Kanjorski; “Dems lied, troops died” Part II
A member of the YouTube community who goes by the moniker truthaboutkanjo has videoed Congressman Kanjorski denying his comments a few weeks ago in a townhall style meeting that the Democrats knew full well that they couldn’t stop the war in Iraq, but used the lie for political gain in the midterm elections. I wrote about it here in May.
In this video, not only does Kanjorski outright lie, he also “physically accosted” truthaboutkanjo, according to the man who videotaped the Congressman.
From the Times Tribune;
As the man began to recount the town hall statement, Mr. Kanjorski says, “No, no, that’s not what I said,” just before part of his town hall remarks is edited into the clip.
“No, I didn’t. You don’t have the correct words,” Mr. Kanjorski continues.
“Do you regret your words as to the troops?” the man asks.
“I don’t apologize, I don’t apologize to anyone for a misstatement that you make to me,” Mr. Kanjorski said.
Someone covers the lens with a hand, then Mr. Kanjorski puts up his hand.
The video loses focus and suddenly the camera is pointing at the floor with Mr. Kanjorski saying he never gave permission to be recorded.
I guess denying what he said in a video makes it all better.
Category: Politics
Twenty nine Senators and 81 Congressman of the Democrat Party voted to send our men and women to war. Now nearly all have changed their minds. I think it mathematically impossible for this number to change their minds. I have always thought they voted for the war knowing they could then turn against it at any time and retake power in Washington. When our country sends our men and women to war, they should be ready to back them for Victory. The Democrats are in the position they envisioned, about to take complete power in Washington on the backs of our soldiers. Our soldiers though have fought hard despite the Democrats harsh words and actions and now are on the verge of success in Iraq. Thank You Troops.
The Dems bailed when the going got tough, plain and simple. They maligned our President, his commanders and our troops in the field and they were proven wrong. We need to throw this right back into their faces, especially the Manchurian candidate, Obama.
If the little bastard was in a public place, he doesn’t have to give his permission to be photographed because he has no expectation of privacy. That’s well established law.
Our moonbat poster, John Grant and his buddy Sanford kelson are full of misinformation of such topics.
Kelson’s misinformation got the two “Sisters In Stripperwear” arrested in Edinboro, PA. They were so psyched up by kelson’s lies that they couldn’t control themselves and got violent.
Grant’s line of BS is documented by one of Skye’s YouTube videos.