Nidal Hasan and gun control

| April 16, 2010

Olga sent us this article from the Associated Press and the Marine Times last night about how the Pentagon has fallen into the same trap as some local governments; gun control regulations only provide a temporary sense of security for the uninformed;

Defense Secretary Robert Gates ordered this week that a new comprehensive policy be developed to cover all branches of the military and its bases and offices. The standardized policy would replace or buttress a patchwork of regulations adopted by each service or individual military installation.

The weapons policy is among recommendations for security and administrative upgrades released by the Pentagon on Thursday. Gates ordered that an interim weapons policy be in force by June, and a permanent one is due early next year.

Since Nidal didn’t store his weapons on the installation, this new policy woudn’t have stopped him. Unless the military is willing to search every vehicle and person when they enter an installation, they won’t be able to stop a flow of weapons. This is so much mental masturbation and typical Liberal thought process.

But I think the most insulting part of the whole article is this single line;

A disgruntled Army doctor is charged in the deaths.

Is that all he was? Just another disgruntled Army doctor? Does AP think that we’ve already forgotten the details of the shooting spree?

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Media

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C’mon, Jonn, you know the deal–it’s not what the rules actually DO, it’s how they make us FEEL…

AW1 Tim

Yeah Jonn……. when have leftists ever cared about facts? They absolutely refuse to allow facts to get in the way of their storyline.


I still remeber what those angry right-wing flight students did on 9/11.


What would have stopped the radical islamist doctor at Fort Hood would have been American Soldiers who could legally carry a firearm.

It is pure insanity that the one group of people who are trained in warfare are the one group of people who are not allowed to have personally owned weapons within reach.


As I just mentioned to TSO, while I know this isn’t exactly the most Christian attitude to take, there is a part of me that relishes in the fact that Hasan will be forced to wallow in his own shit and urine until the day he finally assumes room temperature.


Some days I’m quite sure I’ve been transported to Bizzaro World (Superman reference).

Virtual Insanity

Howizzit that a 24-year Army veteran (who can still qualify expert with a pistol, thankyouverymuch), permitted to carry a concealed weapon anywhere in his state of residence and 38 other states with reciprocal agreements, is not allowed to carry it onto the Army post where he works?

Especially now that we have been notified that the paltry few federal cops the garrison was supposed to get would be cut back because they didn’t budget properly?

How many people would Hassan have killed if ONE soldier in that building had been armed?


But mental masturbation makes liberals feel like they amount to something… like 38-year-old guys living in their parents’ basements watching Star Trek!