Blumenthal emails apology

| May 24, 2010

When Richard Blumenthal, CT’s AG had a chance to face the voters and apologize to them for lying countless times to their faces last week, he instead used the opportunity to chastise them for doubting him in the face of mounting evidence against him. Now a weekend later, the cringing coward emails his apology to the Hartford Courant.

“At times when I have sought to honor veterans, I have not been as clear or precise as I should have been about my service in the Marine Corps Reserves,” Blumenthal said in a statement emailed to the Courant late Sunday by his spokeswoman, Maura Downes. “I have firmly and clearly expressed regret and taken responsibility for my words.

“I have made mistakes and I am sorry. I truly regret offending anyone,” Blumenthal said. “I will always champion the cause of Connecticut’s and our nation’s veterans.”

How brave! How courageous! Lie to m face and email an apology behind my back. I guess we can all figure out why he avoided service in Vietnam – he’s a coward to the bone.

State Republican Chairman Chris Healy criticized Blumenthal for making his apology by email, calling it an “electronic mumble.”

“Maybe he can’t look the Vets or people in the eye and really admit it,” Healy wrote on his Facebook page.

How can he even consider running for the Senate now? Do the people of Connecticut really want this mealy-mouthed coward representing them in the Senate? Seriously.

Category: Liberals suck, Phony soldiers

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Gotta love it when liars double down on stupid and crap out(If CT voters have any brains)


Really? We have members of Congress who give that rat bastard Calderon a standing O, and then we have the same bastards forgetting how they railroaded Bush’s service, but now forgive this shitbird… and then gets front page of my old home state and *pretends* to apologize? Um, no go, Mr.Shitbird.


To be honest, he did try to get five deferments on his apology before he finally found one that was safe for him!


And let’s not forget all the liberals (see Maureen Dowd’s NYT column for one) who are rallying around saying that this wasn’t such a big deal, but can bust Dan Quayle’s balls for saying he was a Vietnam-ERA vet, despite the fact he NEVER claimed to have been to Vietnam, unlike AG Blumenthal. Or maybe “Dick” was really there, and it was seared–SEARED–into his brain while he was acting like “Jen-giss Kahn.”

B Woodman

If the people of Ct elect this ass**le, then they are not citizens, but sheeple, and deserve the fleecing they will surely get.


Woodman–problem is, when you get to that level, what a state sends to Washington has an effect on ALL of us.