Defense funding loaded with pork

| July 2, 2010

The Democrats are loading up the defense spending bill with pork – so much pork that it it looks like it’ll be the whole budget for government. Stuart Varney puts Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff on the spot making him explain how he can vote for the thing. Of course, Schiff uses the “everyone does it” excuse.

From a Fox article;

The House of Representatives OK’d a $60B bill Thursday to pay for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and fund a variety of other programs like education, Pell Grants, natural disaster relief and relief efforts following the earthquake in Haiti.

Some of the Democrats are are playong games with the idea of ending the war in Afghanistan;

The House voted down a proposal to strike all funding for the war, 376-26. Twenty-two lawmakers voted “present.”

In addition, the House also voted against a plan authored by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) to order a withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. That idea failed 321-100.

The House also defeated an amendment to require the president to present a withdrawal strategy to Congress next year.

The tally there was 260 nays to 162.

So the little children in Congress have completely turned the budget process into a political football. They didn’t pass a budget in 2008 and it looks like they won’t get one done this year. Is anyone in charge of government anymore?

Category: Congress sucks

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B Woodman

It’s ALL about the partisan politics, not for the troops.
WHen The responsible Republicans (those that are not RINOs) vote AGAINST the bill because of the pork and expense, then the DemonRats shrill their loudest, “See!! See!! They’re against the troops!!”

Vote ’em ALL out. Damn the “we’re experienced and we know how to make Gubbment work” argument BS. That’s what’s gotten the US into this mess — “Experience”.


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