“Liberty Candidates” threaten law suits to defend Kokesh

| April 19, 2010

There’s a group of candidates in the country who call themselves the “Liberty Candidates“. Among them is IVAW member Adam Kokesh. Another group of voters have formed the “American Patriots Against Kokesh“. Two groups with varying opinions. Here is the “Liberty Candidates” Mission Statement;

Our mission is in sync with Campaign for Liberty from whence the Liberty Candidate questions evolved:

* Individual Liberty
* Sound Money
* Free Market
* Constitutional Government
* Non-interventionist Foreign Policy

Our Goal is to have at least one Liberty Candidate in each state: 50 Dr. No’s*!!!

Innocuous enough, oh, I forgot this line; “Dr. Ron Paul is a.k.a. Dr. No because he votes NO for all legislation outside the Constitution!”

Yes, they Ron Paul supporters hiding behind their unexpressed interpretations of the Constitution.

Well, apparently the “Liberty Candidates” don’t like the fact that the APAK folks get a voice and one of the “Liberty candidates” have threatened to sue;

To: Susan Wolf, American Patriots Against Kokesh and associated hate groups;

RE: Slander, Libelous Statements, Use of threats, coersion to prevent income, tampering with election funding, use of misleading video clips and doctored footage.

On behalf of Liberty Candidates, as I am one, I find your actions abhorrent and unlawful. Those organizations using a 503c Charitable Organization charter will be subject to diciplinary measures by the authorities in your respective states. This serves as notification that Liberty Candidates, all 126+ are in the process of filing legal action against your all of the organizations in the coming week. For those of you that are private citizens that participated in this outrageous action, I should hope that you are financially well off. Your plan to threaten the citizens of the United States into not donating to a political candidate of their choice and in their state violates many laws that we do not have enough paper to possibly list here. Groups holding a 503c charter are prohibited from endorsing ANY particular candidate. By slandering Adam Kokesh, Candidate for New Mexico’s race, you have indirectly endorsed Lujan. All candidates have suffered large financial losses to their campaign funding, so enjoy your moment of gloating. It will be short lived. Rest assured, we have employed several laywers that will work on a pro bono basis to recoup these losses from your hate groups. This is your one and only notice to CEASE and DESIST from these types of unlawful activities. We are asking for the sum of $126,000,000.00 (one hundred and twenty-six million dollars) from each group responsible for these actions. We will begin serving these complaints in the next 7-10 days, one as a class action lawsuit, and should that fail; each candidate will be serving their own individual complaints against you following that. I suggest you focus your activities on a local level, and be more productive in helping those in your communities. You have run up against a large group of determined individuals that refuse to be stopped in their quest to return America back to the Constitution. We will use this great document to the fullest extent in making sure that the 2010 elections are not influnced by hate groups such as yours. Have a nice day!

Sincerely, Steve Susman, Liberty Candidate

Here’s Steve Susman’s website. It looks like he’s running for Congress in Texas, but who can tell by the website? Another Ron Paul basement-dwelling pseudo-intellectual who will probably end up telling me do my own research at some point.

I guess “return America to the Constitution” means “sue everyone who disagrees with you and provides indisputable proof”.

Since all of the evidence that I’ve provided against Kokesh is original documentation, since none of my videos have been altered in anyway, I’ll quote the smartest president of the 21st century thus far – Bring it on! If you think that Kokesh is worth dragging your organization down to his level, if you think you can campaign and wage a legal war at the same time from the comfort of your parents’ basement, sue me, bitches.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Ron Paul, Usual Suspects

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Just A Grunt

Glad to know that the efforts to educate the voters about Kokesh and his ilk are bearing fruit. Everytime I see him mentioned somewhere in positive terms I direct the folks to your site to get edukated. In a lot of cases I won’t see anything in public from the people who previously thought he was a good candidate, but privately I will receive emails thanking me and explaining that they did not know that about him.

The truth hurts and I would love to know how they arrived at their dollar figure. None of there, hell all of them combined couldn’t raise that sort of money.

