Free tomorrow night?

| June 27, 2008


TSO sent me this. I don’t know if he was he was asking me out on a date or what. The email heading was “Let’s keep the heat on!” Then he left town. If anyone knows what he was thinking, let me know.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink

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LT Nixon

Who is the band “The White”. I hope it’s not like “Great White” because those guys totally sucked.

Jonn wrote: I think it’s The White Buffalo from the only movie Charles Bronson made that sucked.


Damn… This I would have loved to go to. But I’m up to my ass in alligators (albeit small ones).

OTOH, the idea of you and TSO dating killed my buzz. Who leads when two Army guys dance?


The idea of Jonn and TSO dating could kill any buzz and hell it’s Friday and beer-thirty hit San Antonio an hour ago!

Having said that, the dance lead does not go to the highest rank as one would think; it goes to the guy with the most scary badges.

Why I know that is a state secret.


it goes to the guy with the most scary badges.

I see, kinda like prison dances. How I know that is not a state secret, but personal anyway. [grin]

And thanks, it does add some perspective to all the Army uniform hardware… so does the gold shoulder braid offer special entitlements? Like who wear’s the tiara?


Well… the tiara WOULD fit in with the rest of the Code Fink fashions.


the tiara WOULD fit in with the rest of the Code Fink fashions.

My thought exactly. Those two could dance into the event. I’m not driving to DC just to be Jonn’s date. [grin]

For one thing I can’t dance!




Now you two keep daylight between you at all times or Sister Mary Pink Elephant will smack your hands with a ruler.


You know what they say, “If you can’t catch a social disease at a Code Pink dance, you just can’t catch a social disease.”