Change you can believe in
The above chart is our traffic report for yesterday – it was a fairly average day and it’s up about 100% from January. I’m proud that this blog has become a part of so many people’s day. But, never one to be satisfied, I’m adding another blogger here. It’s not someone regular readers don’t know – it’s Thus Spake Ortner from The Sniper who has been a big part of our growth here. He’ll continue posting at The Sniper, but he’ll also treat us to his musings here occasionally.
He’s a little reticent about posting on this WordPress platform, however he promised me that he’ll start tomorrow. So if you come by tomorrow and get an error message, it’s because TSO drove my blog over a cliff.
But rest assured that the blog is now in the hands of three Combat Infantry Badge wearers.
Also please notice in the sidebar I’ve added the Blog Net News/Moronosphere widget (under the typing monkey logo) so you can keep track of what’s being written in the other blogs that have derived from Ace of Spades. The intrepid DPUD put it together – be sure you use it often and thank him when you get over there.
Category: Administrative
Yep, My newest stop…I must get ya at least 4 times a day! But eagles flock, don’t they? 🙂
Thanks for the plug Jonn, TSO is going to be a great addition to This Ain’t Hell.
Three Army guys, huh? Seems like there should be joke in there somewhere.
Three Army guys go into a bar and…
Jonn wrote: …and kicked ASS! Is that what you were looking for, Zero? It ain’t funny, but it’s true.
and kicked ASS!
… and after a few beers started talking about how they USED to kick ass. A nearby inebriated patron overheard and observed, “I was in the Air Force and it worked for me, I woulda made E-8, but I got caught. Wait, did you say kicked?”
I thought this was a family-friendly blog and you’re letting that chucklehead TSO write?!? Get ready for a bunch of posts on why DC interns should be required to wear nipple tassels to work.
In all seriousness, this is a good blog, and I look forward to TSO bringing teh crazy.
Jonn wrote: Heh. Look at that – a comment from LT Nixon and it’s still light outside. The dawning of a new age.
I woke up bright and early on the West Coast, noon. Man, leave rules.
Congratulations on your not so surprising growth. Sooner or later the word always gets out. I’d never heard of you till the IVAW business, but one visit was all it took to make this one of my daily online stops.
I have always enjoyed TSO’s posts so it will be no stretch to see them head the page instead of reading his comments on Jonn or COB6 postings. I am looking forward to the Intern Tassle debate.
Many days I awoke at the crack of noon on leave. It gave me valuable training on handling 12 hour night shifts when I transfered to CIVLANT. Here’s hoping you enjoy the nights and survive the hangovers.