Kind of hard to label something as slander when the body of evidence comes directly from their little boys own mouth and documented actions. I guess that body of work they put on You Tube and elsewhere when KokeHead was engaging in his anti war publicity tour was all faked or something.

Reap the whirlwind bitch.

Buki Dobro

LOL … maybe I’m just wired differently, but one of the first things that caught my attention when I cruised on over to Mr. Susman’s website was the third picture in his photo montage. I guess those are his kids and the little boy is wearing a t-shirt with a great big Japanese ‘Rising Sun’ symbol. It looks like some kind of Japanese Anime drawing, but the ironic juxtaposition of the 2nd photo of Paul Revere morphing into the iconic symbol of Japanese militarism and imperialism during WWII is rather humorous. Image matters and that most definitely is not the image I would choose if I were trying to portray myself as a true patriot.


Yeah, Dr. No thought the house resolution on the Haiti earthquake was too interventionist. That’s why he was the only congressman to vote against it:

“Unfortunately, however, this resolution does not simply express our condolences, but rather it commits the US government “to begin the reconstruction of Haiti” and affirms that “the recovery and long-term needs of Haiti will require a sustained commitment by the United States….” I do not believe that a resolution expressing our deep regret and sorrow over this tragedy should be used to commit the United States to a “long-term” occupation of Haiti during which time the US government will provide for the reconstruction of that country.”



Now the Paulbots are attempting to attack Gathering of Eagles on the Daily Paul http://www.dailypaul.com/node/132102
I’m getting confused are the Paulbots and IVAW on the same team? they sure sound a lot like IVAW. Hmm Adam Kokesh, Ron Paul, IVAW, Oath Keepers, hard to keep them all separate or are they really separate entities?


Funny how they don’t like that pesky Constitution and the First Amendment when people say things they don’t like. These guys remind me of the mouth-breathers that sent letters to a bunch of governors the other day stating that they were going to be “forcibly” removed from office three days after receipt of said letters. Don’t think I’ve heard anything about any governors having left office lately.

And someone needs to tell the “Liberty Candidate” window-lickers that in order for something to be slanderous/libelous, it needs to be “demonstrably false” as well as a whole host of other criteria these brain-deads aren’t even close to meeting. They can’t show damages, they can’t demonstrate how this is defamatory, and they can’t get more than four like-minded idiots to agree with them once the truth on them comes out.

Sucks for them.


one thing that i find so disturbing is that these liberty candidates are so concerned about kok3sh, yet they do not say one word about the effect of his actions on our troops.
talk about misplaced concerns………..


Right on, Jonn!

AW1 Tim

let’s not forget that, in a lawsuit, “discovery” works both ways. Those filing the suit will also have to be deposed under oath, and there are all sorts of interesting questions that might be asked, and honest answers required.



“Your plan to threaten the citizens of the United States into not donating to a political candidate of their choice and in their state violates many laws that we do not have enough paper to possibly list here.”

This statement by Paulite Susman is rediculous. APAK has threatened no one. What APAK HAS done is state the facts about Adam Kokesh. As my grandmother used to say, the truth cuts like a sword.


Susman is prime example of what alarms me about the paulbots; almost without exception they are conspiracy theorist loonies.
Use the link John provided to Susman’s website. Goto his blogs section and read the entry titled “A Demand Made By Our Nation’s Constituents “, heres a link to it


Now, See what I mean?


This post has been cross-linked to United COnservatives of Virginia.

Jim Bancroft

As one of the people who has spent time discovering links between Liberty candidate Peter Schiff and Adam Kokesh, let me add my name to those who are likely to be served with a summons.

I freely admit that I found numerous links between the two candidates, some as old as 4 years:




I was curious just how far back websits were announcing their seemingly unconnected support for these two individuals, and I was stunned with their appearances on the same websites going back as far as I found. I stopped wat 4 years January 2006.

What has to be asked: WHY?

Why are the Liberty candidates so connected to Kokesh? Why are their names on the same search results?

Why are the types of people who would support a Liberty Candidate the same people who would be sympathetic to Adam kokesh?

