Phony SEAL gets 10 days snorkeling

| April 9, 2010

I guess at Bethesda they take a proactive approach to phonies;

A service member in the shop reported Dieu to base police as being suspicious, because the ribbons he was wearing appeared incongruous, according to prosecutors. At the time, it was reported that Dieu was wearing a Navy SEAL badge, Defense Distinguished Service Medal with Oak Leaf cluster, Navy Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, Purple Heart, and other ribbons, prosecutors said.

On July 23, an officer approached Dieu, who was wearing a Navy uniform, and escorted him to the police station to verify his identity. Dieu told base police he was a Navy SEAL and Dieu was released, but further investigation revealed that Dieu was not a Navy SEAL and has never been a member of the military, prosecutors said.

Dieu was arrested on Aug. 3, as he left the Uniform Shop after an investigator saw him pick up previously ordered medals and purchase two Silver Star ribbons, two Unit Combat Action ribbons, a Navy Good Conduct ribbon, and three stars. A subsequent search of Dieu’s car recovered other decorations and medals, according to prosecutors.

But he only got ten days in the hoosegow, a year probation and 100 hours of community service. He needed at least a year in a federal “pound you in the ass” prison.

Thanks to TSO for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Ten days, and a year probation and community service. I’m definitely glad they’re prosecuting this stuff. As long as we can’t think of anything creative to do other than prison- ten days is a good start.


Shoulda kicked his ass more, I agree.

Virtual Insanity

10 days is nothing. Wonder what else this goob got out of his impostership?

But, I think you get extra credit for the “Office Space” reference, IMHO.


Sounds like Bubba at the County Jail this weekend…”I’m thinking I might take that new guy–the phony SEAL. If things go well I might be showing him my O-face. “Oh… Oh… Oh!” You know what I’m talkin’ about. “Oh!”


Squeal like a pig, boy… you’ve got a purty mouth!

Old Trooper

10 days is bullshit. I want his little candy ass to be sentenced to doing bud/s training. Make him go through the whole thing without the ability to just quit. He has to do it all, then do his 10 days in the jug.


Maybe brand him “Phony Vet” across his forehead, and let him go through life with that decoration.