Obama interupts town’s Memorial Day plans

| May 28, 2010

Bev Perlson sent us this article about Carpentersville, IL which had planned for a fly-over of F16s in the “Missing Man” formation to cap their Memorial Day event this weekend, but the Secret Service put the kibosh on the flyover because its inside the President’s personal 35-mile No Fly Zone.

After making the announcement to the hundreds of folks at the opening ceremony, Christopherson commented, “We are hugely disappointed about losing the fly-over. There were so many people who have contacted us during the planning and erecting stage of this event that were so very excited that we would be able to have a fly-over on Sunday. It’s just a sad thing, and even sadder because the 35 mile zone ends about a mile from the park.”

One of the volunteers who was busy early this morning putting the replica dog tags of each POW/MIA on the flag poles, Ray Reusch, expressed stronger sentiment that resonated with the other volunteers present. He said, “If Obama was in Washington laying the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier this weekend like every other President before him has done, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Damned prols won’t leave The One alone while he celebrates himself.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Adirondack Patriot

I don’t understand why military jets are excluded by the 35-mile zone? They don’t trust the military to conduct a flyover? Really?

I can see prohibiting the media helicopter, but the military?


I was thinking the same thing, AD. Why wouldn’t there be an exception for military jets? I mean, they escort AF1 in times of emergency and that is well within the 35 mile zone.


Old Trooper, the jets would distract Duh Wuns golf game.


Ah, right; gotcha nucsnipe.


Vote accordingly in 2012. As Nixon said in ’68: “This time, vote like your whole world depended on it.”


Or, the jets would drown out his mellifluous rhetoric, thereby rendering his speech equal to that of mere mortals. Or, maybe it’s Obama’s no fly zone, he doesn’t want the live members of the military around?

Old Tanker

Air Force jets can’t fly too close to other Air Force jets??? Sounds like common sense in action…


Must be a slow news day…..


No just another Joe is slow day, but we humor you since your a “special person”


Yeah.. ‘cuz President Obama personally crafted the presidential no-fly policy and purposely included military planes. Because he hates America. And freedom.

“If Obama was in Washington laying the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier this weekend like every other President before him has done, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Except that President Obama did lay a wreath on Memorial Day last year, and past presidents have also not personally gone to the Tomb of the Unknowns to lay a wreath.

“In 1983, President Reagan had Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Thayer represent him at the ceremony.”
“… The Boston Globe reported that on Memorial Day in 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle laid a wreath at the tomb while Bush spoke to American Legion members in Kennebunkport, Maine, and played golf.”

So… yeah…

Old Tanker


Because we were at war in ’83 and ’92 right?


I don’t know who is posting as Ray, but it wasn’t me.


Sun is shining, the weather is sweet… Make you want to move your dancing feet… To the rescue… Here I am…

Just kidding, Ray. I don’t know who’s posting as you either…

Bubblehead Ray

It’s not like I have the copyright on the name. LOL I shall now be known as Bubblehead Ray… So let it be written, So let it be done.

Ray 2

Sorry, I just started commenting on this site and didn’t know someone was already using Ray.

Ray 2

@Old Tanker

Alright, so the tradition is that Presidents lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknowns when we’re at war, otherwise they’re obviously anti-military? So I guess President Bush not laying the wreath in 2007 was pretty douchey, huh? I mean, we were in 2 wars (one prosecuted entirely by his choice). But we both know President Bush didn’t hate our servicemen and women.

It doesn’t matter, when you start out with a conclusion (“Obama sucks”) you’ll interpret reality however you need to to fit it. The fact that he’ll be at Abrahan Lincoln National Cemetery on Memorial Day is obviously a middle finger to the armed services. Also, he was born in Kenya.

Adirondack Patriot

“Yeah.. ‘cuz President Obama personally crafted the presidential no-fly policy and purposely included military planes. Because he hates America. And freedom.”

Let’s see. Flying Air Force One at low altitude over Manhattan to take file photos: Yes we can!

Flying F-16s within 35 miles of the Smartest President Evuh to honor Memorial Day: Not so much.

