get the temptation to say “I’ve been and I’ve seen” but you only hurt yourself in the end.


There are people doing the same things he did no different but masking it with EOT awards and hooking their buddies up with CABS and BSM’S. I agree with the comment left from a class mate of his….many are patted on the back or swept under the rug. Would this be handled different if it was a 3 or 4 star? Probably so, but that is the Army of today, while your head is on the curb, we step on it. I feel he deserved to be punished, but not catastrophically in that it axed his retirement and jailed him as well. shame will be his greatest punishment, especially the shame he has already had to deal with by looking at his peers everyday until now. I feel for his family. This is only one of many “atrocities” going on…in a lot of units, the “good old boy” system is very active. There is no difference between lying out in the open about awards and putting someone in for one knowing they do not deserve it and still doing it in a “politically correct” way. They are using him as a sacrificial lamb. Very Sad to hear about this, is particular what his wife said about how he helped a lot of troops and then when the allegations started, they were treated like the scum of the earth….I guess thats “Army Strong”.



Are you kidding? You mean to tell me that because this individual, I won’t even consider a Soldier, spent the last 27 years as a lie, we should feel sorry for him and pay him OUR hard earned tax dollars for the rest of his life. SHAME on you. Don’t sit there and try to say this dirt bag is the sacrificial lamb. I see this as a self inflicted gun shot. This is what dishinesty and no integrity will get you. Do I feel for his family, yes I do. Obviously he was dishonest with them as well. He should be ashamed and shunned. Yes indeed this person should be made an example of. Of what NOT to do. I am tired of the good ole boy system. How about living our entire life by the values we were taught in basic training, work hard and EARN your place in the Army and society. Not have it handed to you because you are a member of a club. Dignity is not one of the values. Integrity and Honesty are though and this crap bag had neither. So to hell with his Dignity. I hope he rots in hell.


This S*bag represents what is going on at the CSM level in the medical field. There are many CSM’s at the top who still dont wear a combat patch and have been in thier positions for over 10years. Makes me wonder if all of these others did the same as part of this good ole boy club? There are other CSM’s out there who have discraced the Army, but they are hidden out at Ft Sam. They should be forced to retire as well and let some good Soldiers finally move up.


This guy is a fucking piece of shit i received and AR15 from this cock sucker when i was a RANGER, Airborne, earned a CIB. maybe thats why he was so pissed when i stood in front of him and called him out on being a piece of shit. That was the day i went from e5 – e4 then e4 – e1

Medmaint SFC

This dirtbag was the C Co. 1SG at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center when I was stationed there. He and another of the 1SG Mafia offered to tag-team on of my female soldiers while under the direct mentorship of CSM Craig Layton. These “True Professionals” as we were told during bizzare sessions of Layton’s NCODP were “examples to be followed”…bunch of overgrown former Drill Sergeant morons…fools who believe their own bullshit…all are unemployabe jerks now in civilian life…for them NCO means NO CHANCE OUTSIDE!


Wow, today in my TAPS class here walks in SSG (ret) Crump and they introduce him as a former Sergeant Major, he’s teaching soon to retire or separate service members how to interview, write resumes and search for jobs. I guess he’s good at creative writing, I wonder how he got hired by the Department of Labor?


To all soldiers past, present and future. The above article is a clear and present danger to the NCO corp just as it was in the late 60’s and 70’s. Everyone wanted to be something more then they were. As a retired nco I lived and breathed the know,be and do. I made mistakes and pd for them but thanks to nco’s who believed in me I was redeemed. This is not a cofessional but a belief when we allowed the officers to take away our backbone and replace with pc and creeds that have no fighting spirit the way of the warrior got lost. We need soldiers who earn their way to nco through Professional development and hard work not through books and education. Lead by example,set the example and be the best you can be.