Captain Obvious speaks
Eric Holder as quoted by the Washington Post this morning;
“It was clear that the intent behind this terrorist act was to kill Americans.”
The man has a keen grasp of things that bite his face.
Holder’s boss, General Observations, thanks the terrorists for building shitty firing circuits;
“Justice will be done, and we will continue to do everything in our power to protect the American people.”
Well, we’ll protect the American people as long as terrorists remain incompetent boobs. After that all bets are off. Did I mention that a 40-year-old white guy with a bald spot magically became a 30-year-old Pakistani with a full head of hair over night?
This particular incompetent boob has put his house on the market. Any prospective home buyer should be aware that the seller tried to blow up New York with a couple of alarm clocks and fireworks. You might want to have the wiring checked out.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Usual Suspects
Yeah it is sad that the lack of competence on the part of the terrorists have saved more lives than the Holder DOJ.
Doesn’t say much for our side does it?
Wait til the libs start making all the regular excuses for this boob..” he was upset about being foreclosed…etc…”.
So Jonn, what’s your solution? Give us some constructive solutions on how to pick out one person out of 300 million when he decides to buy a few extra barbeque propane tanks and become an “army of one”, instead of just criticizing everyone and anyone who are trying to do their jobs.
Here’s one thing we can avoid in the future, Joe (Ace link);
“He appeared real close to getting away,” one federal official said. “The plane was buttoned up. Backed away from the jetway.”
Authorities said that despite the manhunt, [Faisal Shahzad’s] passport had not been flagged and he was able to buy a ticket with cash and clear airport security.
How’s that for constructive? We aren’t going to survive forever on luck.
Here’s a suggestion regarding who we should pick out from the 300 million, Joe.
When someone goes to Peshawar, Pakistan, that may be reasonable cause to conduct further inquiry.
Grandma Jones from Slumbering Pines is one of the 300 million you can probably need not worry about.
It seems that the Obama Administration picked out 9 hillbillies who were badmouthing cops and made a federal terrorism case out of it.
Why not investigate someone who traveled to Peshawar, Afghanistan, where the Taliban and Al Quaeda have been fighting Pakistani forces for years? What possible business would a Wall Street employee have in Peshawar?
In law school, they told us such things are called “clues.”
By the way, when can we expect Madame Napolitano to gleefully exclaim on CNN: “The system worked.”
Eric Holder needs something…
In the words Bill Engvald…”Here’s your sign!”
Joe, is that your best?
Really…The media is painting this radical terrorist killer as the good guy because “he’s providing useful information”
You’ll excuse me while I don’t get all fucking warm and fuzzy inside because some bastard Muslim wanted to kill people in his adopted country. Remember…Where he came from, they’d blow my sorry ass up if I attempted to do that to their countrymen.
Joe, I started to respond, then stopped. Frankly, the only thing I can say about you is “pathetic.” In all honesty, I pity you. And pity is all you deserve from anyone and everyone.
Starting to sound like this guy was a LOT closer to getting away than the Obumbles administration wants to admit…
Yeah, it looks like if he’d gone to the airport after parking the Nissan instead of leaving a day later, he’d have got away.
Seems like the Feeb’s could have put his name on the do not fly list when they developed him as the suspect, just for starters. I realize that’s asking the bureaucracy to overcome a whole lot of inertia, but it seems like at least one person could have seen the light bulb go off and say, “hey, maybe we ought to make sure he can’t fly back to his homeland”.
And, AP, I would guess that the DHS could probably cut Joe Foss a little slack over his MOH, while they focus on the jihadists who are trying to kill us.