Travis Bishop’s uninformed BS

| March 26, 2010

Travis Bishop, the IVAW member who was sentenced to a year in prison after going AWOL before he signed his conscientious objector paperwork last year, has been released after serving nine months. Of course, he credits the campaign by Amnesty International, Courage to Resist and countless other misinformed malcontents for his early release at TruthOut.

In February, Bishop was granted a three-month reduction in his sentence by General Cone as a result of a successful clemency application.

In a letter to Truthout from prison, Bishop wrote this of his being granted clemency:

“Three months clemency. Wow. I am truly astonished. Great for me? Sure. Great for future resisters? Even more so. I cannot believe that I told the Army “No,” refused to deploy, pleaded not guilty, and then indicted the entire system and blamed my command in court, and still merited clemency.”

That’s funny that he thinks he got clemency. When Robin Long got his 15 months sentence reduced to twelve months, James Branum explained to us;

In the military system, you get 5 days of good-time credit for every 30 days served in jail, which is why Robin got out in 12 months.

So, really, Bishop didn’t get any real clemency reduction in his sentence, he just just got time off for good behavior. And everyone around him who he thinks is his friend that helped him get this nonexistent clemency is lying to him and taking credit for Bishop’s own good behavior while incarcerated.

This guy has been played like a cheap fiddle by the anti-war movement and apparently he’s going to continue getting screwed – any sympathy I might have had for him and his situation has long ago dissipated.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Victor Agosto

Wrong again, Jonn. Wrong again. He received a 3 month reduction in sentence, which means that his sentence would have ended in May. His good behavior was applied to the new sentence.


Looks like Branum is going to be belching at the local coward hangout on Sunday.

Casey J Porter

Well, at least this time Victor posted with his name. lol


You have to admit hanging out in a coffe house gives them cover. “We aren’t shaking and pissing ourselves because we are cowards it’s the caffeine”.


snipe–Obviously they haven’t built up much of a tolerance then. I’ve still got my “midwatch bladder” from back in the day. Guys are amazed at how much beer I can drink before I have to break seal.

And Victor? Good luck with that McDonald’s career, bud. Nothing like a BCD to say how fucked your life is from here on out.


Actually NH he can’t even work at McD’s, since they have fed contracts to provide service on military bases (I think)

USMC Steve

You know, I have often wondered usually after watching some lamebrained libtard or related type of slacker’s antics, if any mathematicians are liberals? The reason for this is that math is very logical, right or wrong stuff. I doubt a slobberin liberal would be able to count, let alone do trigonometry or some of that hard stuff and get it right.

Facts and rational logic are such pains in the ass, eh, libtards?

Travis Bishop

Ok, so here’s the deal: You don’t deserve a response from me. You are absolutely not worth a second of my time, and neither are any of you other uninformed naysayers commenting on this site like it actually means something. Honestly, I could give a damn what you say about me. I made my decision, and I’m happy to live with it, and I don’t have to talk people down to lead a fulfilling life.

But don’t you fucking dare insult my friends.

Because of the support from Amnesty International, Veterans For Peace, Christians For Peace, Disposable Warriors, and other organizations, not to mention the countless everyday supporters, my ONE YEAR sentence was reduced to NINE MONTHS, which landed me out in SEVEN MONTHS with good behavior. I have the three month clemency reduction in my possession right now. It is signed by the Commanding General of Fort Hood.

No one in the Anti-War movement has played me like a cheap anything. My decisions were mine, and mine alone. How ridiculously idiotic do you think I would have to be to allow myself to be talked into serving a year in prison? Wow. That amazes me.

These ‘misinformed malcontents,’ as you so loosely called them, are my friends. And one day, when you let go of all this hate you’re harboring, and unplug yourself from the computer you’re HIDING BEHIND, maybe you’ll go out some day and find some of these things called FRIENDS, which have been so ELUSIVE to you for all these years. I’ll pray for you.

Leave…us…alone. All of us. How dare you insult my intelligence. How dare you insult my friends. Keep your half-truths and uninformed declarations to yourself next time you have a thought. This glorified editorial of yours is shameful. Even WANNABE reporters are required to get their facts straight BEFORE they publish

Jonn Lil-what? Oh…wait…it doesn’t matter.

Travis Bishop

P.S. – I can spell the hard words phonetically next time if it would help you.


About Travis Dipshit’s efforts at defending his gutless acts, traitorous lies and punk-ass whining….. all I can say is, what a f^^king moron, a loser among losers. It is only a shame HE wasn’t at Ft. Hood for his brother-in-blood, to serve as a martyr.
Cowardly pukes and sissy-boys all. Their Mommas must be so proud.


Okay, Travis, so if we don’t **deserve** a response, why feel the need to provide one?

You’re a gutless turd, you went to jail, you’ll be a ditch-digging fucktard for the rest of your life. What else is there to explain?

Pineywoods NCO

Hmmm…seeing this for the first time makes my blood boil…and I am sure if some other members of Travis’ last unit saw what he wrote here (#9).

I know this should be a dead thread, but reading (mainly because my cats will not let me sleep this morning), but you know what, I said my peace a while in a very private letter to some people who used to be in Travis’ (and for the record, my) chain of command.

Travis, I been quiet about you for a very long time. I remember you very well. I remember you cried and whined that you didn’t like doing your job. So we put in you in another position. And you whined there too. So we moved you again, you made NCO and then you pulled your dumb shit. So I am going to be polite here when I direct this comment to you and to our former fellow soldier, Victor…

Both of you, SHUT THE HELL UP. You are a pair of whiny, lying, worthless scum-sucking crap weasels. Actually, that is a compliment to both of you.

Travis, I remember the day being in Iraq and reading the hostile anger coming from someone you and I both once called our first-line supervisor. I remember the anger in that person was white-hot, I never seen them like that. I never care to again. Their life has gone onward, mine has too. We did our country proud. You failed, Travis. Victor failed too.

You and Victor disgrace me, still four years later after your cowardice. Disgrace many of us. I remember the anger, the hostility felt in our former unit when I came home three months later.

Don’t bother me with anything resembling a reply, you’re not worth my time to read it.