Indianapolis Tea Party

| April 15, 2010

Ok, so Caro and I and her ghey Dog Mosby headed over to the Indianapolis Tea Party this afternoon, and thought I would share some pictures.

As fortune would have it as we were a block away we were on a sidewalk when I realized that the man walking alone next to me was former Congressman and current IN Senate Candidate John Hostettler. I’m a bit of a fan of his, although not certain if I would support him in the primary or not. (I missed voter reg by 2 days.) Either way, I introduced myself and he seemed to remember me from some testimony I gave in support of a bill he authored.


I’m not even going to guess how many folks there were there, nor the nationalities etc.




These pictures don’t really do justice to how many people were there.  I have some others that show more, but I had to have Jonn load these as it was, so I will try later.  But trust me there was over 1,000 people there, probably a lot more. 


OK, so I was particularly looking for any folks with signs that were offensive, and/or for anyone I thought might be an infiltrator. I saw one in the former category, the standard Obama as joker thing. Honestly, I find all that stupid but whatever. Now, I don’t know if he was a tea-partier or not, but I will say he stood out for his extreme disregard for personal hygiene. Dude smelled and looked like he slept in the sewer. Again, don’t know if he was ours or theirs, but dude was not normal, and neither side would willingly claim him.

As for the next picture, infiltrators or not?

Freaks for Freedom and Kooks for the Constitution? Either they were tea-partiers goofing on the MSM stereo-type of the conservatives, or they were lefties thinking they were funny. From their sort of crunchy look I would lean towards the latter. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Claymore found a post at DU that said “OMFG, I totally PWN’d the rethuglicans with a ridiculous sign.” If they were tea partiers, I guess I think their sign is dumb.

Anyway, my dog had a good time, and chicks seem to dig him.

The tea party patriot hat here made me nervous, but his daughter and Mosby hit it off, and it was very cery cute.


Category: Protests/Rallies

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WHAT???? You went out in a crowd? I heard there were going to be between 5,000 and 10,000 people at the Atlanta Tea Party so I hid hear in the office under my bridge like a good crowd hater.


“Spread my work ethic…” Is that what the kids are calling it these days?


Well, I did some DUmpster diving, and found these gems:×8157129×8156688

Not exactly the gold mine I was hoping for…but it’s still early.


A HAT made you nervous? I musta missed something?


Harsh words makes The Boy nervous…


Our ISO (internet Security Manager) issued a formal alert on the Tea Party in Colorado Springs siting possible violence.

His car has an Obama bumpersticker.


TSO asked: Isn’t “Tea Party Patriot” short for Oath Keeper?

I dunno, there’s nothing directly linking the two immediately available on-line – no exhaustive search done here either.

Still… circus type clowns make me nervous, flying makes me nervous, crowds make me nervous, etc. Come to think of it the list of things that make me nervous is pretty long. Now I’ll have to consider adding hats to my clothing sub-list; along with certain woman’s shoe styles and neck ties. [grin]


[…] Ain’t Hell had pics of the Indianapolis Tea Party. No mohawk though. […]


[…] Ain’t Hell had pics of the Indianapolis Tea Party. No mohawk though. […]