Your ironic term of the day

| April 27, 2010

I swear I was trying to find out what a fear of being photographed is called, when I came upon this little gem. Please tell me that in this one instance “pg” is not pronounced as a “f”.

Phagophobia is a psychogenic dysphagia, a fear of swallowing.[1] It is expressed in various swallowing complaints without any apparent physical reason detectable by physical inspection and laboratory analyses. An obsolete term for this phobia is choking phobia,[2] but it was suggested that the latter term is confusing and it is necessary to distinguish the fear of swallowing (i.e., of the propulsion of bolus) from fear of choking.[1]

Category: Politics

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Wait, PHAG-ophobia is the fear of SWALLOWING? Or CHOKING?

In the immortal words of Arte Johnson…verrrry interesting.


Wonder what a shrink would say about your preoccupation with all things gay…..


We already know what shrinks say about you, Joe. Keep up on the meds, m’boy.

Adirondack Patriot

Joe, it’s “ghey” not “gay.”

“Gay” is so last millenium.

Oh, and “phago” is a prefix derived from the Greek word “to eat.” Imagine that. Something Greek and ghey. Who’d have guessed?


FINALLY… a previously unknown syndrome that I do NOT suffer from. 😉


Some of us read “phagophobia” and think of the common shorthand for bacteriophages. Of course, some of us are also nerdier than we like to admit. *cough*
*proceeds to look into etymological links*
Okay, a lot nerdier.

Old Tanker

How in the hell do you just *stumble upon* this stuff???


Pure phaggotry.