Nutroots target vets

| July 22, 2010

I guess we missed it this morning. The Liberal bloggers of the world are meeting in Las Vegas to rub their parts against each other. We’re missing such great speakers as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Jon Soltz and whoever else the left idolizes. But this caught my eye while I was leafing through their agenda;

I just think it’s sad that they have to have a seminar for the ignorant Left to teach them to relate to veterans. What’s worse is they’ll all get it wrong when they’re out on their own – luckily, they won’t leave their Mom’s basement.

Oh, Tony Camerino is supposed to be there too. Tony Camerino is the guy who calls himself Matthew Alexander and writes books about things he’s never done. yeah, he’s going to talk to the Nutroots about how they can shut down Guantanamo. of course, Camerino/Alexander has never set foot in Guantanamo, but that doesn’t matter to the left, I suppose.

I thought Camerino was supposed to deploy earlier this summer. i wonder what railroaded that.

At the bottom of the screen shot, you’ll see Brandon Friedman, known around these parts as Beaker. he really hates me. Really. Really. Hates. Me.

We were supposed to do an interview with a Washington Post reporter. He threw a hissy because I was going to be a part of the interview (the interview was about how the VA could be more responsive to veterans on the internet). Friedman, the pussy, refused to do the interview until they got someone more passive, so they got CJ to do it. And it’s probably because he was afraid I’d call him Beaker in the interview and show the cute reporter chick pictures of the two to compare for her own edification.

it’s not my fault you look like Beaker, talk to your damn ugly-ass parents, Brandon. He should grow a beard or comb his hair or dye it another color besides orange, for pete’s sake.

Category: Usual Suspects

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B Woodman

Ya’know, you’re right. Except for the hair not sticking straight up, he DOES look like Beaker. As it is, Beaker is probably more intelligent.

As for the mini-booot camp.. . . .
They got a couple of things right, but SO MUCH else wrong.
Yes, the public does trust the military much more then those other organizations. But the sentence left out “Congress” and “government” from the list of organizations less trusted. I wonder why???

“Our young troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are far more progressive. . .” (??) In what fantasy world are they dreaming THIS up? The troops from VietNam were conscripts. Today’s troops are volunteers. Big difference in the political mindset of those going out and returning home.

The rest of it is a hoot. And I’d LOVE to be a fly on the wall when these barely-“trained” Libturds go out to practice their new skills on returning military. From being ignored, to hostility, to assault. . . HAHAHAHAHAHA!

But the biggest punchline of the entire joke is the last one “. . how progressives can reclaim patriotism.” There is just SO much wrong in that sentence. Again, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!


All I can do is shake my head in disbelief.

He does look like Beaker. Douche-bag.

Southern Class

“…..and, folks, when you are confronted with a member of the Marine Corpse, I, uh, don’t think you have to salute those guys with all the stripes on their arms, and the deep, mean voices. I think that Marine Corpse officers are the ones with the neato looking gold braid on the shiny part of their soldier, uh, oops, Marine Corpse hats…..”

What in hell is plural for doofus? Doofii?


If you are a progressive, you sure as shit are not a patriot.


Nutroots related, but OT. Ethan McCord is officially a blogger at His first post is about the Wikileaks video. Here’s what I thought was the key line

“Myself and the team I was with were the first dismounted soldiers to arrive on the scene. I saw what appeared to have been 3 men on a corner, It was an extreme shock to my system, They didn’t look human, I know they had to be at one time but the destroyed carnage that I was looking at didn’t appear to be. Then there was the smell. The smell was unlike anything I’ve smelled before, a mixture of feces, urine, blood, smoke, and something else indescribable. I saw an RPG next to the men and an AK-47.’

AW1 Tim

Hopefully someone will explain to them the difference between a Corpsman, and a Corpse…. man. 😉

Cedo Alteram

… not much to add, but as soon as I saw Trueman National Security Project, I knew it. Its kinda of like a more respectable think tank where they warehouse these morons then Votevets. I’m surprised Rachel Klienfeld isn’t headlining it. This is the broad who tried to sell counter-insurgency(COIN) as the progressive way of war and not for what it is a course of action, with no political affliation. She was put down by Spencer Ackerman of all people(yeah I know HIM!). Jonn you and TSO should do more coverage of them nevermind Votevets.

William Teach

I love that part about the nutroots having “shared values” under the Miranda1-2. I assume they are referring to those serving in the Iranian army?

And then there is “how progressives can reclaim patriotism.” Should we assume this means that they actually have none? Of course, it is a simple proposition, libs: love your country. Or move. Though, really, most other countries want nothing to do with you unhinged wackjobs.


Will by taught be R. Lee Ermey going “Who’s the slimy little communist twinkle-toe c*cksucker who just signed his owned death warrant?! I’ll PT you all until your *ssholes are sucking buttermilk!” because that’d be best, actually– maybe liberals would actually learn something.


“Beaker” is in! Excellent choice Lilyea!