Freedom of Speech suppressed in TX

| July 22, 2010

Poor Nick Tiller has been victimized in his home state of Texas when he was sentenced to ten years in jail for trying to impersonate a Texas Ranger;

A felony indictment returned in February accused Tiller of inducing the company, FireStoreOnline, to rely on and submit to his pretended authority.

David Brugh of FireStore testified Tuesday that his company canceled the sale after being told by Bexar County officials that Tiller wasn’t a constable there.

Tiller, 65, didn’t take the stand to explain his affiliation with the Republic of Texas, which asserts that Texas is an independent nation whose government has been reactivated after more than a century of dormancy.

Tiller must’ve been praying for a judge like Blackburn who would have used his own brand of pretzel-shaped logic to exonerate the harmless crackpot. but it’s blindingly obvious to me that Tiller was just exercising his free speech rights. Am i the only one?

Thanks to one of our lurkers for the link.

Category: Military issues

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I’ve come to the point where I think no one really KNOWS if Texas is an independent nation or not.
We all know what the TEXANS think! : )
If indeed they are an independent nation, then what they do with this sort of “free speech” is their business.
I’m SURE they’ll take care of it…


You’re kidding, right? I mean you guys zealously hunt down and turn in sham military guys – is that freedom of speech too? Does’t impersonating a officer of the peace fall into the same catergory as impersonating a decorated veteran?


The esteemed (I use the term loosley) Judge would argue that law enforcement is a matter of public safety whereas impersonating a veteran is infringing oun the consitutional right to be an asshole.

Southern Class

Do I read Joe’s comment to suggest that he thinks Jonn was serious about “Poor Nick Tiller”? With his apparent lack of cognitive thinking, he would make an excellent board member for Idiotic Vermin and Wankers.

Southern Class

Texas is a state, and not an “independent nation”, but is a republic, and in some legal way, their statehood is similar to a treaty. They did retain their “Republic status”, and are properly described as “the Republic of Texas”, where some states, Florida, Michigan, and such are “States”, while Kentucky, Pennsylvania and others are “Commonwealth. I don’t have a clue as to the full impact of these different descriptions because I have never had reason to “need to know”. But, as I understand it, Texas retained their right to secede when they threw in with the USA. Should they exercise that right, I will haul my old ass right across the Sabine River and join them.


Okay, I have to point this out. In my first post, I was trying to be FUNNY. It obviously fell flatter than one of my pancakes…
Having pointed that out, I did want to thank Southern Class for the civics lesson. I forgot that Texas is a republic as well as a state.

Old Tanker


Head out of duffel bag

Does’t impersonating a officer of the peace fall into the same catergory as impersonating a decorated veteran?

Absolutely, the point of which Jonn was using sarcasm to make. Don’t tell me we’re on the same side on this?

Southern Class

It was funny to me, and I think that most of us here “got it”. Keep em coming!

509th Bob

You don’t need to be a Federal Judge to be a libtard, but it helps. I think that Poor Nick ended up in front a State Judge.


OK, sometimes I’m a little bit literal minded and tone deaf to sarcasm and subtle jokes……


Joe, it’s okay, sometimes my humor is about as subtle as a grenade.

Jonn, Joe was trying to be contrite. Always pause and admire rare, beautiful things…

(I’m sorry, Joe. I couldn’t resist…)


Aw, just breaks my f*ckin’ heart.