Iranians supply insurgents

| February 12, 2007

Both the Washington Times and Washington Post lead their news with stories about Iranians supplying insurgents in Iraq with their most deadly weapons against our troops. the difference in the stories is the degree to which the authors belive the information;

From Bill Gertz’ Washington Times story;

Iran is supplying deadly shoulder-fired missiles and armor-piercing bombs to Iraqi insurgents, along with TNT, triggering devices, rockets and other weapons that are killing and injuring hundreds of U.S. and allied troops, a U.S. military intelligence report made public yesterday says.
    The detailed briefing report, titled “Iranian Support for Lethal Activity in Iraq,” stated that Iranian Misagh-1 portable anti-aircraft missiles were found after a failed attempt to shoot down a plane at Baghdad’s airport in 2004.  

From Joshua Partlow’s Washington Post story;

Senior U.S. military officials in Iraq sought Sunday to link Iran to deadly armor-piercing explosives and other weapons that they said are being used to kill U.S. and Iraqi troops with increasing regularity.

See the difference? Gertz says “is supplying” and “the report stated”, while Partlow uses the weak “military officials sought to link”. So I guess Partlow wants this to be a legal case not a military operation. Careful not to make the Iranians look guilty before it’s proven in some as-yet-to-be decided court case, I guess.

And the Associated Press rushes Iran’s denial to the web;

In a rare interview with the US media given amid mounting tensions with the Islamic republic’s arch-enemy in Washington, Ahmadinejad told ABC television that that he did not fear a US attack.

“Fear? Why should we be afraid? First, the possibility is very low,” he said the day after the United States accused Iranian agents of smuggling armour-piercing bombs into war-torn Iraq.

“Our nation has made it clear that anyone who wants to attack our country will be severely punished,” Ahmadinejad added Monday.

While the Iranian leader sidestepped US accusations that Iran is supplying potent weapons to Iraq insurgents, foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini categorically rejected the charge.

From Milblogs we read the Iranian threats to our Navy with their “suicide drones”. And Putin denies he gave missile technology to Iran despite evidence to the contrary.

The Washington Post also warns us that the Shi’ite/Sunni “civil war” is spreading to Egypt;

Fought in speeches, newspaper columns, rumors swirling through cafes and the Internet, and occasional bursts of strife, the conflict is predominantly shaped by politics: a disintegrating Iraq, an ascendant Iran, a sense of Arab powerlessness and a persistent suspicion of American intentions.

Of course it’s the US fault. Did you think the WaPo could write one story that didn’t decribe us as “suspicious”?

No one fears us anymore because the Left has made it clear that we’re ready to surrender. The Iranians will continue to fight us in this proxy war because we’ve lost our stomach to rid the world of evil. And the reason we’ve lost our stomach is the weasel words of Murtha, Kerry, Webb, the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, etcetera, ad nauseum.

The Left is preempting any effective attempt to blunt Iranian power in the region by making this ideological fight about politics.

“Every leader in the region and every observer, every expert here in our country, tells us that Iran does not want a complete and total implosion in Iraq,” Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry said Sunday.

And no leader in the Arab World has ever lied to us have they, Kerry?

But Democratic Sen. Jack Reed wondered whether the influx of Iranian armaments was a plan by the Islamic regime in Tehran or just “rogue elements” within it.

Rogue elements, Mr Reed? Have you been paying attention the last few months? The government of Iran is rogue.  Sometimes I wonder if they’ve been on the same planet as the rest of us for the last few centuries.

The Iranians know we’ve become gutless because of Democrats – why would they be using the Democrats’s same weasel words? The Democrats know that they are causing our decline in world stature, too, but they hide behind their false-patriotism. While American blood is spilled by the barrels-full at the alter of Leftism.

Category: Media, Politics, Terror War

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