Message vs. Messenger
Someone sent me a link to a discussion at the Democratic Underground started because some guy’s daughter called him a tool. But the real story starts when this guy who calls himself David West interjects himself into the conversation.
West claims he’s a Ranger, that he was in the service for two years. Then he strokes all of the DUers with his tales of blood-thirsty rangers who can’t stop themselves from killing, and advocates for a part-time military instead of a standing army.
And the DUers eat it up with a spoon.
Well, there is a David West on AKO who is assigned to the 3/75th Rangers. His address is in Oregon, but last I checked, 3/75th is in Georgia – that’s quite a commute, isn’t it? He’s a 13Fox – Indirect Fire Support Coordinator – an E-1. If he spent 2 years in the Ranger Battalions, his must’ve had a very unproductive career.
But, is that the kind of people a serious intellectual seeking answers about the military should embrace as source? Am I the only one who has noticed that many of these soldiers and Marines who speak out have some sort of malfeasance in their recent past before they turn to the Left?
Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers
You can usually tell when someone’s lying about this kind of thing. Whenever their story fits the left-wing idea of what the military is, how it functions, it’s usually not true.
Something like “Yeah, so I joined the Army when I was seventeen because I didn’t have a high school diploma and I couldn’t eat. Also, I needed health care. Basic training was a cinch cause I was a tough street kid, but the drill sergeants sure were racist! Then I got out and skated through Ranger school, jump school, and SF school. I was a superstar because I was such a great soldier. And to think–I was quietly GAY! Everyone in my unit knew, of course, and none of them cared because everyone in the military is cool with gays. It’s just Republican congressmen that aren’t. So then 9/11 happened (I was at the Pentagon) and it was off to Afghanistan where I did three tours before my eight in Iraq. I got my CIB fifteenth award! We shot a lot of women and children…just cause their Muslims you know. And we don’t like Muslims. It was during my ninth tour when I got called to be a personal body guard for a SIX STAR GENERAL! But that’s top secret, so don’t bother lookin’ cause you’ll find no record of it. Needless to say, I came out of the closet to him as well, and he was totally cool with it. He just wanted to keep good soldiers in the military.
I’m throwing the bullshit flage on this one. No soldiers I knew had this attitude. Not a one.
“This is maybe a bit unfair a claim to make as most of my time in the military has been spent around Rangers, who are typically more bloodthirsty than the regular Army, but very few soldiers actually care about what they are doing, they just blindly follow orders and want to kill people. They have no respect whatsoever for the people they are ostensibly “protecting,” be they Iraqis, Afghanis, or even just American Civilians. Alot of military personnel have this weird hatred for civilians that I can’t quite explain and I could certainly never justify. They also have zero respect for women because, in the words of my squad leader, “what else are women for but to lust after?””
Bullshit flag, numba 2. Are you freaking kidding me? After the week I have had, it would give me great pleasure to out a buudy fucker, extraordinare. Go, Jonn, go.
No shit….there I wuz with Agent Orange and Col. Wat Da Phuk….
Sounds like a future IVAW member. Joined in 2008, now wants to be a conscientious objecter and get out. What a tool.
I’m not a Ranger, but I saw some in a movie. “Irregardless” as they say, I’m quite certain he would have died about 15 seconds after telling his fellow Rangers he would not call for indirect to save them. Its certainly not “Rangeriffic”!
Did someone let Ballduster McSoulpatch back on DU?
“But, is that the kind of people a serious intellectual seeking answers about the military should embrace as source?”
LMAO!!! I hope you aren’t asking that of any of the DU types, because “serious intellectual seeking answers” isn’t part of the DU lexicon in any way, shape, or form. They think they are, due to being anti-war, anti-conservative, anti-common sense, etc., but fall far short of the mark.
I bet he moves to Boston and takes over for another turd we all know! These guys drive me nuts.
There is a good chance this turd was at Benning, and prob’ly interacted with the men from 3rd Battalion. If they met this limp-wristed ****sucker around the AO they prob’ly did treat him like shit.
Oddly, that’s what he is. Anyone do a tab check on this ‘person’ yet?
I found him on AKO as well; as the account info and the rank are automatically updated while the address can be manually changed, I’d say his account still has his home of record listed and that he is (or recently was) in 3/75 RGR. As he is listed as an E-1 he is either lying about his time in service or he was recently busted. Then again, he said he enlisted “almost two years ago” and deployed for four months last summer. Reading into this a little, it is possible he is counting his DEP time and got through RIP just in time to catch the tail end of a deployment (speculation on my part, but I’m pretty certain most Ranger Regiment tours are around 6 months, though some may be shorter or longer). Even if he did DEP-in in, say, mid-2008 and completed training in early 2009 it wouldn’t explain the rank. Sounds like another disgruntled private that screwed up and blames his unit.
“Its certainly not “Rangeriffic”!”
I wonder if this guy has fought tigers underwater?
Hit those tigers so damn hard they became “developmentally disadvantaged”.
Seriously, I’ve heard the Regiment has instituted a program (I think it is called RAS)to weed out the week post AIT. I’m assuming this is different than RIP which I thought was pre Ranger school. Not a Ranger, just a curious old cav scout.
He needs to order a Waah-burger with a side-order of French-cries.