Bill Press: Obama’s poll numbers down because you’re whiney

| July 14, 2010

The main reason this administration has been such a complete failure is that it disregards it’s own missteps and deflects blame. So Bill Press, Liberal talk show host helps them out by declaring that “the American people are spoiled“;

I think this says more about the American people than it does about President Obama. I think it just shows once again that the American people are spoiled. Basically, spoiled– as a people, we are too critical. We are quick to rush to judgment, we are too negative, we are too impatient. Especially impatient. We want it all solved yesterday, and if you don’t, I don’t care who you are — get out of the way.

And again, basically spoiled. To the point where it makes me wonder if it’s even possible to govern today. I gotta tell you, I don’t think Abraham Lincoln — who certainly didn’t get everything right the first time — could govern today. I’m not sure Franklin Roosevelt could govern today, the way we are again. Just about like spoiled children. And it’s Americans, and it’s the media, and if we don’t get instant gratification, then screw you is basically our attitude.

Yeah, we’re spoiled because we expect politicians who promise to fix the economy can’t, that politicians promise to fix oil leaks and can’t, politicians claim they’re raising taxes on the rich – and we discover suddenly that we’re all “the rich”. Just like spoiled children.

Someone tell Press that if he doesn’t get his head out of Obama’s ass, he won’t be able to see that it’s me kicking his stupid ass.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, General Whackos, Liberals suck

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Adirondack Patriot

For eight years, Bill Press and the left were the ones who were whining about how bad the economy was under President Bush.

In fact, when former Texas Sen. Phil Gramm said America and had beome a “nation of whiners” Obama mocked the McCain campaign for the comment.

My, how the worm has turned.

Here is a link to the article:


I’m going to take a Devil’s Advocate approach and half-way agree with Press on this one…if not entirely to his liking. One only need remember all of the swirling praise, the soaring mantra of “Hope” and “Change”, and recall the swooning masses that fell for that load of horseshit to see that among the “spoiled” are the very ones who are disenchanted with PrezBo. Lurk over at DU for a few moments and you see outright blasphemers taking The Savior to task for not already having Cap & Trade in place…they rant about card check…they equate Obama’s handling of the war in A’stan with Bush…they expected a Grand Revolution yet when the clowns showed up, it wasn’t Cirque du Soleil they got, it was Elbo The Balloon Twisting Magician. Barry had over 18 months of swirling campaign rhetoric and unrealistic expectations to live up to, but unfortunately for him, Mr. Community Organizer forgot that his core constituency subsists on handouts…and God in heaven do they have a lot of effin’ hands. So while Bill Press is pissing and moaning about people not giving Captain Teleprompter all of the time he needs to “fundamentally transform” this nation, the biggest bunch of whiners were all the same Dumb Masses who elected this empty suit to high office to begin with. As a wise man once said, we get the government we deserve.

Richard McEnroe

Shorter Bil Press,”Peons are easier to govern.”


I have an idea!! Maybe if the politicians would actually do something right, we’d all quit WHINING???
Wouldn’t that be neat??? (Sarcasm very much intended.)


We ARE spoiled.

We are used to prosperity, and freedom, and equal justice under the laws on a scale enjoyed by no other country, and we get testy with people who try to take those things away from us.

I intend to stay spoiled.

USMC Steve

Yep, we are really terrible because the intelligent ones of us who don’t want to be socialists, and were smart enough to let Homey the clown keep the change, didn’t vote for him. And to top that off we are just ASSHOLES because we expect the turd to DO HIS JOB instead of sniveling 24/7/365. He is fingind out hard being an adult with a real job can be.


Spoiled? Oh, yeah, I’m accustomed to limited government, to keeping what I earn (that’s “earn,” not “am given”) and to what gov’t there is actually DOING something for the tax money it gets, not being a jobs programs for ignorant racist Democrats.