VoteVets doesn’t recognize irony

| April 1, 2010

I’ve been trying so hard to avoid VoteVets the last few weeks, but the irony of their recent “issues” have been driving me nuts. Last week, dicksmith was calling the VFW a partisan Republican organization. This from the affiliate that thinks that spending a million bucks on an ad for the President’s Energy bill is a military issue. The same folks who say they support veteran candidates yet supported Obama over John McCain.

Well, their recent manufactured outrage is against Sean Hannity and his Freedom Concerts. Jon Soltz, the guy who spent three months in Kuwait then spends the next seven years speaking out for Iraq veterans (well, except the ones who disagree with his political views) is suddenly outraged because Hannity’s concerts cost money to present to audiences and they recover those costs from ticket sales;

Sorry, but the only people talking about this issue are Leftists, hence the Salon link;

At the heart of the CREW complaints — and the questions raised about the Freedom Alliance by Schlussel — is how much of the total that Hannity and North promised to devote to scholarships for the children of wounded and deceased veterans was spent on that worthy purpose. The data compiled by CREW’s researchers from Freedom Alliance’s own IRS 990 forms show that in every year since 2003, when the concert tours began, the organization has spent more on postage and printing combined (and on salaries) than on “grants” — and far more on “expenses.”

In 2007, for example, the charity collected nearly $12.5 million in revenue — of which $1 million was spent on “fundraising,” $200,000 on consulting, $1.4 million on postage, $1.1 million on printing, and $500,000 on “conferences.” Another $1.4 million went to salaries. But that year, the Freedom Alliance reported making grants of only $895,347, while retaining “net assets” of over $19 million.

Like i said, earlier, Soltz and VoteVets spends the money it raises promoting partisan issues and attempting to sabotage Republican candidates while they hire phony vets like Richard Strandloff to campaign for Democrat candidates and use the money they raise to promote issues that have nothing to with veterans. The candidates they support are all Democrat and apparently fir the Eric Massa mold of the ideal candidate.

And, oh, they’re more worried about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell than they are about whether our troops are getting the support they need from the VA and the Pentagon.

And yet they have the unmitigated gall to call others “partisan” and criticize the way others spend their money.

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Couple of interesting point regarding this whole manufactured outrage; the assertion from that skank Schlussel that the charity hasn’t spent sufficient money to put the children of fallen soldiers through college…yeah, see most of those kids aren’t even old enough to have graduated high school yet. According to documentation, the money is being held in trusts for these kids once they’re old enough to claim it. Until then, it’s still under the auspices of the Freedom Alliance. Another point; all of the operating costs listed under the complaint are consistent (and in some cases better) than comparable charities of similar size. Additionally, there’s not a single shred of documentation supporting any of Debbie Shithead’s assertions that Hannity is demanding the organization pay for his transportation. I’m not sure what this chick’s problem is, but I’m guessing it’s difficult to spell and there’s a medication for it somewhere.

Old Tanker

If Hannity does get reimbursed for travel that’s all he’s getting. The “salaries” are for the stagehands and staff that have to do all the hard work like scheduling, logistics, and pulling the show off as well as the venues they’re held in… everybody suposed to work for free? I believe the entertainers do but everyone else? Give me a break. There is of course the small little detail Claymore pointed out that most of the kids this is for aren’t old enough to be in college yet. So exactly how much money has VoteVets or the talking cumsponge put up to put veterans kids through school?


I’m no fan of Hannity, but this thing is beyond stupid. The only thing I can imagine is that Debbie can’t get enough attention with her Muslim bashing routine and there’s already one Ann Coulter, so she’s decided to cannibalize the movement she claims to be a part of. I’m going to go ahead and guess that she’s only a couple of “epiphanies” away from being a regular columnist on the Huffington Post.

PowerPoint Ranger

Each one of the claims that Schlussel made about this deal were debunked over at FrumForum. Here’s the link, which is about the only useful thing ever remotely associated with David Frum:


So we have a corporation giving 10% of their profits to charity.

Thats a pretty large number as far as I’m concerned. I mean, my industry, after we pay all our bills, turned a profit of 1%.

1% after paying all our employees, share holders, bills, leases, capital expense, etc. 1% on almost 2 billion in sales.

For this organization to turn a profit of 10% that they then donate entirely to people waiting to go to school is Impressive. All these 2 have done is strengthen the cry to support these tours.

Old Tanker

Woody, is my math off….way over 50% is going into a trust (interest bearing trust I might add)


I meant the payoffs in the one year. I did go read the link to the fact checking and saw how much more money was going the right places…

Old Tanker

I was looking at the payout to trust due to what Claymore pointed out, most of the eligible kids aren’t college aged yet, the payout to recipient ought to really start climbing in the next 5 to 10 years…..

SSG Dirty Al

Thanks for posting this article. For the past week Dr Savage has been bashing Hannidy over this issue. You and the commentors have cleared this up for me . Thanks a million.


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