Bob Etheridge’s ill-considered behavior

| June 15, 2010

You’ve probably all seen the video of Congressman Bob Etheridge accosting two students who tried to interview him on the street;

And you’ve probably already read his apology which he wasted no time in releasing. But have you read anything about his Republican opponent? John Hawkins tries to get an interview with Renee Elders but ends up with a written statement about Etheridge’s antics.

And, of course, Etheridge’s behavior is the fault of Republicans. And the Washington Post is more worried about the identity of the students than they are about the behavior of a public official.

Category: Congress sucks, Media

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And of course, this story was at the top of both Keef and Madcow’s shows last night on PMSNBC, right? Keep this in mind, people–had this been a GOP Congressman, this story would be in the cycle on CNN and the Big Three as well as Pravda on the Potomac 24/7 until he resigned.

I’m to the point where I’m about to say screw it–throw them ALL out.

B Woodman

Whaddya mean, “about to say”?
Me and too many other people are already THERE!
And for fast fast instant relief, don’t forget to take your daily dose of “ScrewItAll”.

Reaganite Republican

It’s Obama who set the tone… HE is the one with “get in their face”, “hit back twice as hard”, and gonna “kick ass” while Salazar puts his “boot on their throat”. What the hell is this, the Third Reich?

Now this arrogant clown Etheridge thinks it OK to get violent with an innocent reporter asking a question… and in the most polite fashion imaginable- who cares what his motivations were or weren’t.

What a horrible example Team Obama and allied union thugs have set for their minions.. who now feel free to lash out like punks at any who dare question them.

And anyone who still considers Obama some sort of unifier ought to have their head examined- seriously


This dickwad is my congressman. We have a rally planned for tomarrow, june 16, 1200 – 1300 in front of his office in Raleigh to demand he resign. What an ass. Ranks right up there with ” do you know who I am?” I can’t wait for november.

Virtual Insanity

As one of the most canny bosses I ever worked for told me years ago, “Time wounds all heels.”

He’ll get his.