IVAW Losing focus

| July 13, 2010

If you go to the IVAW website and go to the “about” page, you’ll see a list of their goals;

* Immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces in Iraq;
* Reparations for the human and structural damages Iraq has suffered, and stopping the corporate pillaging of Iraq so that their people can control their own lives and future; and
* Full benefits, adequate healthcare (including mental health), and other supports for returning servicemen and women.

I guess IVAW wike up the other morning and discovered that they were totally irrelevant, and although those goals were worthy and admirable, it’s not enough to raise the vast quantities of money to keep Matthis’ nose full of coke. So this weekend, they took up a couple of other causes that are not related at all to the three listed above.

Since IVAW blocks TAH from their sight the two irrelevant resolutions are below the jump in their entirety;

Whereas, Iraq Veterans Against the War is an organization composed of post-9/11 veterans;

Whereas, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were sold to the American people on the pretext that they would make Americans safer at home;

Whereas, the Israeli occupation dehumanizes the Palestinian people and denies them their right to self-determination;

Whereas, the siege of Gaza prevents desperately needed supplies from reaching the people who live there;

Whereas, there is no battlefield solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, and any escalation of the occupation in Palestine will only serve to exacerbate the plight of the Palestinian people, and further destabilize the region;

Whereas peace between Palestine and Israel cannot be achieved while the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are under occupation;

Whereas, Israel, a relatively prosperous state, is by far the leading recipient of U.S. foreign aid;

Whereas, the U.S. government’s continued support for Israel’s atrocities in the occupied territories is a great source of anti-American sentiment throughout the world;

Therefore, be it resolved that Iraq Veterans Against the War calls for the immediate and unconditional end to the siege of Gaza.

Whereas Iraq Veterans Against the War is an organization that is comprised of veterans and members of the military who are struggling to support the rights of self-determination of Iraqis, Afghans, and our fellow brothers and sisters;

Whereas the military has been actively recruiting within the borders of Mexico to further populate the rank and file of the military and support ongoing endless wars of aggression;

Whereas these practices and the economic draft have resulted in a situation in which there are over 35,000 green card holding service members;

Whereas these and other service members also have family members and loved ones who are undocumented and living within the borders of a country for which they are serving;

Whereas the passage of laws, such as Arizona law SB 1070, and the militarization of the US-Mexico will result in racial profiling and the tearing apart of families at best, and has the potential to arm members of the military against their own family members;

Whereas no member of the military should have to fear for the safety of their own family at the hands of the very government for which they are serving;

Whereas no member of the military should be armed and sent to systematically oppress an entire people let alone their fellow kinsmen and women, whether those people are living in the borders of Iraq, Afghanistan, or even the United States;

Whereas – fundamentally – no human being is illegal;

Let it be affirmed that Iraq Veterans Against the War supports the rights of all immigrants and calls for an end to inhumane and unconstitutional laws, practices, and policies that deny them equal rights and protections under the law and demands the demilitarization of and within our borders.

Yes, they want to end the “occupation” of Gaza and give all immigrants in the US citizenship.

How do either have to do with the war in Iraq? They provide tortured explanations for their justifications, however it no different than Vote Vets’ million dollar ads for the President’s Clean Energy bill, or IAVA’s executive director attacking Miley Cyrus. It has nothing to do with nothing – just cheap tricks to separate ignorant hippies from their basket weaving money.

Apparently, they’re still listening to their VFP masters and trying to keep themselves relevant, however, they’re only making themselves look foolish and desperate.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Southern Class

These wackos are farther out in space than the 60’s Hippies. They don’t have a clue, they are devoid of facts, they are STUPID!
On Israel- IVAW Idiots; Why in hell do you think that Israel attacks Gaza?
Why in hell do you think that Israel says that all aid coming into Israel, (Gaza is Israel), will enter the port of the Israelis choosing?
Name one instance of an attack by Israel that was not provoked.
It is all about the rockets n suicide vests.
This one post pretty well tells us what the Israeli people have to deal with living near these 7th century idiots, (idiots who didn’t attend the same schools of hard knocks that the IVAW membership did not attend);


As soon as they agreed to let in non-Iraq veterans (read: when they were founded) they sealed their fate. A good chunk of ’em don’t know jack shit about the nature of service in Iraq but they still present themselves as voices of authority, so why should they resist the opportunity to do the same with other subjects about which they don’t know shit? And natch, it’s all the pet causes of other uber-lefties, as if one needed more evidence that they’ve turned into little more than marionettes for jerkoffs from other orgs who want to show them off in public.

Old Tanker

Hey dumbasses, if “no human being is illegal” why can’t Israely settlers move into Gaza without you calling it an “illegal occupation”?

try this

“whereas we call for the immediate end to the illegal occupation of the United States by citizens of the country of Mexico”


whereas we are all bedwetting mental midgets trying to revive some romantic image of the smelly 60’s without any idea of what we are doing

whereas we need some more money to get to the next Phish show or score some tickets to The String Cheese Incident


Take it from an old vet. Any so-called veterans group against any current war is anti USA and is sponsered by some left wing communist organization. They should be given absolutly no cred. Think you will also find many in their membership never served. And those that did serve and belong are POS.


Hey, can somebody give me the number of the US Army recruiting center in Mexico City?

Casey J Porter

By having these new resolutions it proves that IVAW is no longer about ending the war in Iraq, but staying relevant with the “movement”, the ISO, and other organizations of similar thought. Resolutions in IVAW don’t mean much of anything. It’s not like they are going to pick up arms and fight on the side of those they feel are oppressed. It’s just a lot of cheap talk.

While me and Army Sergent are certainly not friends anymore, I know she can not be pleased about this. They really let her down, again. That doesn’t make me happy.

By adopting these resolutions and becoming completely unfocused IVAW has sealed it’s fate in becoming just
another anti-war group that gets nothing done.


IVAW jumped the shark. It seems they have grabbed at straws and the easiest target for the uninformed is support for Hamas. But the bigger question is that can IVAW no longer cling to their propaganda as a group that helps vets now that they have officially adopted the Hamas talking points as part of their platform? I’ll go and say that this IVAW is not a group about vets other than to hijack the PR angle to fulfill the ISO agenda… I always respected AS comments to some degree, but if she stays with this ISO, flag-burning shill then she gets no more respect, along with anyone else who maintains an affiliation with this crowd. I know I may just be an anonymous Army officer (and Iraq combat vet) and they likely look down on people like me, but that’s their loss because people like me are open minded and offer deference to vets, but not anymore to these clowns. (hmm… Not sure why this post annoyed me so much. Thanks for tolerating my little rant)

Southern Class

While certainly of different generations, you, like me, expect our veterans to act like, well, veterans. These anti-war sorts are nothing but todays 60’s hippies, protesting whatever brings the cameras. That a bunch of startimers, would be so lacking within themselves, to have to use the skirts of the military to have any validity, speaks volumes about just who they are. If we had a draft, as when I was in, I could see that there would be a movement to keep people from being drafted; but this is all about the finest all volunteer force for defense on this planet.
Being a volunteer force, totally negates the need for anything even faintly resembling the IVAW. They are just startimers, and Matthis is not exceptional among them, he is their poster boy, one of the average. Be IVAW-Be like Matthis.

Casey J Porter

Matthis is still lying about his service too.