Joe Bite Me faces tax revolt

| June 27, 2010

According to Gateway Pundit, Vice President Joe Bite Me was on a campaign whistle stop in Wisconsin for Russ Feingold when they stopped at a custard stand. When Bite Me offrted to pay for his cone, the business owner told him that if he cut taxes, Bite Me could consider them even;

Unless the Obama Administration does something soon, they’re going to hear a whole shit load of statements like that especially after the Bush Administration’s tax cuts expire in January and lower income workers’ taxes increase 50-100%.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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I have been watching hair-plug Biden for decades. He’s a uncouth toad who confuses honesty for rudenesss. The only smart*** here is Joe.


2010/2012… Like Nixon said in ’68: “This time, vote like your whole world depended on it.”

AW1 Tim

I tell you this much: The wife is having to decide whether or not to stay at her current job. As she sees it right now, with the increase in tax burden on us, it would be almost worth it for her to quit working and do some cash stuff or even some temp work here and there.

B Woodman

This goes hand-in-hand with his statement from September 08 that “paying higher taxes is a patriotic duty.”
To which I reply:
1-This country was created in a war over higher taxes.
2-You want people to pay higher taxes? Lead by example. You first. And I want to see, examine and audit your state and federal return. As I know you’ve forgotten, YOU work for ME.