15 insurgents blow themselves up

| June 27, 2010

The Earth Times rather matter-of-factly mention that 15 insurgents operating in a Taliban-dominated area of Afghanistan prematurely detonated their school projects inside a mosque yesterday;

Eight Arab, five Pakistani and two Afghan militants were killed when bombs they were making exploded prematurely inside a mosque in eastern Afghanistan, the Interior Ministry said Sunday.

The insurgents were assembling bombs in Desi Mosque of Yousifkhela district in the south-eastern province of Paktika on Friday, the ministry said.

You’d think they’d mention how mosques are supposed to off-limits to military operations. If a US air raid had been involved, that would have been in the lead paragraph.

I hope that our homegrown bombers keep on spending their money for that level of training from the Taliban.

Category: Terror War

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B Woodman

The Law of Unintended Consequences just gave a loud and resounding “Bite Me!” bitch-slap to some well deserving fools. Thank you, and keep up the good work!


The last thing a jihadist/asshat wants to hear Achmed say at bomb-making services in the mosque? “Aw, shit”.

Southern Class

Allahu Ackbar:
Allah is looking out for us, isn’t he?
I love it when shit comes together.
The one good thing about Islam is that they have no problem with blowing eachother up. And to do it while working on a project intended to blow up our troops- PRICELESS!!!!!


These guys got what they wanted. Unfortunately, after their 72 virgins picked them up with a sponge, they weren’t in any shape to do anything about it!

Adirondack Patriot



richard mcenroe

“Nice place?”
“It used to be.”
“What happened?”

— Jeff Dunham and Achmed,the dead terrorist


Musta been reading from The Weathermen Big Book of Bombmaking.

Southern Class

RE: Scott.
Ya suppose that John Sinclair wrote their manual?


This is a really good pick me up…

Virtual Insanity

My wife just asked me why I was giggling. Should I find that as funny as I do?

I love it when assholes like that go “boom.”


Every once in a while, I find myself cheering a performance by the Idiots for Allah. This is one of those times.

Jeff: “What was the last thing that went through your mind?”
AtDT: “My ass.”

Heh, Dunham’s good all around, but his AtDT just holds a special charm for me. 😉


Premature detonation… Don’t they have a pill for that?? Uh… Wait..


nothing like the smell of ammonia nitrate going off first thing the morning…*kaboom* So, the math is 72 virgins, divided by 15 grease balls. Answer is! 4.8 virgins…. son of a gun…they were lied to!

Go figger!



I’m still trying to figure out what the 72 virgins are supposed to get out of this arrangement….