OK, maybe it is Hell–

| February 16, 2007

My bride and I arrived back from the beach yesterday to witness the biggest bunch of crybabies on the planet trying to run a city. First, let me tell ya’all that it took us longer to get from our suburban Maryland home to Reagan National Airport on the subway than it did to get from Reagan to our hotel in South Beach Miami (that’s including the taxi ride and picking our luggage up from the airline) because a whopping 1/2″ of snow had fallen by the time we left home.

That was on Tuesday – the snow stopped late Tuesday. This morning, four days later, schools are still closed because the people who get paid to shovel municipal sidewalks, clear shool driveways of snow, keep the school buses maintained are all on their collective ass.

So instead of someone taking charge, schools are just closed. Is it any wonder that large numbers of schoolchildren don’t take their education seriously when the bloated bureaucracy that’s responsible for teaching those schoolchildren don’t take their jobs seriously?

How many times have we seen those videos over the past week of kids in Redwood, NY and Oswego, NY plowing through 100″ of snow to get to school? I grew up a little south of there and I remember very few “snow days”.  

Instead of attending school, the under-educated drones of the DC and bordering MD school districts were all riding the rails to-and-from the malls yesterday when we got back from Miami. They can zip back-and-forth to the malls, but because area bureaucrats can’t drag their ample buttocks out of bed on a schoolday and do the jobs their paid to do, they can’t get educated beyond a grade-school level.

how is this your problem? Well, DC schools are Federally-funded to the tune of $811 million. How much of that do you figure comes from 1/2 million residents here?

Category: Society

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