Pelosi heckled by Teaparty activists
Oh, no, it’s Code Pink and some left wing activists heckling the Speaker of the House. Last year ahe whined that right wingers scared her, and that insurance companies were behind the protesters. Which big money industry is behind this;
When the Secret Service advises he to leave because the protesters are throwing stuff at her, she ratchets up her courage. Last year she was sniveling over the shouts, this year she’s brave in the face of missiles.
I guess Code Pink for Peace has become part of the rent-a-mob crowd since protesting George Bush and whichever war happens to be in the news is unprofitable these days.
Category: Code Pink, Congress sucks, Usual Suspects
They’re only doing what she encouraged them to do. In 2006, she proudly proclaimed “I’m a fan of protestors.”
Good, you feckless simpleton. Have a nice day.
Does anyone know what the fuck they were whining about?
From the audience POV:
Not sure what they’re throwing (at 2:21) It looks like they had an issue with the Community Act and for the remainder of the speech they chanted was “Our Homes Not Nursing Homes.”
But there was an anti-Israel banner being held by Code Pink members, including the male pinko toady.