My “holy shit the sawks won a game” post

| April 27, 2010

They stink on ice. By the end of the season I half expect a midget in a pompadour to start on the mound for them on the theory that even he won’t give up 6 runs an inning.

Anyway, I have been sitting on this video I wanted to share for quite a while, and since I am not at all certain we will win another game all year long, I will use it today.

[For those who don’t know, I have to exercise “negative chi” in order to get the contrary result. For instance when UMASS is up 3 with 2 minutes to go, I send out emails to everyone prognosticating a 20 point loss. When I get a par, I immediately assume the next whole will be a quintuple bogey. Etc. This here represents my effort to drag the Sox out of the shit hole basement where they are fornicating grotesquely with the likes of B-More.]

Category: Politics

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I hear ya.
I was none too pleased when we found out my son would be playing on the White Sox Majors Little League team this year. They are currently 4-1… and the only team they beat was the Cleveland Indians. sigh.


ARGH! There is much weeping and nashing of teeth in both my CHU here, and back home at Fort Living Room over this!!!!! I blame the Yankee’s, its always their fault!!!

Old Tanker


I can do you one worse…..I’m a Lions fan (places bag back over head)

AW1 Tim

That’s okay. It’s only a few more months until Football pre-season.

Honestly, I only watch Red Sox games when they are playing the Yankees, or if they make it to the post-season. After the last strike, I pretty much gave up on baseball and just stick with football.

It’s easier on my mental health that way. 🙂


A young child was in the middle of a custody battle. The parents were in Family Court in Worcester, and the judge had heard enough back-biting and innuendo from both parents, so he sat the child down alone in chambers.

“Son, would you like to live with your mother?” he asked. “Oh no,” the little boy replied, “she beats me every day.” The judge suddenly said, “Well, that settles it–you can live with your father then.” But the boy immediately grew scared and informed the judge, “But my father beats me TWICE a day.”

Seeing that there was a serious problem, the judge had an idea. “Suppose, just suppose, young man, that you could live with anyone. Who would you want to live with?” The child pondered it for a moment and said, “I want to live with the Boston Red Sox!”

Smiling, the judge said, “Now, you know you can’t live with a team–so why do you want to live with them?”

Seriously, the boy replied, “Because they can’t beat anybody…”

Welcome back to the Red Sox of 1919-2003. Enjoy your run while it lasted.


Make that 1-4, not 4-1. BIG difference. My comment probably makes more sense now, lol.