Iran holding out for Obama

| June 16, 2008

The EU sent an emissary to Iran with a sweet deal mix of education, economic, technological and political rewards if they’d just stop enriching uranium. Of course, we all know how it turned out don’t we? (ABC News link)

“If suspension is included in the package, it won’t be considered at all,” the official IRNA news agency quoted Iran’s government spokesman, Gholam Hossein Elham, as saying Saturday. “The position of the Islamic Republic of Iran is clear. Preconditions can’t be raised for any halt or suspension.”

Bush and Sarkozy were informed of this as as they went into morning meetings. Their session capped warm talks that began over an elegant palace dinner Friday night. When the U.S. and French leaders appeared together before reporters in a grand palace hall around lunchtime, they presented a single front — contrasting with the tension shown between Bush and Jacques Chirac, Sarkozy’s predecessor.

Um, I wonder where they learned that word “preconditions”. I guess they figure that Obama is going to win the election, so why should they give up anything since he’s going to hand them the world on a silver platter.

It should tell people what they’re in for under an Obama presidency when our sworn enemies, who call us the Great Satan every-damn-day, are putting the world on hold waiting for him…oh, and developing nuclear weapons in the process. It’s a cryin’-ass-shame we have to learn these lessons over-and-over just because of the political ambitions of a few.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Politics

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I submit, Jonn, that the cryin’-ass-shame, is the apparently apathetic, Deer in the Headlights stare of far too many American Voters in the glare of the Democrat’s and MSM’s over the cliff, Leftist Agenda Propaganda Machine. They haven’t a clue, because we have no one in a true Leadership Position to inform, educate and rally them to “DUHHH”!!!” reality.

I noted a News Flash today that Iran had transferred $75 Billion of their Assets in Foreign (European) Banks to “Asian” Banks. DAMN! Just when we thought we had them!

Well, guess all we can do now is let Jimmy and Nancy and, (shivers up the spine), O’bama go over there and talk some sense into their heads. They’re reasonable people, after all, long as you can ignore a simple, Culturally Intrinsic Be-Heading and/or Bombing or two along the way.