Beware of hippies bearing conversation

| April 16, 2010

Sporkmaster sent me this blog post from Rag Blog, one of those countless anti-war blogs. The post is titled Danny at MacDonald’s. Let us begin by how the post ended – the bio of the author;

Leslie Cunningham works with the Retiree Organizing Committee of the Texas State Employees Union. She has been an activist for 50 years and a socialist for 40.

So there’s some doubt as to whether this story ever happened right off the bat. The jist of the story goes like this; Leslie meets Danny at MacDonald’s playground in Austin. Danny is with his daughter, Leslie is with her grand daughter. Danny tells Leslie about his drug dealing wife in the first few minutes of their meeting. The he tells her he ended his fifteen years in the Army because he got tired of “killing farmers”. Then a bouncy young lass, who happened to be on the cusp of her own deployment and provides contrast to morose Danny for the little tale.

It’s all just too coincidental to be real. I don’t think I’ve ever talked to a complete stranger about my family problems at MacDonald’s – have you? And the addition of the new soldier heading off to war is just a little too serendipitous and convenient.

I think Granny Leslie needs to put the bong down for a few days.

Category: Antiwar crowd

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Reguardless of the doctoring of the story- my experience is that when a person gets out of the military for reasons they are not proud of– they blame the military.
No one ever says, “I got out because the field was interfering w my drinkin. Gunny di’n’t like it when I showed up smellin of the Cuervo. ‘sides, them newbie girls get cuter e’ry year….”


Actually, I had the same experience just yesterday while my kids were playing at McD’s. I was just sitting there when this old hippie chick sat down next to me. We started talking about politics and world events and she tearfully confessed to me that she had been a covert operative of the KGB operating as an antiwar activist during Vietnam. She told me how now she felt guilty for all the deaths of American sevicemen that she caused by undermining the Nation’s will to fight. We spoke for a long time and then she got up and left with a small dark man wearing a fedora. Strangely, right after that I saw a moose and squirrel following them. Weird huh?


This has all the makings of a “bouncy” from DU. All we need now is a cop jumping out of the bushes, a conversion to the moonbat method of “thinking”, and applause from the rest of McD’s patrons. But since the story contains none of these elements, bouncy fail–zero bongs.


“With some trepidation, I asked about Emma’s mother, “Hunh,” he scowled. “She’s in jail. Selling drugs, over and over.” In Colorado? “Colorado Springs. Army bases are zoos. One big trailer park. Drugs, booze, domestic abuse. . . I had to get away from there. I want to be a good dad,” he inclined his head toward Emma, “and being with her grandparents helps.””

Bullshit, granny. I call bullshit with a big ole steaming pile of it.


“Did he know about Iraq Vets Against the War, I asked. He looked at me suspiciously; he’d never heard of it. “There really is such a thing?” Yes, I said, just google “Iraq Veterans Against the War.” Please do, I wanted to say. I beg you, please do. But just then a round, sweet-looking young woman with two rambunctious kids came through the door from the restaurant, and my conversation with Danny ended. The two younger adults started talking.”

Un-fucking-believable bullshit, granny. I can’t take any more of this. Talk about fiction based on a wet dream granny had.


Leftists have to lie. If they told the truth they’d be run out of town.

Leslie Cunningham

Hi, guys. I wrote up the incident because it was unexpected (and, as you say, coincidental) and it bothered me. I changed “Danny’s” name; otherwise the quotes are close to word-for-word. I wrote them down as soon as Kenzie and I got home. You can doubt all you want; I seldom write this sort of thing and I certainly never make anything up. Was everything Danny told me true? Did he exaggerate about talking “hundreds” of young people out of joining the military? I don’t know; I just wrote down what he said. Do people tell strangers about their personal lives? Yes, at least it happens to me. Maybe because I’m a little old lady who looks pretty non-threatening and sympathetic.
As for your stereotypes: I was not (and am not) a “hippie,” though the definition of that hallowed term is pretty slippery. I do not and never did smoke dope. Not because I think marijuana is dangerous or immoral, but it seemed pretty stupid to do something illegal that was easily avoidable. I like red wine, and I’m over 21.
By the way, “anti-war” stuff is a small part of what’s on the Rag Blog. It’s got a lot of great articles on various current events and social justice issues.


Social justice……code for communist oppression.


(sniff…sniff)…yep. Smells like bullshit to me, Leslie. So what’s your DU name, anyway?

Virtual Insanity

*BS flags fly in from all quarters of the playing field*

Whether the BS is Granny’s or Danny’s, it’s BS.

AW1 Tim

Sorry Leslie. Epic Fail. You need to either get back on, or change, whatever meds you’re on.


What needs putting down is not the bong, but Granny Leslie herself. She must be of that age. Send her to one of those new Health Choices Panels, or whatever the current euphemism is today.

Old Tanker


You hit on every sinlge solitary stereotype the left has of the military…..all rolled into one anonymous guy at Mickey D’s. If you didn’t make it up then the guy at McD’s was pulling your leg….in fact, he must have pulled it clean off and beat you sensless with it….


The non-hippy version would start: “I never thought this would happen to me…”

509th Bob

I dunno, it could be true. For example, I was at McD’s right here in D.C. a while ago, and although he didn’t see me, I saw TSO standing in line ahead of me. From his unsteady stance, I think he’d been drinking. Soon, this homeless guy approaches TSO and TSO begins confessing his heart out to the guy. I distinctly heard TSO utter the phrase, “I LOVE you, brother!” I snuck out the back door at that point.

Just as I was leaving, I saw Claymore enter. He can tell the rest of the story.

Buki Dobro

Sorry Les, but that sure sounds like what we used to call a ‘No-shitter’ in the Nav.


Beware broken down old soldiers with ossified brains……


“Beware broken down old soldiers hippies/socialists with ossified brains… Fixed it for ya, Joey.


Jesus, two brain-dead dipshit retard mouth-breathing liberal hippie fuckstains in one thread. Must be a new record for around here.

Marine 83

You guys crack me up. There is more truth and humor in the comments of TAH then anyplace else on the web. “in fact, he must have pulled it clean off and beat you sensless with it….” Bwahahaah.


Thanks for posting this, i would do this myself but I did not have the time to due it until 6PM Alaska time.


Wow, Spork, you’re in Alaska now?


Of course its BS guys. I mean really. The farmer killin’s why I stayed in the military for 21 years.

That and all the rapin’…


Yep I have been here since January 2010. I have some good photos of the place.


It was it was just yesterday, man….Huey’s on the deck cutting n mowing ’em down…Then this grey haired fox of a granny (no offense Debra)stepped right into my gun sight! Man oh man! What a day it was!

*giggle snort*