Lil Mac and Blind Faith
Last night I linked to Jammie Wearing Fool and the story about “Lil Mac” Wesley Clark, but the more I thought about the article, the more angry I became. First here’s the quotes as reported by the Washington Times;
“[McCain] has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee and he has traveled all over the world, but he hasn’t held executive responsibility,” Clark said. “That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded _ that wasn’t a wartime squadron.”
Moderator Bob Schieffer, who raised the issue by citing similar remarks Clark has made previously, noted that Obama hadn’t had those experiences nor had he ridden in a fighter plane and been shot down. “Well, I don’t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president,” Clark replied.
Who the Hell is Wesley Clark to tell us what kind of experience is acceptable to be the President? I’m here to tell you that schmoozing with domestic terrorists and racist preachers isn’t qualifications for President, either, Wes, m-boy.
Neither is being an E-4 journalist with a personal body guard, nor being a green lieutenant with a boat who accidentally shot himself in the arm. But that didn’t stop you from endorsing Gore or Kerry based on their military experience, did it?
How many wartime commands did Clark have? Since the bulk of his service was between Vietnam and Kosovo, I have to say; very few. I guess it’s McCain’s fault that he was being held prisoner while the wars were going on and his peers got those plum wartime commands.
Who keeps giving this knucklehead a forum? CBS should be ashamed for allowing this addle-brained, weasel-faced half-pint on the air. The Democrats should be ashamed that he gets anywhere near their party. All the little peckerhead did yesterday was point out that Obama has less experience than someone with even a tiny bit of experience.
Getting fired from a command position during a time of relative peace doesn’t qualify Lil Mac for disparaging other veterans’ service with any credibility.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Politics
I was singing Blind Faith on Saturday night: I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home…
Jonn wrote: Did you notice a bat-faced midget with four stars on his shoulder in the gutter next to you?
Now listen, I’m no fan of Wesley Clark, but I’m equally opposed to that nitwit silver-spoon sucking McCain. To wit:
– Life of privilege, a career of taking taxpayer dollars…from military brat childhood to full-blown military “experience” to retirement and “service” as a Representative and Senator.
– Commanded the largest aviation squadron in history. Big whoop. The smallest of small businessman has more street cred when it comes to executive decisions because military commands do not operate on the profit-and-loss mentality. In fact, ineptitude is rewarded in government programs – fail and you get more money. Perhaps that’s why songbird “ascended” to that position – he’s a career f-up.
– The myth regarding his “refusal to be released” out of order. Spare me. The notion of the folks running the Hanoi Hilton needing a prisoner’s position prior to releasing him is utterly absurd.
– Finally, McCain murdered civilians. There’s no getting around that fact. Given the general attitude of the folks on this blog, that fact is probably one worthy of celebration.
Clark may be a loser, and he may be exercising his four-star authority over someone who never made Admiral, but he’s also above the petty insults being lobbed at him by the knuckle dragging grunts that populate this site.
Some people never leave the foxhole.
Jonn wrote: Well, I don’t usually call my commenters names…but since you started it; Carry your candyass pussy self somewhere else and let your heart pump purple piss for someone who gives a tiny rat’s ass what you think.
Ohhhh V Dose (I’ll call you “Clap” for short) You sound like the typical “I’ve never done a damn thing” shitbird that flocks to Obama like flies to a honey wagon. I would like to invite you to go to your local VFW and repeat those statements to the face of a Vet. I promise to send flowers.