Knowing the IVAW connection to Adam Kokesh, how is it that Liberty Candidates have NOT made public statements denouncing someone who admits, freely, that he called on troops to desert in time of war in Ansbach Germany, and even video taped himself reading a letter asking troops to desert as recorded on the link below??



Um…guess that brainwave doesn’t know the difference between slander and libel. I hope he files this statement as is. How do I get to be sued too? I hate to be left out. 126 Mil? Good luck with that. On one hand he is saying that it is a cease and desist order and on the other that people are going to be sued anyways. What mixed up piece of garbage. The irony of a “Liberty” candidate suing a group for having the gall to use the liberty to express itself is lost on this idiot. If you read the link bubba posted in the second paragraph he launches into accusing the government of using unmarked aircraft to spray bio-crud into the atmosphere. Yeah, dig the hole deeper bunky and don’t quit your day job.

AW1 Tim

It’s also possible that the “Liberty” party/group is simply a front thrown up by IVAW to give a sense of legitimacy to their leftist screeds. Considering how far back some of the links go, it looks for all the world like they are part and parcel of the same core group.



TSO–what’s that formal reply called? In it you could put something like, “After careful consideration, it has been determined your suit is without merit, does not meet the standards as set forth by legal precedent to qualify as slander and/or libel, and you are basically a douchenozzle whose life is one great big ball of FAIL. Please remove yourself from the Internet forthwith, and if you value humanity, you will remove yourself from the gene pool before you create progeny as stupid as yourself.”


I think they must already have a lawyer: James Branum



Correct me if I’m wrong, but the letter sent out to Liberty Candidates concerns only the radical actions of Kokesh, not any other Liberty candidate, yet Kokesh raised the most money in the money bombs, a whopping $600, compared to the $1.89 raised by the other candidates! So it appears the letter actually helped Kokesh, totally refuting their claims in their alleged lawsuit.


Good call, Beverly. thats true. Since the message was directed specifically towards Kokesh maybe they are claiming collateral damage.


it is very interesting that the liberty candidates schiff-kokesh connection goes back so far.
in that case, schiff knew kokesh for the entirety of kokesh’s IVAW days. this certainly raises alot of questions.


You would think they would be angry at Kokesh! His behavior is despicable and if I were a Liberty candidate, I would be mad at him. We didn’t make any of this up, the videos speak for themselves and they are of Kokesh exhibiting his anti-military behavior.


“Slander, Libelous Statements, Use of threats, coersion to prevent income, tampering with election funding, use of misleading video clips and doctored footage…yadda yadda yadda…”

Translation: “We don’t like it when people oppose our vacuous stupidity, dissect our purpose, and make us look bad. We’ll SUE!!”

The first thing that totally discredits them, is their support for Ron Paul. He’s a raving moonbat that should have been excommunicated from the Republican party years ago. He’s that Crazy Uncle no one likes to talk about. The second thing is, any organization that has Adam Kokesh for a member is dicked up to begin with.


I think if they filed a lawsuit it would be humorous to see you be have more donations flood into your defense than every candidate in that group COMBINED!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! “Liberty Candidates” suing over free speech! Ahhh, the irony of the Ron Paul bunch. What a bunch of losers.


And I voted for your blog, CJ…You guys are absolutely killing me…


Dear Mr Steve Susman, Liberty Candidate (for now)

RE: Slander, Libelous Statements, Use of threats, coercion (not coersion) to prevent income, tampering with election funding, use of misleading video clips and doctored footage.

Please include me in your lawsuit, I have information that would be important in a court case involving Mr Kokesh’s false statements to the voters of New Mexico and citizens of the United States. I would appreciate your cooperation in this matter to help bring the truth (which I am sure you would want) to the forefront of your case.

Sincerely, but not holding my breath.
Gary R Assell


We will have a few of the Liberty Candidates on Chandler’s Watch tonight (http://blogtalkradio.com/chandler). Unfortunately Steve Susman doesn’t have the balls to show up!!

Oh and by the way Chandler’s Watch and Howie in particular would like to be added to the lawsuit as defendants as well!!
And don’t forget to report us all to flag@whitehouse.gov for all of our incendiary speech!!

Semper Fi
