Facebook kills

| July 24, 2010

The Associated Press reports this morning that a feud between two women over a prison inmate’s affections spilled out of the pages of Facebook into the streets of Pontiac, Michigan.

Police say Emery was driving around with her 3-year-old daughter in the back seat when she saw her rival, Danielle Booth, in the passenger seat of another car. They say Emery rammed the car, then chased it at speeds of up to 100 mph.

Police say Alesha Abernathy, who was driving the second car, ran a red light and hit a dump truck. Abernathy was killed and Booth was critically injured. Emery and her daughter were unharmed.

Is there such a shortage of men on this planet that women need to kill each other in order to attract some loser bozo who gets his plumbing snaked out in a prison cell nightly? And a high speed chase with a 3-year-old in the backseat? That’s the kind of woman who’ll attract a six-figure income husband.

Well, maybe little Torrie will get a chance to glance at her paramour through her own cell window when he’s cruising in the exercise yard for his true love.

Category: Society

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Funny thing is, she ain’t exactly a prize herself. Dude’s probably thinking he got lucky getting away from her ugly as while he gets drilled by Bubba.


Hey, that’s the dating games these days. You have no cred unless you’re a certified reprobate (you know, manly and don’t take no sh*t from anyone– shown by being an irresponsible, anti-social lowlife who doesn’t bow any rules of The Man or even basic sense.)


I can’t get one woman to fight over me. How do these guys get two or more fighting over them?

Miss Ladybug

Speaking as a single woman who’d rather not be, I’ll not lower my standards to seek out some loser in prison.

Smorgasbord, you really don’t want the kind of women who are fighting over losers in prison, anyway….

B Woodman

Color be damned . . . .
BUt can you see ANY spark of the light of intelligence in those eyes?
I don’t.


[…] at This Ain’t Hell….., we find out that Facebook has some serious wackjobs using […]


Well, it is Pontiac. Woody, nope, no one home there.


Boy, that “gentler sex” business went right out the window, didn’t it?