Kerry asked to step down from POW Commission

| June 17, 2010

1stCavRVN11B sent us an article about the reopening of meetings between the US and Russia to determine the fate of American POWs during the Cold War according to Bill Gertz in yesterday’s Inside the Ring column..

The White House National Security Council has been press­ing for the commission to resume its efforts to gain access to Russian archives where secret files on the fates of hundreds of missing Americans from wars are believed to be held.

A meeting of the U.S. side of the commission was held June 10 on Capitol Hill, but a key member, Senate Foreign Rela­tions Committee Chairman John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, was absent, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, has not assigned a Democratic House member to the panel.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Geor­gia Republican and the chief of staff for Rep. Sam Johnson, Texas Republican and himself a prisoner of war in Vietnam for seven years, took part

The absence of the Democ­ratic representatives was crit­icized by several participants. They also voiced concerns that the Defense Intelligence Agency failed to send one of its officials to the meeting.

The Russians have recently opened their archives in regards to the Polish officers at Katyn Forest, which might signal a thawing of relations in that regard.

U.S. officials have said privately that the Russians are believed to hold documents that will assist in the hunt for missing Americans, likely including those reported captured and held in Siberia during the Cold War and the Korean conflict.

Russia has not released documents from this region since the commission was launched in 1992. POW activists suspect Moscow has blocked access to historical records because the records are expected to show the Russians executed scores, if not hundreds, of American POWs.

Some groups assisting the Commission aren’t pleased with the participation they’re getting from the Democrats at this critical juncture;

“We deeply appreciate the Obama administration’s efforts but are dismayed the Democratic leadership in Congress cannot find two lawmakers willing to support our POW/MIAs and their families. At a minimum, we call for Speaker Pelosi to fill immediately the empty commission seat for a Democratic congressional representative so that person can take part in the upcoming meeting,” said Dolores Alfond, chairwoman of the National Alliance of Families.

“We also ask Sen. Kerry to step aside in favor of a senator willing to devote the time and energy needed for this critical mission,” she said.

I don’t what John Kerry is doing with this commission, anyway. He left his shipmates embattled in Vietnam in 1969 and then bayoneted them all in the back (the same way he shot that wounded Vietnamese kid in the back) with his retarded behavior at Congressional hearings and at Winter Soldier in Detroit, not to mention his antics at various protests. Why does anyone think he’s going to give a tiny, furry rat’s ass about some POWs?

He’s like Al Gore’s ritarded half-brother/cousin.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers

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A Balrog of Morgoth

John Kerry on a POW commission?

What next, PETA joins the U.S. Ranchers Coalition?


Gee, I’m surprised he’d miss that. My guess is those meetings made his leg all tingly.


Skerry has a vested interest in hiding anything associated with exposing the facts of our POW/MIAs. May he be damned to hell.

Even the Village Voice knew that in 2004:

The Massachusetts senator, now seeking the presidency, carried out this subterfuge a little over a decade ago— shredding documents, suppressing testimony, and sanitizing the committee’s final report—when he was chairman of the Senate Select Committee on P.O.W./ M.I.A. Affairs.

Old Tanker

Jawn Kerry could not be reached for comment….he was in Cambodia…

Old Tanker


That article has left me completely disgusted…I had no idea…


“He’s like Al Gore’s ritarded half-brother/cousin.” That’s funny. Thanks for the laugh, Jonn.

As to why John Kerry was on the POW Commission in the first place… how did that happen? Do they volunteer? Is that an appointed position? If so, what idiot appointed him? Is he trying to earn back the veteran vote for some future run? That’s frightening. I just scared myself.

John 5 (VN69/70)

Read “An Enormous Crime” by former US Rep. Bill Hendon (R-NC, which is an account of American POW’s from VN. and how Kerry and John McCain abandoned our POW’s and kept information from being made public so that those who had family members still missing could/would not be allowed any closure. It is a very revealing book about our POW’s by someone who was on the commitee.


I second John5. Kerry and McCain have been part of a coverup to the fact that we left hundreds of POWs behind when we left Vietnam. Neither is fit to be dogcatcher. Kerry is a traitor for various reasons and McCain is not far behind. They at the very least should be drummed out of politics.

Bulldog 22 1/10 Cav

It is really sad that our two most well known vet (with a small v) senators (with a small s)are sellouts and liars.

Michael Turley

Within 3 months of Kerry becoming chairman with McCain one of the senior members of the committee the General conducting the investigation resigned in disgust, reporting that Kerry and McCain were refusing to allow witnesses to testify and destroying evidence. When the committee shutdown altogether only a few weeks later and the sanctions against Vietnam were lifted the Kerry family Forbes acted on a long standing deal to dredge a commercial harbor in Vietnam [the contract was worth nearly 1 billion dollars] and the Kerry family corps was given the Real Estate rights to most if not all Vietnam. Sweet, huh? All you have to do is betray your country and abandon your countrymen who served their country.

He and his ilk should have been hung for treason 1968 through 1971. None of the traitors serve WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America. And there are too many of their kind in our institutions of so-called higher learning.


[…] Kerry asked to step down from POW Commission – This Ain’t Hell […]

Tim Shepherd

Can you tell me how to get intouch with Bill Hendon?