Another reason to like Martin Luther King, Jr – Matthis doesn’t
Remember when Matthis tried to convince all of us that by burning the flag we could liken him to the Reverend Doctor King?
While I cannot say if within a year a bullet will lay my body to rest, I can imagine how lonely and heart-broken must have felt enduring the harsh criticism of people he loved for having taken what he saw as a righteous and timely stance.
Well, now suddenly, he’s changed completely on the man.
I think it’s funny that he complains that Eldridge Cleaver is now a Republican – Martin Luther King was also a Republican. But even though Cleaver is wrong now, as claimed by Matthis, somehow he’s correct when he says something with which Chiroux agrees. I guess we should ignore the fact that King actually effected change and go with something more radical that never works, radical fundamentalism as an engine for reform.
Yeah, that’s the ticket, ignore the lessons of history and try to force failures to fit.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers
So basically, Matthis thinks that Martin Luther King Jr. was a “boot-lickin Uncle Tom” and justifies it by quoting Cleaver. I think Matthis just recently read Cleaver’s book and is trying to play it off like he’s held this belief for a long time. Why else would he bring it up this many months after the fact?
“Martin Luther King Jr. was a boot-lickin Uncle Tom.” C’mon Matthis; sack up, put it on a sign and go march through Harlem. I guarantee you’ll see some “radical action” erupt.
Scott, you give Matthis too much credit – I suspect someone recited that quote to him. He doesn’t have the fortitude required to finish a can of soda pop let alone a book.
There is one less degree of separation between Matthis and the Islamic terrorists he wishes for us to surrender to. If he admires Eldridge Cleaver you have to wonder where UBL ranks on his list.
Bonus irony for Anok Konkin’s criticism of the ineffectivenss of those who hold signs and chant. Who do you think you’re talking to there, Anok?
Mathis continues to move into deeper holes of relentless ignorance. He has a bottomless pit of mindless creativity. Whatever burdens his burdens of US foreign policy are not my concern.
I am mystified by his rants and comparisons of himself and Dr. Rev. MLK.
MLK was stellar and beyond reproach in his dignity for others. MLK had a christocentric worldview, he criticized the leftist socialism of USSR and Walter Rauschenbusch, and he proposed real alternatives to fixing the war in Vietnam.
He challenged the Black community to stand for justice, and provided dignity for ALL CITIZENS in the process. He was a noble peace prize winner, and an American Icon.
Unfortunately, MLK did not fake a limp. He did not burn flags. He wore a suit. He shared profound respect for everyone he encountered. Including those whom oppressed him.
He did not use uneducated positions to justify his actions. Thats right!!! DR. MLK had a freaking Ph.D. and he stood in the pulpit and pastored a congregation during Jim Crowe.
I dare anyone challenge MLK on much of anything besides the fact that his legacy has been tainted by Jesse Jackson and now Mathis Chiroux.
Keep doing whatever you want Mathis. In regards to MLK and the church of Jesus Christ– SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Your disrespect for his education and legacy is out of hand.
When you live through Jim Crowe, have your wife and kids get bombed, write 20 books, lead millions across america (not give a 5 minute speech to a couple hundred), meet the President of the US, earn a noble peace prize, earn a Ph. D. and shepherd a flock of Christians, and become an American ICON and a world renowned hero, then maybe you can say– “I have some similarities”. Until then, shut your soup cooler.
You’re physicians are looking for you.
They want to get you back on your medication and increase the amount and voltage of your shock therapy.
Yeah, what Jake said!!!
Indeed, thank you Jake for that response. Square in the black. Matthis hasn’t a clue about what real oppression and suppression is. He hasn’t a clue about anything, really.
Just an aging adolescent whining about nobody liking him and blaming everyone and everything for his own problems. I’d compare him to an Emo, but that would be an insult to Emos.
The only similarity that he has to Mr. King is that he is able to convert oxygen into CO2 too
Occasionally, I drag all my (ten) kids and any random hangers-on to read something that makes an important point WELL. It’s been a while. Today it was Jake’s statement on TAH. 🙂 thanks. Well said.
Thank you, Jake!
And, Scott, I’m with you. You’re such a badass, Matthis… telling off construction workers and stuff. Take Scott’s suggestion and go picket in Harlem. Better yet, next time you’re in Camden NJ, paint ‘MLK was not a Hero’ on your back and see what happens.
“…we must know truth.” Matthis Chiroux “Beyond Flagatory”
“Walk your talk” Rob Chiroux
oh god the irony!!!!
In “Soul on Ice” Cleaver talks of raping black women in preperation to rape white women, and that raping white women was a “political act”.
What a complete a total dumbass. Good post, Jake.
I am sorry to post such an antagonist post. However the bottom line, Mathis Chiroux needs to shut his ignorant soup cooler. I hate the bush doctrine AS WEL AS any body, but his antiques are as obscene as a 4 year PFC without shoe shine. SHUT YOUR SOUP COULER Chirourx!!! We all hate the war but your five minutes of fame is over !!!
Bottom line– you dont like neocons…. you do not like… and you love socialism!!!
Shut your mouth meat hole!!! your as ignorant as the fools that opposed the Iraqi surge!!
Thanks Gentleman. I enjoy all of your remarks as well.
Excuse my previous post. The previous was done at 3 am after partying in Beirut, Lebanon. YIKES!!!
Too much partying with Lebanese people can make me a little feisty. Thus, all the grammatical nonsense and spelling errors!!
It’s alright, Jake. We’ve all posted drunk on TAH sometime. Yours was much better than mine, if memory serves.
Drunk or sober, Jake… you’re a good man. Thanks!
We need to simply stop talking about this clown. His 15 minutes are over. Talking about him is like fanning a fire. Matthis is an attention whore. All he cares about is himself and doing things to keep people talking about him. Seriously. I’d like to talk to some people that he grew up with and see what he was like back then, ’cause I have a sneaking suspicion that he was just as full of shit then as he is now. I’ve heard that he is now threatening to leave Iraq Vets vs. War because they arent radical enough for him. I think it has more to do with no one giving a shit about his childish antics. Matthis needs to go away, so please… stop talking about him!