Yeah, I see a pattern of brilliance here with this Obama guy.

Bubblehead Ray

Ray 2,

The problem I have with it is not so much that Obama is skipping Arlington on Memorial Day. The problem I have is it fits into a pattern that has persisted since he skipped the MOH inaguration ball on his first day as POTUS. I would think a smart polititian would bend over backwards to correct a mistaken impression that he doesn’t care much for the Military. That he has not, and continues to blow off functions that are important to the Military and Veterans, shows me the impression is probably dead on.

Ray 2

@Bubblehead Ray,

I didn’t know about him skipping the MoH ball, I just read about it right now. That I agree was disrespectful and a mistake on his part. Given the number of balls that were going on, I can’t imagine any plausible reason for not going to the MoH ball.

But I don’t think that that or not being at Arlington this year indicates he doesn’t care about the troops. Some actions bear greater weight than others on this topic. Skipping military events is bad. Sending our servicemen and women into harm’s way for no logical reason is worse. In any nation, but especially in a democratic nation, the soldier’s/airman’s/Marine’s/sailor’s life is a sacred thing. Putting their lives in danger is a big deal, so the cause has to be, in Joe Biden’s words, “a big fucking deal.”

When Reagan put our forces in harm’s way in 1983, he had a just cause. When H.W. Bush did it in 1991, he had a just cause. When Bush did it in 2003, he simply did not. And now we’ve got thousands of servicemen and women dead, and tens of thousands more wounded. He could have attended every ball and memorial event possible, but nothing would have compared to him playing empire with the nation’s most sacred and most valuable asset.

Then there’s spending money on things the military itself does not want, like an alternative F-35 engine, instead of things the military actually needs, like up-armor kits and mine-resistant vehicles. I’ve read that soldiers and Marines often end up purchasing their own basic necessities, like batteries and lube for machine guns.

The point is, I think how a President uses and treats his military forces is infinitely more important than how he participates in their traditions. From what I can tell, Obama has a sincere desire to take troops out of theaters where we do not have a strategic military interest and better equip those who are fighting the fights we need to (Afghanistan, and possibly soon North Korea).


You’re right Ray 2, and I like how Owebowma has gone out on a limb, demanding better pay for the military at the expense of the unions representing federal workers. No, wait, he hasn’t? I had that reversed? OK, my bad. The military raise is projected at 1/4%, while the raise for union workers, who usually make more than those in the military, is projected at 2%.
But, this won’t probably won’t make any difference to you, even though it shows how the President “uses and treats” the military. And it isn’t his military, it’s ours.


My bad, I meant 1.4% in #20.


Bubblehead Ray
Would you attend a memorial service for the fallen of your enemy? When we finally figure out who’s side Obama is on it is easy to understand why Obama doesn’t want to honor his fallen “enemy” members or attend gatherings where the “enemy” is honored for their awards.

In case you didn’t know it, Obama didn’t hold the inaugural ceremony on Federal property because he couldn’t charge for it. Since the inauguration was held on private property they could charge for things. Even the propaganda media was charged for the time they were allowed to film it in 15 minute increments. The guests and seating arrangements were probably based on how much they gave to Obama. That policy hasn’t changed.

I am guessing the inaugural balls were the same way. If you wanted to see him you paid the price. The more balls he attended, the more he made. Attending the MOH ball would have cost him too much money.

I still can’t put the words “Obama” and president together. It just does’t sound or look right. I think a peroson should have to EARN the office, not buy it.

Do you all remember how Obama opened his web sight so that ANYBODY from any COUNTRY could give ANY amount? Legally you can’t give more than $200 to a candidate. Web sights are supposed to have filters to keep track of a person’s name and card number. Obama had many $200 donations on the same card but under different names. Some of them were even cartoon character names. Since Obama won, and since liberals are in charge of the agencies that are supposed to investigate such things, there was and never will be an investigation.


Feel free to share with the class where W observed Memorial Day in ’07, Ray squared.

Then try to compare him to this clown.