Speaking of DADT….

| May 12, 2010

From THE Mrs. Greyhawk;

The film maker says;

Don’t give us a hard time for this, please? We’re just a few good men trying to enjoy ourselves and get this deployment over with. No one is gay… that we know of. Not that there is anything wrong with that! (political correctness) As a young aspiring film maker I was forced to release this early due to our friend in Afghans high school lip sinked music video. You know you love it. Enjoy it. Spread it. Live it.

Category: Support the troops

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I work with our company EO rep, a black female, and told her that I expect to receive some sexual harassment complaints once DADT is rescinded. Most of us Infantry (and CA in general) types are especially comfortable with our sexuality, and I’ve known some Soldiers who have taken things to the next level in attempts to shock their comrades. As a young Soldier, it was especially fun getting a close minded or homophobic private into the unit; while I never went too far myself, a casual statement or just sitting across from my PL while locking eyes with him in an open latrine while other Soldier walked in and then rapidly changed their minds was quite humorous. “Forgetting” to bring a towel to the shower and having to walk back to a bunk in nothing but pink shower shoes and holding a loofah and lavender body wash was fun too.

Now for a guilty pleasure of mine, watching these types of music videos on Youtube after a twelve-pack or so. I’ll add this one to the list.


Wow–those Army guys do that well.

Maybe just a little **too** well….

Don Carl

This is why you shouldn’t let the troops get bored.


First the Lady Gaga video and now this.

“This business will get out of control. It’ll get out of control, and we’ll be lucky to live through it.”
-Fred Thompson as Rear Admiral Joshua Painter in the Hunt for Red October


The navy guy is cracking gay jokes?? Kind of funny coming from the service who made it wasy to take your pants off without having to untie your boots…


I about died laughing at that. I still haven’t seen the Lady GaGa thing.


this is hilarious!


Those guys must have gotten a little overbaked out there in the desert? Time to come home yet??

NHSparky, those Army guys DO do it well, don’t they…

I think the military is just about the last refuge in our society for cracking homophobe jokes. Personally, I find them rather amusing at times, so long as they’re not mean. Like a chief I was talking to on the phone the other day said to me about one of the other departments after I told him what they were doing with regard to an upcoming command function, “[they] might be homos, but we’re not.” At first I couldn’t even believe he really said that (due to having been out in the civilian world apart from the military for so long and forgetting how different the cultures are in that regard), so I didn’t say anything back about it; just kind of surprised, like, did he REALLY just say that? But later I laughed when re-telling the comment to someone in my office, whose immediate opinion was that yes, he really did say that because he says things like that all the time.

Maybe I’m not supposed to be amused by comments like that, but I am anyway. Like in my head, I’m not supposed to enjoy a video like that, but I do. I found it very entertaining. (Considering that I’m female, I don’t know WHAT that says about me…heh..) I would hate for there to get to be so much PCness in the military with regard to things like that, that people aren’t allowed to let things like that slip out lest they get hit with an EEO complaint. It’s bound to happen though.


Watched the video again tonight, browsed through some others, then I found a personal favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8rm56hTDDs&feature=related
I can’t wait for DADT to be rescinded…


VTWoody–not just Navy–SUBMARINER.

Chew on that one.

By the way, the same expression will still apply–“Fuck a thousand women, nobody will care. But suck one little dick…”


NHS…should have known. I’m sure on your boat, practicing your angles and dangles had a whole other meaning.

Oh, and how many weeks were you at sea before you needed an emergency blow?

Lastly, I’m sure you all shot more then water slugs while you were underway….