Now THAT’S leadership
The LA Times reports that the Somali president was on the front lines of the fight against terrorists yesterday;
Dressed in camouflage and hunkering among his soldiers, Somali President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed appeared on the front lines Thursday in an offensive against Islamic militants in his country’s shattered capital of Mogadishu, witnesses and government officials said.
I’d challenge our president to show that kind of leadership, except I’m not sure for which side he’d fight.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
That COWboy would have to go to Basic Training first…and he’d never make it past grenade or claymore training…ahem.
Friendly fire — isn’t. Except when used on the O-one?
If he did you would just call it a publicity stunt.
The guy is a veteran and it does show ballz, though.
Only if it was handled like a publicity stunt. If it was, it would be fair to call it one wouldn’t it?
Much like his trip to Dover AFB, doc?
Nobama wouldn’t, but if on the off chance he did, I think it is safe to say he would not be defending White America. Not on a bet.
It’s hard to aim through a teleprompter.
Our King-In-Chief has shown who’s side he is on many times, and it ain’t ours.
Has he learned how to pronounce corpsman yet?