Becker busted

| May 25, 2010

Late last month I wrote about James A. Becker who was living the high life in Ecuador on his lies about an incredible military career. Doug Sterner sent us a link to that reports that the final chapter of Becker’s life is being written.

NCIS opened its case after Gaddis sent his alert through embassy channels.

“NCIS is looking into allegations made,” said spokesman Ed Buice. “The first step in any such query is getting to ground truth of what has actually been said by whom, in what context and for what possible purpose, and determining whether those statements being made actually broke any laws.”

Another spectacular take-down by the folks at POW Net;

Becker has been listed in the POW Network’s phonies index since 2006 when Mary Schantag, the organization’s co-founder, received an e-mail from a Navy veteran in Punta Gorda, Fla., claiming that Becker was passing himself off as a retired four-star Marine general and POW escapee.

Suman and some of his retired military friends contacted Schantag. Through a Freedom of Information Act request with the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Mo., she discovered Becker had no military record.

Schantag reported Becker to the FBI in 2006 and reported him again following the reports contained in Gaddis’ e-mail from Ecuador.

Read the whole story.

Category: Phony soldiers

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